Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 9: Kahn Village

The latest website: The monster with a transparent human face floating on the village, with a painful and distorted expression, screaming like hysteria all the time.

"Be careful! Those are Twisted Undead. Purely physical attacks are invalid, and the shells that trigger the detonation will pass through! They will emit sound waves that scare the listener. We are strong enough to resist, but be careful of the mounts under you!" An adventurer with a priest profession shouted.

At this moment, the momentum of the cry changed, and a chill reminiscent of goosebumps surged.

Although everyone resisted the sound, the horse was frightened and refused to move forward. It raised its forelegs high and neighed. If there hadn't been a warning in advance, they might not even be able to hold the reins, and the frightened horse fell down.

Under Gazef's order, everyone got off their horses and raised their weapons. The Holy Cavalry chariot raised its gun barrel high and shot a silver-white beam of light at the twisted undead, knocking it down to the ground.

"Use martial arts and magic attacks! 【Flowing Water Acceleration】! 【Six Lights Slash】! Hmph!"

"Look at the move! [Important Fortress]!"

"[Divine Protection]!"

"【Lightning [lightning]】!"

Not giving the Twisted Undead a chance to regroup, Gazef and the adventurers immediately used their skills to attack...

After fifteen minutes of fierce fighting, they defeated the twisted undead and entered the village. After continuing to eliminate the villagers who had wandered back as undead, they found a few surviving villagers.

"Captain, the chariot can't hold any more people. If you continue to force it on the roof, maintaining the current marching speed will bring them danger!" A cavalryman reported before Gazef on horseback.

"Is that so? Let's divide up into two teams and **** the villagers to E-Rantel for refuge. But remember to stay hidden and wait to repel today's invading enemies." Gazef said.

"Warrior Commander, if we divide our forces at a time like this..."

"We are dispatched to save the surviving people. If we do nothing, wouldn't we be putting the cart before the horse?"

"As for the escort, you can leave it to me." At this moment, an angel holding a shield and a spear descended from the sky.

While everyone was guarding, Gazef turned to it without changing his face, stared at it and asked, "Excuse me, who is your Excellency?" According to his common sense, this kind of angel that seems to summon monsters should not have a mechanism of self-determination, so the question is about the The caller of the operation.

"My creator is the ruler of E-Rantel and its affiliated areas. Although there are some things that cannot be avoided at present, and because the enemy's intelligence is unknown, I cannot show you all the support sent, but I will share a part of it. People's Guardians can do it."

"Could it be—" Originally, Gazef wanted to report the name of "Ainz Ooal Gown" who became famous here a hundred years ago, but he thought of the angel's warning, and said instead, "That's really a timely help. To express my sincere gratitude to your master is very grateful."

"No, there are about ten transparent beings approaching, this breath...may be undead!" The adventurer shouted again.

"It's okay, they are subordinates here. Let the villagers get out of the car and walk, and they will protect the villagers," said the angel.

After clearing out the people on the chariot, Gazef led his team to continue advancing along the stone road, and the only remaining target was Karn Village.

For a moment, they saw smoke and dust on the hillside in the distance.

"Moknak, can you release the light?" Gazef asked Moknak.

"Hmm... If it's a whole team of undead or demons, then the darkness is more beneficial to them. Then—" Moknak ordered the magic casters of his team to release range lighting magic.

The light **** generated by several rounds of 【Eternal Light [uallight]】 were thrown into the air.

It's just the first-level magic, although it's not much brighter than the moonlight, it's enough to let them see the real body of the thing raising smoke and dust. It's not that there is no magic with higher brightness, but I don't know what the battle will be like, so I must save magic power.

"All the army, raise your cannons and aim at the enemy's rear, fire in salvo, and follow me to attack!" Gazef immediately ordered.

Because, it was not only a group of zombies mixed with humans and beasts, but a girl who looked like an ordinary village girl ran in the front.

She is being chased, and it is simply impossible for ordinary humans to outrun beast zombies, that is—this is playing with the living! Among the undead were bad-tempered commanders, or this was a trap to lure them to attack.

Even so, innocent people cannot be left alone.

And as responsible for the lives of his subordinates, Gazef took the lead and rushed to the forefront.

In the group of enemies, a big man with a hideous face, who was slightly taller than Gazef on his horse, let out a hoarse but joyful cry, and stopped. It was a guy wearing a seemingly tattered but extremely strong black armor...or maybe it was a guy with hardened skin, a face like a skeleton, and two knives.


"Does anyone know what kind of undead that is!"

"Be careful! That's the once-in-a-hundred-year-old fearsome undead in the Kaz Plain—the death warrior! It's not just a dual-knife warrior, it's very good at throwing knives!"

As soon as Moknak finished speaking, the death warrior raised one of the knives in his hand as if responding to his words, and assumed a throwing posture!

It seemed to aim at the village girl, but the moment it was thrown, the knife flew past her in an arc and went straight to Gazef... the soldier behind him!

"Hun Dan, is that guy enjoying playing with us? Just right!"

That is not a power that his subordinates can deal with. Adventurers may be able to deal with it, but the distance is too far. If Gazef, who is the closest to the trajectory of the throwing knife, forces his horse to move away at this time, and then resists with his sword, he will even use defense in a hurry. Martial arts can't live in peace. So, Gazef aimed his hand cannon at the huge swirling long knife: "Martial arts—"

There are not many shells, only a few per person, and the previous battles have also consumed some, but it is even more stupid to belittle the lives of subordinates.

But just when he was about to use martial arts to enhance the initial velocity of the shells, the angel rushed out immediately, and easily bounced the throwing knife away with his shield. With a flash of light wings behind him, he rushed towards the enemy group, aiming at the death warrior and thrusting forward. Lie Yan's The death warrior didn't make any extra moves, and immediately pulled out another knife from nowhere, regained the dual-wielding state, and raised the knife to block.

Then he was completely burned by Lie Yanlian and the knife.

The undead behind the village girl also began to fall down in pieces as quickly as if they were being swept away.

The adventurers and warriors exclaimed.

"too strong!"

"That angel...maybe equal to the demon **** that appeared two hundred years ago, maybe even better than that."

"Mr. Pelotti, do the priests in your team know that angels have that kind of power?"

"If Mr. Moknak doesn't know, we can't do anything about it. Maybe Jiaoguonen summoned an angel of this size."

(to be continued)