Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v2 Chapter 34: Pisi and the child who destroyed the cou

"Understand?" Kraunpisi turned to Mieguo Luoli again, "I will make a fairy that can easily deal with the undead, so I need the memory of you as a high-level undead. You didn't want to do it at the beginning and you won't do it now. You don’t have to worry about the matter, my child will take care of it."

   "There is a key question, how can I ensure that I won't become the same result as the necroman you just slashed?" Ibiluyai asked in a low voice.

"We don't trust each other, so it's impossible to guarantee it." Kraunpisi spread her hands, "but you just easily resisted the spiritual magic that I am good at. Healing magic will be greatly reduced if you refuse to accept the effect. I really don't have confidence in my mental power."

"In the face of the unknown, it is best to be cautious in everything." Iblu Yayi paused for a while, and then spoke again, "Furthermore, you call them, children, who is the real who is not to say, these children, no It will be used as a consumable because it can be easily manufactured."

"It won't be that way, Iblu Yai, this is the tenth-level magic that can be easily performed by the Eight Desires. How much do you think I have to pay for this?" Kraunpisi took his hand. , Said unhappy.

On the one hand, using "tenth-level magic" to scare people, on the other hand, it can be regarded as a sign of weakness, indicating that this power is not easy to use, so that the other party will not be afraid of excessively. In fact, it is true. Even higher MP consumes nearly half.

   "The King of Eight Desires? Lie!" Iblu Yai's first reaction was naturally rejection. What is the existence of the King of Eight Desires? That slaughtered the dragon race that once ruled the world, changed the world's magic rules, and once conquered the world!

   "Forget it, and you seem to have forgotten a little, the overwhelming gap between us decides that I can ignore your thoughts-[Group full race control [MassTerminateSpecies]]! Iblu Yai, obey, come here."

   "Yes." Iblu Yayi responded and walked to Crow Enpis. She was horrified to find that she couldn't act according to her own thoughts.

   "When did you destroy the country? Tell me the time relative to the present."

   "Thirty-two years ago."

"Really." Kraunpisi took off the level 60 mimicry hat on her head, canceled the summoning, and then re-summoned the level 60 necromantic tree, grabbing the trunk with one hand and placing one hand on Iblu Yai On the head.

   In the severe pain, Ibiriyayi rushed into tears that turned red, and watched his consciousness become white.

   I don't know how long it has passed, Iblu Yai vaguely felt that he had regained consciousness, opened his eyes, and saw the horizontal face of Kraunpith.

   "Good morning." Crown Pith smiled.

"Wow!" Thinking of the pain before, Iblu Yayi wanted to jump up from her knees, but her weakened body and the little hands that Kraun Pith placed on her made her feel uncomfortable. Don't succumb to Crown Pith's thigh.

   "You, what did you do afterwards?"

  Crown Pith wants it to be possible, and I really hope to be complained about why it is a knee pillow, but does it seem that there is no exclusive concept in this area? Well, it's really not the time to complain about knee pillows——

"Actually, I also talked to the dwarves of the Earth Temple in the Dwarf Country during my stay in the Dwarf Country, so I have a good understanding of some common sense of faith magic, such as the conditions and aftereffects of resurrection magic and healing magic. If it is negative Energy, in turn, has the same effect on the undead." Kraun Pace laughed.


Kraunpith: "Your consciousness is really damaged, but vampires are a special undead, and they retain the characteristics of the living to the greatest extent, so you should use your brain to think, so I broke your head. , And then let the new child born from my dead tree cast you the sixth-level magic [GreaterLethal] to inject negative energy, and as a result you survived intact, hehe."

   "What are you going to do if I become a fool?" Ibiriyayi was speechless.

   "Your consciousness is not so badly damaged."

  It’s really not that serious. Kraunpisi only considers the experience of the undead. It needs a slightly higher-level memory of the undead, and most of the memories needed to promote the transformation of the plant-based magic tree into a dryad are his own. Therefore, Iblu Yayi's spirit was overloaded and impacted only by her as part of the "destroyed country" period. In order to reduce the consumption of magic power, we also specifically asked about the time of the extinction event to save the MP required for memory retrieval.

   "The extent of your previous mental damage is that at best you feel like your own consciousness has not changed, but you can't overcome the blood-sucking instinct of low-level vampires and the hatred of the living at the beginning." Kraun Pith continued.

   "Isn't that serious!"

   "Really? Just going back to the life of that time?"

"Have you seen Hmph, forget it, although almost all people who knew about that period of history died, the rest will die sooner or later, but history will not disappear." Bi Lu Yayi began to abandon herself.

   "Sure enough, you are a good person in your bones. But don't worry, it's cured." Kraun Pace smiled.

   "Huh." Even so, it did hurt Ibluyai just now, and Ibluyai will naturally not have a good face.

   At this moment, a blond kid who was between the two leaped over and held them: "Dad! Mom! Great! Dad, mom is awake!"

"...Huh?" Ibiriyayi reacted a few times slowly, and then reacted. This is a goblin that can be made with a similar method to the one I saw just now that can control those uncontrollable undead spirits, but the problem is not here, "Dad What the **** is mom?"

   "Ah, mom is too much!"

   "'Dad' is you?!" Iblu Yai looked at Kraunpisi, whose face was more mature and beautiful than herself, surprised.

"I never said that I am a female? Most plant monsters are either asexual or hermaphrodite. By the way, I am the latter. Don't treat me as a pervert by human standards. Since you are 100% female, this child It’s the product of you and me again. Isn’t it the only one who can be a father?” Crown Pith, who paused, continued, “It just so happens that she has all the characteristics of a fairy, but also has a better performance. When it comes to plant monsters, it has a stronger ability to use the undead magic caster of the undead. It's okay to say that it's you and my child."

Before Mieguo Lori found the words to respond, Kraun Pess continued to speak again: "I know there are many things to explain, but the necromancy loss on the front line is accelerating, and the children have tried too hard, so let's make a long story short. "

(to be continued)