Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v2 Chapter 13: A joke that determines the fate of a rac

"Huh? That huh?" After hearing Luna's question, Crown Pith smiled, and said generally, "Maybe my main body can make different attacks on six intruders at the same time, right and main body. As a fit, it’s easy for me to do different things with my hands and feet without any influence. Unfortunately, I’m just good at distraction. I don’t have a fighter career, and my melee ability is just like that."

"Well, it is true that if Xiao Ye does not show his body, his attack power will be a problem. If he goes to the assassination line..." After hearing what Cronn Pith said, Luna raised her head and thought about it, and stretched out her finger to suggest road-

   "Since Xiaoyue can think multiple times, how about being a puppet master, necromancer or summoner? It is very convenient to operate dolls/grames, undead or summon monsters."

"Come on, I'm over level 80. It's impossible to train a certain profession to the top level. Our monsters are different from the natives, and we will be subject to strange laws." Crowenpies closed her eyes and spread her hands. .

"On the contrary, my career in the production department has improved a bit. Although the auxiliary magic is low but the level is very high, what I need more is the'army' willing to die for me. I think it is like this, so it is like a chariot. A weapon that is cheaper than Graham but has a high output of magic power, and the proliferation of fairies is very important."

   Kraunpisi muttered in a voice that only she and Luna could hear. The above words were basically just thought of, and they had some thoughts before, but they hadn't formed yet.

   "That's right, it's you...but the price of the tank is very difficult to afford. Even if we find the dragon's treasure, the dwarf will not be able to create an army for us."

   "So I also exercise other magic, such as how to make things created by the magic of creating props — things that won't disappear or something." Kraunpisi casually summoned a vine pen.

   "What? Can you do that kind of thing?"

"It's not impossible," Kraunpis took out another Luna's figure, and gestured in the air with the vine pen, "These are all made with materials generated by my magic, it is true that magic has turned out. Most of the things have disappeared, but some have not disappeared, because these things are the changes caused by the original plants that were also affected by magic. It is the same as the observation record on the dead tree-the undead summoned out of thin air to pass some Time will disappear, the undead created by the corpse will not disappear, the plants and wood summoned out of thin air will disappear regularly, and the plants that can be used by magic to become part of the magic will not disappear."

   "Ah, these, but once the magic power disappears, the strength will return to the original, right?"

   "That's right, but as long as you find the right ingredients, you can use magic to replace almost all the processes. When it comes to the right ingredients..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Crown Pith's face suddenly turned blue. She covered her mouth and turned her face to the side, making a retching sound.

   "Why, what's the matter?" Luna quickly wanted to come and help Crow Enpis.

"Suddenly there was an inspiration in my heart that even scared me. It seems to be very effective, but I don’t have the courage to practice it. In short, let’s use traditional methods to obtain materials. The dragon is definitely good, but it’s too rare. Is there any magical specialization or physics? Are you specializing in other guys with high reproductive rates? See if you can get some to stock in the Top Forest..."

   "Then use [Message] to notify other fairies to pay attention. Compared with this, I want to come out and study tomorrow, okay?" Luna suggested and asked.

   "Well, that's okay, but you have to negotiate by yourself. Although you have been sitting at home and reading, you should have negotiated after so long. But why suddenly?"

   "I heard that the forest king has learned two martial arts, even that big hamster is like that... I don't think it's good for me to always stand still."

   "Really, just so, let's see how the forest king is." When Kraunpis talked to Luna, she was already distracted using [Message].


   Abelion Hills, northwest coast, under the dead tree—

   "Pix, I understand." After confirming that the opposite party had interrupted the communication, the big goblin continued to make the medicine in his hand.

The knowledge is taken from the demihumans of professions such as priests who have fought with them without authorization. Using the spiritual magic that the Dryad is good at, squeezed the contents of the dead person’s heads and “inquired” them. From its own body and surrounding vegetation.

   But the recent exercise has been a bit difficult, because winter is coming and the hills are falling in heavy snow. It's a little difficult to get the material.

In the past six months, the "Apothecary Lv1" of the Great Goblin has been upgraded to "Apothecary Lv2". Other professions have also exercised in the battle, and have improved "Guerilla Lv2". At the same time, they have also managed to practice and obtain "Chef Lv1", with a total level. : 65. There is no way to start with high-level occupations. After all, the higher the level of a single occupation, the harder it is to improve. This is especially true for advanced advanced occupations. UU reading www.

   The big goblin made some kind of potion, put it in a container that was made into a cup by casually hollowing out a part of a branch, and walked towards the "things" that wandered around.

   In fact, there is almost no living thing around the dead tree. They are all wandering dead spirits, and their appearance is basically a twisted and swaying shadow.

  The undead hates the living. Generally speaking, if there is a living within the wandering range of the undead, they will attack without hesitation, let the undead's nauseating life disappear, or turn the other party into his own kind.

But the big goblin doesn’t care about it. These dead spirits are generated by the skills of the dead tree. Although the aura is not very attractive, they are also companions for the time being. Although they are undead who hate the living, they will not attack them. Goblin.

   There are also some obvious human figures among the dead.

Some of them are demihumans, and one of them is Alfin, which is different from the cool green in the past. Now Alfin's skin is dead gray, and his hair is dark purple that seems to be poisonous, dark eyes, and his eyes are dull. , Has not regained consciousness.

   The big goblin put the cup in front of Alfin's mouth, and the other party reacted and looked straight at him, but that was all.

   The big goblin was not polite, pinched Alfin's chin and raised her head, and stubbornly poured the medicine down.

   Then...there is no more. Necromancers generally have no entity, and it is considered progress if the medicine does not leak from below.

   The big goblin exhaled, and wrote down the results and process of this time in his heart, passing through the group of dead souls, and preparing to go out. However, it seems unnecessary—

   "Dajiang, I'm back!" In the distance, Cirno dragged a pile of corpses tied with straw rope with one hand, while beckoning his hands back.

   Qi Luno is more energetic in the ice and snow.

(to be continued)