Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v2 Chapter 43: Subjugation

  Crown Pith thought: At first, I just wanted to find corpses to make the undead to conduct rational experiments, and find some animal monsters suitable for magic materials to raise them. How did it become a demi-human war?

   "Before answering your questions, I want to ask some questions first. Of course, you don't have the right to refuse to answer. If you lie, it will stop here." Kraunpith said.

   The Asians were taken aback. Generally speaking, they should make the request first, but it is not surprising if there are questions, but how to answer is in accordance with the etiquette of the monster in front of them, whether it can survive, this is very important.

   "Please." In this regard, Belluffigne adopted the simplest term.

   "Well," Crown Pisz walked into the camp and glanced around. They were all sitting on the floor. If you don't have a seat, you should look up at them when you sit down. No way, just stand and ask——

   "You guys, before our arrival, were you satisfied with the life in the hills?"

   Belufine was stunned. She heard a little bit about this. In order for the upper race to submit to the lower race, she would probably say something like "As long as you surrender, you can protect you and ensure prosperity."

It is true that the strong and the weak of the demihumans have this kind of coexistence method, and the oppressed can also be guaranteed to survive, but the matter of confessing to the asylum is very troublesome, because they will not really give you the opportunity to accumulate strength, and they have no brains. The weak and small races will only linger in oppression until they disappear. For example, the goblins in this hilly area are almost non-existent.

   Will your race follow in the footsteps?

   However, the question must be answered.

   Beluffiné: "I'm not satisfied, you can see it too, this is just a wasteland. Before your army arrives, we often fight for food or try to launch a predatory war against humans."

  Crown Pith: "Not only to take food, but also to reduce the population to reduce the demand for food."

   There was silence. As a superior person, he always had to think about it this way, but this kind of thing cannot be said to the people of the demihuman.

In the end, only Belufenez nodded slightly. Vijays and Robbebe were of human spiders and blue maggots. They had a relatively small food intake, and their reproduction methods were similar to insects. They had no food shortages and were not worried about race continuity. pass.

Kraunpith: "I hope that my favorite race can migrate to the Top Forest. Because the two major ethnic forces there have disappeared, the forest is now'empty'. The resources are also very rich. Of course, if you surrender For me, I will not do anything unfavorable to you anymore. The price is that the bodies that appear for various other reasons have to be handed over to us."

   can be taken away as part of the magic material, and the rest can be used as fertilizer or to make other undead, without wasting at all.

   said it is "fertilizer", which is actually equivalent to tree food, but it feels similar to discarding corpses, so even demihumans can accept it more easily.

  The rest is the question of whether the Great Forest can accommodate these demihumans——

  Top Forest used to exist in the Dark Elf Kingdom and the Goblin Kingdom. Dark Elves are definitely not weak among the natives. Goblins cooperate with ogres and trolls, and there are a lot of them, and they are not good.

   It's just that the dark elves were scared away by the magic tree at the beginning, and the Goblin Kingdom was smashed by the three of the light elves who wanted to teach the playfulness of Kraun Pith.

   After all, it's the pot that Crown Pith wants to carry.

   But it doesn't matter, the disappearance of those races in the Top Forest has no effect on the goblins. Speaking of influence--

   There should be a large number of survivors in the Goblin Kingdom, but where did they go?

   It doesn't matter, if it is a goblin under General Anri, the native goblin is really useless for Crow Enpis.

   "That, excuse me... Your Excellency... No, sir, how should I get to the Top Forest?" Robbebe asked cautiously, who was less stressed because of his way of living.

   "Huh? Can you not walk by yourself?"

   Kraunpisi was taken aback for a moment, and said a very naive sentence, because she flew a section of the frost dragon, and there was no human city below.

The distance from the hills to the Top Forest is really much shorter than the distance from one end to the other of any human country. In addition, the towns are basically wilderness, and it is not for you to attack human towns all the way. , Is it so troublesome to walk through the wild?

"You can't do that." Iblu Yai immediately released the concealed magic and walked in. "Humans are very hostile to demihumans. Even if a large number of demihumans pass through the human kingdom, they may cause a great reaction and erupt the whole country. War may also be possible. Unexpectedly, you are surprisingly naive."

   "Is that so, sorry, I didn't think about it well." Crown Pith realized this, and it was indeed too brainless, this question.

   "Although I wonder if I can make the Frost Dragon work harder, is there any vehicle with a larger capacity in this world?"

Iblu Yai: "Speaking of a vehicle with a larger, it’s a sea ship. It doesn’t make sense to say that, ships that can travel on land and in the air have ghosts that turn into weapons of the undead. The ship, the ghost ship is piloted by a large number of undead who were crew members, and the overall difficulty is even more than 120, and the commissioning ghost ship can’t even do Ligurido’s aunt. It needs a stronger..., stronger..."

   Ibilu Yayi suddenly seemed to think of something: "Grambell?"

"Oh oh oh, indeed, our children can easily control several high-ranking undead (level 30-40) and thousands of undead (level 15-25) at once, so even a ghost ship can easily be conquered. Come on! Say, where is there a ghost ship in the wild!" Kraunpisi happily held Iblu Yai's shoulders with both hands.

   Ibruyayi was frightened by the aura of Kraunpith for a while, stammering and replied: "Ah...ah, the southern part of the Katz Plain near the sea is still, I heard that there are."

   "Very well, let Granbell take over the dead tree in the Kaz Plain in the empire, and start all the undead to search." Kraunpisi immediately opened the door curtain and rushed out of the demi-human base camp.

   usually uses magic to contact, but now there is no blue.

"That's right," before the demi-people's tense hearts can be relaxed temporarily, Kraunpith's head sticks out from the curtain again. "As long as the migration arrangements are in place, you can live as usual. Today One or two thousand demihumans have been removed in the first battle, and you won’t be able to fight internally for the time being. Take a good rest."

   After finishing speaking, Kraun Pace really left this time.

   "In a clan war, the casualties were controlled at ten to twenty thousand." Iblu Yayi glanced at the demi-people who were obviously full of resentment but did not dare to say anything, sighed, and turned and left.

(to be continued)