Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v3 Chapter 17: Fruta's progress

There is only the Dwarf Nation, and Kraunpith wants to communicate with his heart, because the dwarves’ strengths are not ordinary tasks. The progress of magic weapons is just like scientific research. It depends on the mental state of the scientific researcher. Magic, maybe it will reduce people's ability to think independently in research, and the use of violence and fear restraint will also reduce people's motivation. So I can only drink together, right?

In contrast, the elves are only able to learn more knowledge because of their longer lifespan, and because of their slower physical development and a long time to receive knowledge, they appear to be more adept at magic and have no characteristics of scientific progress; demihumans are here. On the other hand, the performance is even worse, so Kraunpisi can use spirit magic or use violence and fear to oppress without hesitation.

"Well, that's okay. Now the religious nation shouldn't be able to retaliate for the time being." Kraun Pith touched his head, glanced at the goblin behind, and then looked again. The big goblin standing quietly behind, looked at Luna and Star again—

"You two, take the Forest King and follow me back to the Dwarf Country...Ah, wait until the'Thirteen Heroes' leave. After all, they have all had their own circles of life for several years now, since the underground race has been calmed down. It’s unlikely that they will stay in the'foreign country' for a long time. Their reputation is almost equivalent to interfering in internal affairs. There will be quite a few people who are dissatisfied. When the time comes, Dajiang will be sent to us. Continue to observe the situation in the Elf Kingdom, and the rest will continue to deal with the Luoya people, so it’s okay to arrange this."

"No problem!" x5

Kraunpith took up her hand and nodded in satisfaction: "Yo Xi, that's it."

"Oh." x5

However, I didn't expect that just waiting for the "Thirteen Heroes" to leave the dwarf kingdom, it would take dozens of days. The migration of the demihumans from the hills to the top forest has been completed.


The kingdom of dwarves, Feo Divas--

"Returning" to the dwarf kingdom, Klauen Pith, learned that due to the changes in the dwarf royal family, the political affairs are now barely operating under the auspices of the Regent, so he decided to see if he could manage to control some of the dwarves' power.

Of course, Klauen Pith doesn't have any political knowledge or awareness, she just feels that it is more convenient to do anything if she has power.

The easiest way is to control the dwarf with spirit magic, but as mentioned before, there is a reason why it is inconvenient to control the dwarf directly. If the country you want to control is entirely someone’s own words, it’s okay to say, but this is not the case.

Then draw with peace of mind, at least you can increase your prestige, right?

During this period, it was Fluda and his disciple who came here. It was a private visit. After all, Fluda's identity is not ordinary. If he visits officially, it will definitely be a little pompous. And Fluda has teleportation magic, so basically he comes and leaves whenever he wants. No preparation is required. Private interviews are very easy.

The place where Clown Pace met in private with Fluda who was visiting was still the same place it was last time. However, the lineup is more luxurious than last time. Last time, only Luna was reading a book undisturbed. This time, Kraunpis let the Three of Lights "squeeze" behind her.

There was no ostentation, it was just that a few goblins were eating together just before the arrival of the husband. But it would be too rude to meet with someone while eating, hurriedly stuffed his stomach to let the Three of Light goblins who were not participating in the conversation find a place to stay in the back, that's it.

The number of chairs in the room was only two, and Crown Pisce sat on one. The three fairies of light felt awkward to sit, and simply stood up, so it became like this.

"See mentor!" Fluda bowed his head deeply, kneeling down and saluting.

Before that, Crowmpis found that Fluda had been watching Luna a few more times, and there seemed to be uncomfortable feelings in her eyes? why? Is it because I happened to see it last time? But it's not something worth paying attention to.

To this old man, Kraunpith was still quite troubled, although it was only troubled by the upset question.

"Well, don't mess with this tedious etiquette, you can sit down," said Kraunpisi, who had been sitting with Erlang's legs upright.

"Is this appropriate? This will overlook the teacher." Fluda raised his head.

"Are your students always kneeling in front of you to attend classes?"

When asked, Fluda shook his head: "I wouldn't do that, but the old man is the same as them. After all... he still hasn't surpassed the mundane limit of human beings, my teacher is different. What's more, the three adults behind you are still standing. Now, how can I..."

"You..." As soon as Kraun Pith turned her head, the three fairies of light were already sitting on the bed.

"Okay, you can sit down." Crown Pith turned her head back with a smirk in her heart.


Seeing Fluder sitting down, Crow Enpis said the prepared line: "Since it's here, it means that some of the ‘projects’ that were given to you have been completed... at least there has been progress?"

"Yes, the old man has successfully used the sixth-level time magic to greatly extend his life, and the identity of the chief magician of the palace has also been successfully obtained. In the future, he will have more time to think and more resources to study and explore the abyss of magic. NS."

I could see it, I could hear it, Fluda was full of joy now.

"Then, what about the experiment on the generation of the undead?"

"This, I'm ashamed. Although placing corpses around the necro tree can transform the corpse into a zombie or a, there is no immortality phenomenon between the zombies and the corpses near the skeleton. . However, placing corpses in the undead community created in ordinary cemeteries has a certain effect. At present, no pattern has been found."

"Really, in terms of the generation of the undead, I have made the same progress here. Let's cheer each other up."


"Then, logically speaking, we should talk about the things that let us goblins learn magic theory. But now I need to finish the backlog of scheduled paintings in the dwarf country..."

"It's okay, I have to live for hundreds of years. At this point, the old man can still afford it." It's just that Fluda's expression shows some negative emotions.

Is it right to be a little disappointed? Ignore it.

"Let me talk about it." At this moment, Luna behind her gestured to herself to speak, "Fluda, you seem to be very dissatisfied with me? The look in my eyes just now makes me feel a little sick to tell the truth."

"...How dare, I'm just a little shocked at your growth rate."

(to be continued)