Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 90: Battle of the Throne

Pandora Zackett knew that it was impossible for Albedo, who had taken off her equipment, to survive being ultally output by forty supreme artifacts at once.

He admired his father to the extreme. Even if he had no relevant memory, he didn't think that this kind of mechanism could be made by other supreme beings, because the premise of being able to use the artifacts of other supreme beings to make traps was that those supreme beings had all left.

In Pandora Zackett’s view, these undead incarnations carrying supreme artifacts are like monuments to departed supremes. Apart from the forty “monuments” on both sides of the passageway of the spiritual temple, there are actually An incarnation of Kong without a magic weapon may have been prepared by his father for himself, and he could never accept that the last incarnation could also become a "monument".

He came to the spiritual temple for nothing else. He had two purposes—the first was to confirm whether Nazarick as a whole was hostile to the Supreme Being; The strict plan explained in advance will inflict some damage on the guardian and enter the treasure house to remove all the necessary things.

This time, he made sufficient preparations. Ainz also learned a storage skill called [Empty], which is better than the infinite backpack. As long as Pandora Zackett turns into Ainz and uses this skill, it will be enough. Empty the things that Ainz needed for roll call.

Of course, what he has learned is not only [Empty Narration], but also the ultimate ability that can be used in several incomplete versions. It is also possible to transform magic. The broken hourglass is a fake, and to get rid of Lubeido, he had to cut off his own arm is also a fake—in order to give the betrayer a wrong message that "Supreme Supreme's strength remains unchanged from the past".

"Oh my, the glory of Nazarick and my colleagues... How could these things be more important than my interests and my father?"

While talking to himself in an exaggerated tune like humming, he started the show operation.

It's a pity that the "mountains of rubbish" that are worth billions of gold coins and have nothing to do but be used as money can only be "given" to these traitors of Nazarick.


Throne Hall—

"Hahahahahaha, it's super-pleasant!" Alice No. 7 laughed, aiming the Gatling Cannon in her hand at the root earth element and spraying flames wildly.

The root earth element has no ability to fight back at all, and its body is continuously swallowed and shattered by a large number of cascading explosions, then regenerated, and then continues to be smashed into pieces by the explosions.

If it is an ordinary gun, it must not be able to achieve this effect. Leaving aside the impact of the level on the strike power of the equipment, even if the levels of the two sides are very close, most elemental creatures like this have a considerable degree of physical resistance and projectile resistance. It's hard to do damage that can't be ignored.

Even the original version of Sunflower's [Interactive Detonation Talisman] won't work.

But here, every round of ammunition is sealed with the eighth-level magic [Burst[]]. Although the level is not satisfactory in the hundred-level battle, it seems to be just a very simple explosion, but because it retains the nature of high-level magic and at the same time With the characteristics of non-attribute and coordinate attack, it can guarantee a certain amount of damage to any type of opponent as long as it hits.

Ainz also likes to use [Burst[]] in his automatic counterattack when he is detected. He once wounded Paqi and sank Crompis's ghost warship.

This magic is already quite high-level, and it needs to be stored in large quantities for a long time. It is impossible to use materials that can be easily obtained in large quantities to make ammunition, not even ordinary dragon skins and magic crystals refined by humans.

So these are Alice and Midori in the 300-bit sequence, and other high-ranking elves who live in Titania and have no combat readiness duty. Whenever they have time, they send materials from themselves to make. Because most of you basically have at least a certain occupation of forest priests and can exercise magic related to natural forces, so we further increase the spell enhancement to [Magic Xianshu Maximize Burst [maximizeimmic]], which can be used as a weapon prop with the simplest Ways to avoid absorbing spiritual pollution caused by absorbing natural energy in the past.

We all know that a certain friend of Crohnpiss in another world lightly solved various problems caused by the use of natural energy here, but that method obviously cannot be popularized and can only be used by a few deviant people. There is no reason not to use it on a large scale if there are easy-to-understand "shortcuts".

Soon, the root earth element could no longer be repaired, completely shattered and dissipated.

"Come on, come on, next one!" She raised her head and shouted at the four-color chandelier that was about to lose its light.

Then, the yellow chandelier completely dimmed, and another root earth element appeared.

"It seems that I brought more ammunition." Alice No. 7 continued to fire, and quickly shattered the root earth element.

"Next, let's see who needs help more~~" Alice No. 7 began to look left and right at other battlefields.

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It seems that all the organs are operating normally, and other aspects are at a stalemate. Although it can effectively reduce the number of enemies, if it is completely exhausted before the enemy is completely wiped out, it will be a failure.

It's not that he didn't consider directly destroying the mechanism itself to stop all enemies from operating, it's better to say that's the priority, but so far all attacks, no matter whether they hit the chandelier or the statue base outside, can't do any damage.

There is basically no problem with Alfin, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com She directly used [Amaterasu] on the summoning point, so that the black flames have been roasting there, and the root fire elements and root wind elements that are re-summoned every time will be directly bathed in the black flames. It is also an excellent combustion accelerant for Black Flame. It does not need to consume a lot of energy or experience points to maintain child skills, so that even if it is one against two, it can always gain an advantage at a very small cost.

Wenkavoz also aimed at the weakness of the root water element, and used [Xu Zuo Nenghu] to bless the hair accessories to write sharing eye children's art [靁避·武雨雷], a thunder-attribute spell to deal with the enemy.

"Looks like it's okay this way. Go look in the back. But—"

Alice No. 7 looked back at the door, the direction of the team battle was suppressed, and Anna was fighting alone against Agares and Gomery who were separated from the team battle battlefield, and it was very difficult.

The rays shot by the eyes have no effect on this kind of opponents. They obviously can't see that these things have their own will, but they slipped away after completing the tactical coordination.

The scythe hit Gomery, who was the striker, and sparks appeared; Agares was obviously not a race with high magic correction, but Agares kept shooting enchanted stone bullets with magical effects.

(to be continued)