Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v2 Chapter 62: Grievance

The big goblin saw that the magic that he had successfully resurrected humans [RaiseDead] was the same as the magic [Rebirth[]] that Crow Enpis had never succeeded, so he nodded his chin and tilted his head, watching I got up and started thinking.

   During this period, Kraunpisi used magic [Resurrection[]] for the second time, allowing the magical brilliance that should have been able to resurrect the object to flow through the female elf.

   But, the effect is like weathering—this time the complete part of the female elf's corpse turned directly into fly ash.

   "It seems that the life-consuming part does have an effect, but the resurrection part has no effect." The big goblin concluded.

   "Why is that? Is the integrity of the corpse a problem?" Kraunpith guessed, and lifted his chin. "It seems that a slightly higher-level or originally vigorous corpse is needed to do the experiment."

"Perhaps that's the case. But now that it's like this, you can only go to the dark." Then, the big goblin walked to the female elf remnant, and reached out to sprinkle a pool of green liquid, ashes and rubble. The plants quickly dissolved, penetrated into the ground, and became part of the land. Anyway, the Elf King doesn't care much about the appearance of civilians, so it doesn't matter if any Elf "misses".

   That female elf died in vain, in the hands of the elf king who didn't care about the lives of the "people" and the goblin who ignored the lives of foreign races.

   Recently, there are too many people in the Elf Kingdom who can't come back. There are so many people that I am afraid that one more death will not be mentioned. Only the relatives will care about it. What should I do if I am found?

   It’s too troublesome to consider this kind of interpersonal negotiation.

   "Convenient magic." Kraun Pith praised the great goblin's magic that is convenient for all kinds of corpses.

   "Well, most of my magic is related to toxins and corrosion. I often have to worry about the environment. It is the type of magic that I feel at home will cause trouble if I am not careful." The big goblin said lightly.

   "Okay, let's go, in case Lily attacks, just avoid it." Kraun Pace pointed forward and upward.

   But it didn't.

"This, it didn't fall." Crownpies raised her head and looked at the goblin hanging upside down from the tree. His body was about the same as that of Crownpies and the others. It was a natural blond hair in this world, with a head on top of it. He wears a black pointed hat and a black dress.

   "Don't you tick it well? Of course it won't fall off." said the big goblin.

   "No, I mean she was hanging upside down like this. The skirt was turned down and the hair was hanging down, but the hat didn't fall off."

   "I'm talking about her hat, which is the flower on top of her head, right?"

"Is that right?"

"That's it."

   "Well, that kind of thing is good." Crown Pith waved to the tree, "Hey, Lily! What are you doing on it?"

   "It's very comfortable here."

   "There seems to be no danger, don't you plan to go back with us?" the big goblin continued.

   Lily let go of the branches and came down. The landing was not very beautiful-knees pressed the skirt, hands on the ground, referred to as OTZ land awkwardly, but she just stood up and patted the skirt casually.

   "This forest is more comfortable than the Top Forest." She said, "I want to live here."

"...Is this the reason why you left the dead tree and was killed and followed the elves?" Kraunpis felt incredible. This is basically a declaration of betrayal. But considering that this happened just now, even if it happens again. Not surprisingly.

   But is this something you can say in front of a master who is higher than yourself?

   "No, that Elf King has the ability or props to control the behavior of people weaker than him. It seems to be a lot like Pace [MassTerminate Species], but it lasts quite a long time."

   "Really." Crown Pith thought it would be great not to let other fairies come in. In terms of quantity, the level of the elf king is higher than most of his own fairies, and most of the fairies are above level 30.

   paused for a while, and Lily said lightly: "Except for the anxiety of wanting to breed offspring and train the strong, he is basically a good person."


   "I will bring good food and fertilizer. I think I can get along well with him." Lily continued to say calmly.

   "Then, the reason for killing that female elf?" The big goblin asked about this incident.

   "The waste that the Elf King is in a bad mood for execution will be sent, but it was turned into ashes by Pisi just now, and the miso is melted, won't you die once?" Lily pouted an unhappy expression.

"That's it, I'm sorry." The big goblin lowered politely, and at the same time stretched out his hand to press down the head of Kraun Pith. Also apologize."

   It was so overwhelming, Kraun Pith felt uncomfortable, but thinking that he did something like, she had to admit that she was wrong: "I'm sorry." Kraun Pith lowered her head.

   "It doesn't matter, after all we can live as long as water and sunlight." Lily said.

   is just the appearance of three nos, Crown Pith always feels that the other party is sarcastic.

   "Since Lily likes this place, does Pi Si agree that she can stay with Fabchan and Evechan?" The big goblin asked, turning his head.

   Kraunpisi looked at Fabrytis and Evonia, who appeared as small flowers on the side of the tree, and it was a bit shocking to not show the fairy to say hello. Isn't her prestige enough?

   Forget it, there is always a chance, so let's do it now, it is better to say that she has committed the habit of "dragging" because of the concept of time.

"Stay here for now, and wait for the Elf King's handling of the gods and the reaction of the Church. If you have the opportunity, let Cirno challenge the Elf King. Let's practice. The level of the Elf King should not be underestimated by you." Pith thought about her next basic arrangement.

"Cough cough, although I don't think I will forget it, but I'll let it go." The big goblin coughed for an excuse and said, "Pith, you won't take Star and Star who are still waiting outside the forest waiting for unexpected circumstances to respond. Forgot Winkaworth?"

   "............" Crown Pith stopped thinking about it at the same time. Do you want to say you forgot? How could it be possible? Didn’t you pass the conversation just now?

   However, a little bit, I didn't think about how to arrange for Star and Winkaworth.

"No, no problem, I plan to let them help supervise the Frost Dragon to rectify the demihumans, so that it will be easy to handle when Granbell comes back, right? Haha, haha." Kraunpisi couldn't help but think of his idea just now. His reaction efficiency laughed.

(to be continued)