Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v2 Chapter 26: Elf defeated

   The elves in the bushes and trees, the archer began to take out the arrows from the quiver, the magic caster began to prepare magic, and the warrior also clenched the weapon in his hand.

   To be honest, the situation is terrible. Although the elves have the geographical advantage of the forest, the number of demihumans is overwhelmingly dominant. This will obviously be a tough battle.

   However, generally speaking, there will be no problems at least in the short term, because -

   Trees are equipped with combat power. If a normal army, even an elite army, after entering the forest, facing a multi-directional three-dimensional attack, it will soon fall into a disadvantage.

   No, even if some other demihumans with quite specialized abilities come in, the result is the same.

   However, this time is different.

   The demi people were still tens of meters away from the forest. They stopped and began to change their formations. Some demi people who seemed a little rare in appearance walked out from the rear.

   "That's it?" Many elves looked confused, and naturally became more vigilant.

  The experienced elves were shocked instantly, reminding that it was too late--

   Magic circles and magic flashes one by one, light up in the forefront of the demihuman!

   The earth trembled, this time it really shook like an earthquake! The ground cracked, and the surrounding trees fell one after another. Flames and fireballs flew out of the demihuman formation toward the jungle, igniting the jungle!

  The elves naturally know that the jungle has the weakness of fire, and will also prepare fire defense measures. Living water plants are not so easy to burn.

   However, the number of fallen trees and trees that have been lit is still quite large-the reason is that there are too many magic casters on the other side.

   "Damn it!" Dean shoots a bow and shoots arrows. The arrows, with strong wind and magical brilliance, explode and shoot at a demihuman who releases magic, the fire spirit big ghost, a race that is good at manipulating fire.

   The magical arrow pierced through the demihuman defense in an instant, and hit the right chest of the big ghost.

   "Ho Ho Ho Ho!" The big ghost ate the pain, drew out the **** arrow, and retreated to the back.

Dean gritted his teeth. Although the big ghosts are good at magic, they are still thick and powerful. They can't be seriously injured by the enchanted arrows and even the third-level magic, so that the opponent has a chance to recover. And time.

   This kind of monsters, such as fire elves, earth elves, water element trolls and other monsters that have both strong physical and powerful magical abilities, generally act alone, and it is so terrible to gather now.

   The results of other elves that attacked the enemy were similar, but the elves that hit the demihuman who were cannon fodder were actually killed.

   However, the bombardment of the demi-humans is more intense, not only with magic, but the demi-humans who are good at long-range attacks also start to greet them with stones and a simple spear with a sharpened end. Many elves began to be hurt, and even death began to appear.

   "Back, back!"

   The elf commander shouted, the elf is also good at long-range attacks, but it is not good for the elf to consume it here.

   The enemy cannot be demolished all the way, so you can only sacrifice a part of the territory for the enemy to occupy, and then use the terrain advantage to conduct a war similar to guerrilla.

   In the hinterland of the Elf Kingdom, there are tree monsters who are good at spirit magic. Most of the demi people are not good at dealing with tree monsters. They can use the tree monster's spirit magic to confuse the demi people.

   In this way, the army of demihumans was digested by the vast forest.

   Suddenly, the commander's movements were chaotic, as if he was planning to dodge something, but there were still many holes in his body, and he fell from the tree.

   "Captain!" Dean, who happened to be nearby, was about to rescue him, but was pulled by Olar by his side.

   "It's no help, give up, quickly retreat! The demihuman has already begun to charge!" Olar said.

   "But the captain's injury should be—" Dean didn't want to give up.

   "No, that's—" Olar knew a little more knowledge.

   The blood hole that suddenly appeared was not a remote invisible magic attack, but something else——

   has a hand with a suction cup and a poisonous tongue that can stretch out a long way. Its upper species can even change its skin color, just like an attack by a race called Slavic using [Dissolve()] magic. There should be more than one, and they surrounded the captain.

   Although there is a disguise, it is not completely hidden. Even elves who can't detect magic can be detected in advance based on experience when patrolling. It is better to say that detection magic is unpopular, and elves who have confidence in their own abilities are hardly learned.

   But, in such a chaotic magic bombardment, it is almost impossible to detect such a race.

   However, isn't this race of Slaughter withdrawn? Have you actually joined the demi-human alliance?

   The two elves mingled in the wave of elves that followed the order of the late commander and began to retreat. Just as they were about to disperse and break into pieces——

   Suddenly, four huge thunderballs almost fell from the sky and exploded in all directions among the elves.

Perhaps it was intentional to increase the range of the electric shock, but relatively weakened the power, so that a large number of elves paralyzed by the electric shock did not die, but it was just that they did not On the other hand, the elves outside the range of lightning attack also did not die. Constantly flying, not with any abilities or magic, but with a huge weapon! The weapon also has a certain magic that makes it difficult for the body to move. The elves that are swept to the ground, even the elves that should be able to receive the body in the air, are ugly lying on the ground.

Olar turned his head hard and found that Dean was right beside him. He seemed to be unaware. He was about to shout, but found that his voice could not make a sound. It was not so much as it was, and it was gradually enlarged by a corner of his field of vision. The very courageous existence was too scared to speak out.

  With such a powerful existence, even if there are hundreds of people like him, they cannot be opponents. It is not that there are no elves that can defeat them, but they have not arrived here yet. If the Elf King came, he could fight a group of demihumans of this level, but how could that guy come?

   Just now with four hands, Belluffigne, who lost a thunderball in one hand, came to the collapsing elves and looked at Logner, who had just swept down a large swath of elves.

   "They will also run away. I didn't expect that in order to catch as many elves alive as possible, we would have to join forces to attack?"

   "Our opponents are not elves, we don't have time to spend with them here."

   Two very courageous demihumans greeted a large number of demihumans with net bags to pack and take away a large number of elves, and then went to other places to support the powerful demihumans who were capturing elves on a large scale.

  The army of sub-humans and the onslaught are just blindfolds for the elves to gather and disperse so that they can catch them.

   "What will happen to us..."..." Olar, who was dragged along with Dean and a large number of elves in a demi-woven net bag, was so confused, his consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

(to be continued)