Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v2 Chapter 12: It's not so easy

"Wait, it's okay. I want to test it." Facing the panicked dwarf, Kraunpisi re-stretched the turret, grabbed the sceptre once seized from the Dark Holy Scriptures, and activated the magic that had been injected into it. ——

   "[Expansion of Magic Effect Range·Fire Rain [WidenMagic·FireRain]】!"

   Luna’s short rod for operating the chariot operation was already in the other hand of Kraunpith, and she was the fastest in operating the chariot.

   The small fireball with ultra-high density, when the chariot is intentionally moved to further expand its range, sweeps toward the white wave like a wave. The white mist of the mountains in this area is just not poetic at all.

   For the sake of magic, the high fever came and went fast, and it did not cause any snow melting effects on the snow-capped mountains.

   But, this level is not enough to let the rock burn out, the red rock is out of the avalanche zone, and continues downward!

   "Beep!" The "main gun of the tank" that was stepped on by Kraun Pith's foot was once again infused with magic power, firing thunderballs at three-second intervals!

   "Boom boom boom!" The rock was also emptied.

"The reduction of magic power into the'main gun' does reduce the power of thunder and lightning. If the flame is removed, even if the range is removed, the power is much stronger than the flame of the star. Sure enough, if I can release the attack magic, it will be very strong. , Isn't that high-level super strong, ah ah ah, what a pity." Crown Pith scratched his head angrily.

   "Xiao Kuai, you got me electrocuted again." Luna complained.

   "Ah, I'm sorry, but I'm fine this time. It seems that I don't touch the metal inner wall of the tank at the moment when the gun is fired. Return this to you." Kraun Pith threw the stick that operated the tank operation back to Luna.

  At this time, the dragon appeared in the sky!

"Dragon, it's the Frost Dragon!" The dwarf was shocked. Even though it was dazzling just now, the dragon is very huge. It must be a grown-up dragon. The magic level they inject is at most the third level. They deal with grown-up dragons. Will be ravaged on one side!

   The dragon roared and came down!

   "Ah, you are not..." Crown Pith touched the tip of his chin and tilted his head. The Frost Dragon I saw last time, but forgot to ask for his name.

The visitor was Kilis Dolan Deng Xiuya, a dragon who was aspiring to learn magic. Although she was driven by Sunny and Star, she did not have time to rest. She was still sleeping, and suddenly the mountain next door was thundered. The ball was blasted, it was just a thunder ball, and it would not make Gilis Dolan think that the opponent is better than himself.

   "Little bastard! Dare to disturb the old lady to sleep! Are you ready to be food!" She just yelled, being bullied by the goblins for a long time, and finally found the dwarves.

   Luna subconsciously controlled the rotation of the turret and aimed at Gilis Doran.

   "Huh?" Crown Pess glanced at Gilis Dolan with the look of an idiot. Did she not recognize herself? By the way, I am now wearing a camouflage mask and anti-detection ring as a seal beast.

  Crown Pisce pulls off the anti-detection ring.

   "Ahhhhh!!!" Then Gilis Dolan lay down, "Big, sir, please atonement, please atonement!"

  Crownpis watched the dwarf who had been silly for a while, and the human race of the secret road didn't feel the so-called aura of its own as expected? Then he looked at the Frost Dragon and made a drive away gesture.

  Gilis Dolan, as if receiving an amnesty, shook his head again, and fled away like flying. No, just flew away.

   But this is not the case in the eyes of the dwarves. They see it like this-as soon as the tank's muzzle was aimed at the Frost Dragon, it scared the Frost Dragon to pee.

   "Hey, don't be crooked in your heart. It was me who drove him away, not the chariot." Crown Pith said embarrassedly, this misunderstanding must be clarified.

"Also, there are many hidden dangers of tank problems. In addition to weapon problems, the stability and inertia of tanks are also very problematic... Obviously it is good when only the chassis is used. It is the problem caused by the tank filled with pig iron and wood reinforced armor. Go back and continue researching."

   There is no need to test the strength. Monsters with a difficulty level of 50 or higher can still damage the tank. If it is a difficulty level of 100, the tank can be dismantled.

   "By the way, how much does this car cost? Don't count the waste of failure among you." On the way back, Crown Pith asked the dwarf.

   "It doesn't count...this, probably more than ten thousand gold coins." Barus said with a grin.

   "Ah, it's a shame that I can say such a sum without changing the face." Luna said lightly, she still knows prices. After all, a single gold coin can live for a long time for ordinary people, even if the money consumed by the dwarves is included.

"Compared with the priceless treasures'gifted' by the ladies, this is not even a fraction. That excellent performance is something that a million gold coins can't be extravagant for. There are also unknown technologies. Considering the added value, I am afraid that it is more than this price. ."

   It seems that it is really an artifact, but no one in Kraunpith's group can equip it and it is meaningless.

"However, this tank does still have a problem. I will go back and summarize it. I will send it back tomorrow. By the way, "design" a tank that is most suitable for you to clean up intruders in the tunnel and is cheap~www.mtlnovel. com~ After bidding farewell to the dwarf, Crown Pith took out a small notebook and recorded it, using the words of this world for the time being.

   "Why does Xiao Ku care about this toy so much?" Luna didn't seem very happy.

"For the time being, I have an advantage over me in terms of speed and attack. Maybe I can make a tank that emits high-level magic magic. It will not do any harm to increase my strength." Kraun Pice couldn't tell. Part of the reason for myself is that I think it’s fun. There are some of these things in my past life. It seems that the owner of the fish likes the game of World War II.

Of course, it’s not a complete lie. Klauen Pith knew that he was attacking weaknesses, so he was a bit whimsical to see if he could get an army for himself. As for the strength of the army—see if it could be produced by a hybrid tree fairy and a dead tree. The undead is such a rudimentary idea.

   "Does Luna hate it?"

   "No, it's not a nuisance." Luna scratched her face. "It's better to say that this kind of artifact produced by human civilization is quite interesting in my eyes. But it's the level of a toy, for now."

   "Really, just like it." What Crown Pith is most afraid of is when his children say the word "I don't like".

Interest has an important influence on motivation. Although it is convenient to modify the memory, Luna can be regarded as a "living hand" created indirectly based on the game characters that she is interested in in her memory, just like her own children, forcing them The feeling of doing things is not very good.

   "Speaking of which, Xiaoyue can do a lot of things at the same time, just now. I can't do so many operations at the same time, so I think it's just a toy." Luna said.

(to be continued)