Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v2 Chapter 23: Sunny vs. Star, game time

You know, Klauen Pith doesn’t have much equipment for her fairies, so everyone is basically wearing “whiteboard equipment”, although by realistic standards it is considered to be the first-class clothing made of magic, but basically it’s impossible. Use as armor.

  Sanny’s clothes were burned by the third-level magic, and they were torn apart. It was okay for Sanny to be completely hit by the magic that ordinary people would die if they were affected by a little.

   " have to pay for your clothes." Sunny said angrily.

   "It's okay, it doesn't matter, I made Sunny's clothes anyway." Star continued to laugh.

   "You... look at the trick! [HolyRay]!"

   Sunny shot a beam of light towards Star, but Star got strayed and avoided.

"[Perfect Unknowable]!" Sunny went invisible and ran towards Star. Star looked at the footprints that appeared out of nowhere on the ground and continued to fly back, but Sunny was obviously faster than Star .

   "What is Sunny doing? The footprints left on the snow are clearly visible." Crown Pith thought.

   Suddenly, the extension of the footprints stopped abruptly.

   Star was afraid of deceit, the body that was retreating quickly gave a sudden stop, and then——

   "Boom!" One of Star's face was a little sunken for an instant, and the impact force made Star's head abruptly to the side.

   She started to attack and was forced to withdraw from her concealment, but she still stayed in the place where her footprints disappeared just now, with only one shoe missing on one foot.

   "No way, throw your shoes, are you a woman?" Star said loudly.

  The races of these fairies are all tree demons. They belong to the hermaphrodite race. They don't have the secondary **** of male or female. Although they are dressed as girls in the style of Gensokyo fairies, they are really not women.

  Star's spitting was quite ironic.

   However, with a momentary flaw, Sanny has already forced Star to be in front of her!


  Zero distance light beam paste face! Star's agility couldn't be avoided, so the beam directly exploded on Star's face!

   Star was blown back by the beam, but the third-level magic was not enough to make Star feel embarrassed, but it was also uncomfortable enough—

   "Wow! With you, [FireBall]!"

   It is a pity that the flying speed of the fireball is much slower than that of the beam, and the distance is slightly extended. This fireball was avoided by Sunny, and the fireball flew to the snow behind and set off a violent explosion.

   "They only use low-level magic. It seems to be a slapstick, let them have fun." Crown Pissi simply sat down cross-legged on the spot.

   While Sonny retreated, Star flew directly into the air.

  Sanny pulled her legs to chase, but stepped on a "landmine" again, which was covered by the explosion, leaving only a few torn pieces of cloth hanging on her body. Unfortunately, because there are no secondary sexual characteristics of any gender, there is no welfare. It is a completely super-sound picture.

   Sanny bounced at the star in the air: "Damn it, there is a kind to come down to me! [Magic is the most enhanced·Holy Ray [MaximizeMagic·HolyRay]]!"

   A larger and faster light burst into the air than before, and was raised to the highest level. This is not something that the reaction speed of a fairy of the same level can avoid.

   However, it was too fast to teleport.

   Star teleported directly.

   "Hee hee, Sonny, you can consume more mana than me with this kind of mana, so give up, [FireBall]!"

   Star raised a fireball and threw it at Sunny.

   Sunny naturally thought that this attack was boring enough, so she jumped to the side and avoided the explosion range of the fireball, but another magic circle was lit up in the nearby snowy area——

   "Boom!" Sunny was hit by a "landmine" for the third time!

   This time Sunny really didn't step on it. It was Star who actively activated the nearby magic circle, so that the fireball in it took advantage of the fireball that Star just launched to catch her attention and flew out of the paste.

   However, in the explosion of gunpowder, a series of light **** were shot out immediately. Star naturally wanted to avoid it, but these light **** had their own tracking effect, and they blew on Star one after another!

   This is the first-level magic that once made Kraunpisi experience the sensation of needle sticks. It has little effect on Star, but it succeeded in temporarily stiffening it.

   "Sta, you give up! [HolySmite]!"

   "Wow! It hurts, it hurts! With you, [Napalm]!"

   The beams of light that fell one after another and the flames whose compressed area became hotter began to interweave!

   "Ah, did you start using seventh-level magic? After they have fun, if they don't have blue to treat themselves, I will treat them."

   Sunny and Star started a serious contest, and various magics flew around along with their positions.

after awhile--

   "Sanny, something strange is approaching!" Star shouted.

   "Hahaha, who is going to be fooled by you!" Sunny didn't care about chasing Star.

   "Ah, is this the ‘Wolf Here’ effect?" Crown Pith raised her head back and looked into the air behind her.

   Actually, I couldn't see anything, but a loli in black clothes and a red cloak did come down.

   "Let me wait for you, what are you doing here?" Iblu Yai showed his said unhappy.

   "There are still some things, wait until they finish typing." Kraunpisi looked up at the Luo Li who was looking down at her from behind, and said casually.

   "Fuck me!"

"Ah, is it appropriate for you to speak to me in this tone? You are so weaker than me, is it because of teleportation magic? Or even if you die, you can use this to draw out my evil'true face' and feel self-satisfied What?" Kraun Pace laughed.

   "If you can eat me to death, then none of the'Thirteen Heroes' who defeated you will be able to return." Ibiriyayi said lightly.

Unless it is a variety of players who break the balance, plants and fairy monsters generally do not have anti-transport means, and spiritual magic is generally not effective for the undead. If there is no special setting for the increase of krypton gold, even if it is level 100 The magic of the spirit system may not be able to control the level 50 undead. To control the undead, you need necromancer magic.

"It turns out that, although I don’t know that it’s your reason, and I don’t know where I am the'Destroying Dragon King' title, where did you hear it, but from your observation whether I will cause harm to the world, it seems that Iraq Bi Lu Yayi, you are also a surprisingly good person, maybe we can get along well." Kraun Pith lay down on his back, his head fell under Ibi Lu Yayi's crotch, and his body was paralyzed." Big" font.

   Well, the black one worn by Mieguo Lolita.

   Although I don’t feel anything even if I watch it, I can satisfy my curiosity for the time being.

   "What do you mean?" Iblu Yayi took a step back vigilantly, not looking at the vigilance under the skirt, but being almost vigilant when Crown Pith came up.

   This kind of reaction is also taken for granted.

(to be continued)