Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v2 Chapter 7: human nature

  Crown Piss removed the magic that had been applied to Wakaru Ji [Group All Race Confusion [MassCharmSpecies]], and then Wakaru Ji fell on the ground and cried sadly, looking really sad.

   "I obviously set the distance of my heart to my best friend to'chat', are you crying so sad?" Kraunpis, who was uncomfortable with Wakaji Ji, pouted impatiently.

It is naturally not comfortable to be used with spiritual magic formulas, especially if you say some things that you should be private, it is even more painful. As a human being, it is natural common sense, and it is similar to human beings. The demi people will have similar feelings.

   However, the current Kraun Pith did not think in empathy, because it was unnecessary-the other party was not his own clan, did not have enough strength, and was not qualified to have a dialogue with himself.

   Then, what would Crowance understand if he understood the other person's mood? Probably there will be no change, because using spirit magic is the most convenient way to obtain information.

   However, Wakasagi's sobbing also caused a slight change in Kraunpith's mood-I really want to play again.

   This is a good phenomenon-in the past, Crow Enpis was worried about being attacked by the bosses of this world. Now I heard that I won't be attacked for the time being, so I feel relieved and I am in the mood to play.

   "Next, how do you do it. Just now I talked about the person I like and marriage." Crown Pith took off her hat, and among the flowers on her head, a few stamens stood up like hairs.

   She stepped forward and grabbed Wakaruji's fish tail, and raised it a little: "Hey, where is it?"

   has been ignoring this since just now, Luna, who was reading silently, put down the translator's eyes, looked here and said lightly: "I don't think there is any meaning between plants and animals, at most it is allergic to this mermaid's pollen."

   "Well, I know, just play with her. Ah, I found it."

   If Sagi is struggling to crawl, she breaks free from Kraun Pith, but her ability is completely unable to resist.

   "[Group full race control [MassTerminateSpecies]]." Kraunpisi activated the magic, and then Sagihime could only watch her body to cater to Kraunpisi...

   Take care of the mood of the partner?

   Sorry, the plant races don't have that kind of heart. The only thing they originally had to do was to blossom and bear fruit. Although I don’t know how plants will be used on animals—generally they will be allergic to pollen, but now they are not ordinary plants and animals, but plant monsters and mermaid subhumans.

What will happen to   ? For the relaxed Kraunpith, exploring this kind of unknown is also a very interesting thing.


At this time, Fluda is looking at the book (which Clown Pess secretly raided from the dwarven treasure vault). He is still interested in the dwarven magic techniques he doesn’t know at present. The more knowledge he gains, the closer to magic The abyss goes further.

   It's getting late, but it can't affect Fluda.

   At some point, Clown Pisi dragged the unconscious Wakaji Ji to find Fluda. By the way, the equipment has been put on again for her.

   "Master, my disciple number one..."

   "It's okay, there was a little conflict in the conversation just now, and I used a little mental magic. But peace of mind, there are no sequelae, physical problems can be easily solved with healing magic." Kraunpisi said lightly.

   I was really uninterested in playing just now, maybe because of a different race, my body is totally unexcited, obviously I am already mentally excited... this feeling is really strange.

   If Lu Ji finally couldn't stand the spirit, she passed out.

"Really, then it's okay." Fruta only said this. For Fruta, peeking into the abyss of magic is his purpose in this life, and accepting disciples is also to help that matter. Peeping into the abyss of magic, if necessary, he can not only abandon his disciples, but even his relatives.

  Flruta's instinct told him that turning his face to Crow Enpis for his disciple was the most incorrect way to do it.

   It's just this level of damage, as it is all right.

   "Flurda, when will you complete the sixth-level magic and become the chief magic caster of the empire?" Kraun Pith asked.

   "As long as the old man puts in more effort in this aspect, it won't take long."

"Really, then you take Ruojie back to the empire. Tomorrow I will send Frost Dragon to transport some goods to the Katz Plain. It is a plant related to magic. Please plant it carefully and try not to negatively affect its ecological activities. . If you can make it thrive, I will be very happy. Although maybe, but the study of magic will not be useless." Kraunpisi said.

   Kraunpisi now has two dead trees that can produce the undead, and they emphasize the non-physical undead and the physical undead.

A dead tree that produces non-physical undead has been asked by Frost Dragon to get it to the Abelion Hills. UU reading, please take care of the goblin. After all, the dead tree only has an initial level of 30. Before being upgraded, he couldn't resist the demihuman attack that might look unpleasant to the dead tree.

   Now the necro tree that can produce physical undead from corpses around is still there, so please give it to Fluda. The Kaz Plain in the empire can still be used. But to do that kind of thing, Fluda must have enough power, so Kraunpith made those demands.

   Fuluda: "Yes, according to the will of the teacher."

  Crown Pith: "When you can figure out something from there, come visit me again. I think I will stay in the dwarf country for a few years, as long as there are no'Thirteen Heroes' or accomplices to make trouble."

   Fuluda: "Yes, my teacher, the old man must do it."

Of course, Crown Pith doesn’t do it all day long. It has to match the progress of the guy who writes the book. Sometimes when he needs background characters, he needs to look for a few decent dwarves as models, just occasionally watch it. A group of elder brothers showing off their muscles there didn't feel it at all.

When he has free time, Kraunpisi will also go to see the forest king to accompany the dwarven soldiers to practice-an experiment to try to make the forest king become a warrior. Although the forest king is also good at magic, but the magic caster of the dwarf kingdom is basically You can't beat the Forest King, so let's try to learn martial arts first.

  Claunn Pess also plans to learn the Luen technique of the dwarves. In fact, Luen is really good. I understand that this is when Crawn Pess tried to invade the treasure house—

   That door can't be broken, believe it or not?

   Klauen Pith didn't show the main body and didn't hurt the king's city. At the moment when he attacked the treasure vault with all his strength, the gate with the large rune rune was useless! Believe it or not?

(to be continued)