Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v2 Chapter 14: "Perfect Fairy" goes out

   "Cirno sauce, have you gone to fight with the ‘strong man’ again?" Seeing Ciruno returning from a bath of wind and snow, the big goblin greeted her with enthusiasm.

   "Hmm... there is no strong one, the strongest one, that is, Fabuchan, Evechan, Wenchan are so strong, but if you are a pure warrior, I don't use ice to fight or it is worth challenging."

   "Cilno sauce really likes fighters."

"Of course, I am the latest born at level 60, but I must not be the youngest. Since everyone doesn't want to be a fighter, I will be the strongest fighter among us! I am the strongest! Hey!" Qi Luno waved his arms like this, taking advantage of the situation—

   Throw a group of corpses into the skill range of the dead tree.

   A purple light was emitted from the dead tree, a corpse was scattered into fly ash, leaving a shadow similar to the original corpse, and a dead soul was born.

   The light disappeared, the Necro Tree entered the skill cooling time, and there was still a little time for the next Necro to spawn.

"Oh, General Cirno, in fact, the Fabu-chan, Eve-chan, Wen-chan you mentioned, and the dead tree we care for are much weaker than you, and the strong of the demihumans are likely to have it. Isn't their life?"

   The big goblin has no hatred for Cirno, who likes to be unique and strong, on the contrary, he also has a good impression. It is just a little speechless about Cirno's easy ignorance of the weak or weak in himself and his opponent.

   "Huh? Really, ah..." Cirno tilted her head.

   As expected... if the big goblin feels alone with Cirno, he might become a bit motherly.

But there is no way. If the opponent is too weak, just the [Frost Aura] that Cirno likes to use to slow down the opponent in battle can turn the opponent into a frozen animal-such as a thing like a frog- Frozen into ice tufts, it can turn into frozen meat at worst.

Those who can stay awake in the [Frost Aura] range must be at least level 18, or possess a skill that reduces or neutralizes freezing damage, but most demihumans do not seem to have this level or this type of skill. , I really don't know what mentality they dare to attack them.

   Thinking of this, the big goblin felt very speechless. However, now there is a new task, I just did a drug test, and Cirno has just returned, so let's take advantage of it now.

   "Cilno sauce, there is no time for you to find warriors everywhere to learn martial arts, Pace said, I hope to find a race that is good at magic and raise it."

   "Really, then, the crusade against the Asians has been decided. Let's go, Dojang!" Qi Luno said cheerfully.

"Wait, even if the demihumans are not very strong, they are violent when they come up. You can always win if you fight, fight, and run. But what Piss asked us to do is not annihilate. It's too tiring to use the resurrection magic." A look of hate that iron cannot be made of steel.

   "I see, that's all half-dead..." As soon as Cirno turned around, she was held down by the big goblin with "#" on her forehead——

   "Cirno sauce, there is only me here that will heal magic. Does Cirno sauce want me to deal with the aftermath?"

   "Dojang, what should I do then?" Cirno tilted her head again.

   "Actually, I want to know too." The big goblin has no experience in this aspect at all, of course, other goblins are the same.


"Through?" The big goblin and Cirno looked towards the dead tree with question marks, only to see a short silver-gray hair wearing a JK sailor suit that resembled an island country (clothing is still taken from [CreateMinorItem]) The fairy came and turned 3600° and jumped from the dead tree to this side-

   Then when he landed, he stepped into the snow. However, the terrain under the floating snow was not good, so he slipped and sat on the ground. The little round top hat on his head slid to the side, revealing a flower that is part of the body.

   "Hahahahaha! Wenjiang is not a warrior, so handsome, hahaha!" The only fairy who laughed was Cirno.

"Wenjiang Wenjiang, I was so happy when I was so affectionate, but I actually can't remember my name? Anyway, my full name is Wincavoz." The fairy patted his butt. , Straighten the hat and stand up.

   Big goblin: "Winkaworth, you start to care about the length of the name too."

   Winkworth: "Yes, I vaguely noticed that most of the world seems to like long names, very cool ones."

   Big goblin: "Really, what am I? A goblin is a race name, and my name is only ‘big’."

   Qi Luno: "Diso, don’t care about that kind of thing, I like Diso’s name best."

   because it is very convenient to call.

  Qilno's words can be ignored for now.

   Big goblin: "Is there a way for Winkawoz to fulfill Pace's wish?"

   Wincavoz took his hand, seemingly proud: "Always staying on the necro tree, you can also talk to the consciousness that it has begun to sprout. It says it has a way—"

   Necromancers have the ability to spread fear. If the opponent is afraid, they should be tamed obediently.

  The tree fairy thought is so simple, or there is no other way at present. Fairies don't have much personality charm that can make Aren directly become submissive.

   "Well, that's a good idea, but who is going to control the necromancer? The necromancer tree hasn't turned the elf yet." the big elf asked.

   "Hmph, leave it to me. I haven't done anything during these hours." Winkaworth patted his chest confidently.

Wenkawozi's level is not high, and it is considered to be a very low ranking among the fairies belonged to Kraunpith, but because of the low level, it is easier to upgrade. She started later than Cirno, and her level upgrade speed. Catching up with Cirno——

   Race level: 25 (power of nature Lv15, tree fairy Lv10); occupation level: 7 (forest priest Lv3, nature pioneer Lv2, guerrilla Lv1, necromancer Lv1)

Basically, many goblins can find a way to obtain "Guerilla Lv1"; and try to communicate with the dead tree all day ask for help in managing the undead, combined with the priestly profession that they already have Obtained "Necromancer Lv1".

However, because most of the levels are racial levels, and the occupation levels are low and scattered, the magic she can use is also low: [Magic Arrow], [Charm], [BindofLiana], [Enhanced low-level] Arm strength [LesserStrength], [Enhance low-level agility [LesserDexterity]], [Enhance low-level attribute defense [LesserEnergy]], [Magic Weapon], [ContinualLight].

  I haven't got the skills of the Necromancer, but just discuss it with the Necromancer.

   "Oh, Wenjiang also has a very unique and powerful ability."

   "Well, I see, but Winkaworth has to be careful."

   Qi Luno and the big goblin said separately that they would not fail to trust their companions, since they said they were really capable.

   Qi Luno didn't care about anything, but the big goblin was worried about the enemy's reaction after discovering the commander. Winkaworth's combat power was stronger than most of the demihumans in this hill, but the problem was that few.

   "It's okay." Cirno drew the dark blue long sword that Crown Pith had given her and pointed in a direction, "Go!"


(to be continued)