Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v3 Chapter 19: Fight each other with the air

"Aren't the northern parts of the two countries facing the sea? Can't we build piers and ships to develop shipping?" After Fluda talked about the traffic problems between the empire and the dwarf kingdom, Crowmpis asked Fluda.

There is no other reason for mentioning this. It is simply the feeling that Kraun Pith, who wants to play, wants to play a boat after playing a chariot. After all, the navy of this world is no big deal, unless it is equipped with weapons that can launch eighth-level magic at any time.

Considering the number of people that a wooden battleship can carry, it should be able to hold enough magic casters to launch multiple grand ceremonies to release the eighth-level magic. Third-tier magic can easily damage, fifth-tier magic sinks; even if an iron-clad ship is built, it cannot resist fifth-tier magic without damage, and seventh-tier magic bombardment may be sent to the soul. In this way, even if the eighth-tier magic can be fired continuously, the hp of a unit like a ship is too thin.

There is almost no actual combat value to the fairies, so let's take it for fun for the time being.

Well, it is also good to be used as a technical reserve together with the tank. After all, on the earth, the original role of the tank is very low. The battle of the battleship is also very primitive, but how far has it been after the industrial revolution? And now the last thing Kraun Pice lacks is time.

Fluda: "This...I don't know enough about the development direction of the empire. I am ashamed. But my disciple No. 1 is a mermaid, so maybe he knows one or two."

Ruo Ji? Is it the mermaid who knows the reason for not developing navigation? This is too ridiculous... Maybe you really know.

Kraunpith: "Well, let her in."

Kraunpisi knew it, and sensed that Ruojie, who owned a small fish in the fish tank, came here in the previous life.

Now that the poor mermaid is wandering in the surrounding streets, has there been a psychological shadow in the last treatment?

"Anyway, call her first, and I want to talk alone." Crown Pith said with a slightly tangled face.


Although Fluda's complexion was still a bit lonely, he still went out without hesitation for a moment. He also vaguely realized that there was actually some strange and secret relationship between Kraun Pith and Ruo Lu Ji, but it seemed that he should explore magic with him. The life goal of the abyss doesn't matter, who doesn't have some secrets, doesn't he?

In other words, why is the incoming Wakasagi so twitchy? Doesn’t it really become a jitter?

Thinking about this, the expression of Crown Pith, who was definitely not shaking, turned disgusting again.


Ruojie's perspective——

I was called in by Fluda, and I actually came here this time for another reason to enhance the possibility of a better life in the future. It was definitely not the same "wonderful" reason as last time.

If I was called in on the initiative of Kraunpith, would I really have to be bullied again?

It was a lucky guy who crossed into such a high-level monster from the beginning. Although he is not a small flower, he always feels that he lived together in his previous life, right? At that time, the creatures in the fish tank were not only themselves and Xiaohua, but also other creatures, but the different languages ​​of the species did not communicate.

Why is it so eager to hope that Kraunpith is a creature from the same aquarium as herself? I felt that the reason was very vague, but it was not when I cared. Last time I was stripped naked and laid on the ground. I was forced to instill a temporary goodwill by the spirit magic. She was riding on her head and doing lustful things together, so that I would suffer later. I have been allergic to pollen for a few days (plants and animals generally cannot have results, are you disappointed, hahaha).

How should I face her now?

No, there was an unhappy expression on Crown Pith's face, shouldn't he be standing?

Ruo Lu Ji hurriedly lay down.

Why does the unpleasant look a little escalated? No, I don't want to be controlled by mental magic. Instead of being destined to be unable to resist because of that kind of thing, it's better to go on your own, don't want to be controlled by magic.

Like last time, the only difference-this time she took the initiative without being forced. If Lu Ji took off all her equipment, her legs turned back to fishtails and lost support, causing her to completely fall to the ground.


Turning his gaze back, Kraunpith’s perspective—

What's going on this time? Take the initiative to show your courtesy, even betray your hue?

Do you feel that you have a premeditated plan? Are you asking for yourself? If it was Iblu Yai's request, it shouldn't be necessary. Sure enough, there is a personal matter that is important to me? Put aside the question of the empire's navigation, don't control her first, just look at Wakaruji's bottom line.

In fact, the easiest way is to use spiritual magic to directly extract a confession, but when Crown Pith saw that she was enough to play around and was a fish reincarnation, she wanted to make fun of it.

But how do you stimulate her to get angry? Since I didn't use mental magic this time, I did something to her last time and cried afterwards. It should be annoying, so do things that annoy her.

But I don't want to ride my face anymore.

Kraunpisi took off the shoe in front of the right leg that was on her left leg and hooked her toes: "Is there anything important to me if you dare to come and see me after experiencing that kind of thing?"

"Yes, very important. That is—"

"Wait," Crown Pisz shook his legs and smirked, "Is it important to let you get naked in front of me? Then come and lick it." He shook his feet that were drooping in the air.

"Huh?" At this moment, Crawnpies heard the surprised sounds of Sonny and Luna behind him, and he was awakened suddenly-damn it, I can do it all by now in front of the three fairies What's the matter?

"Ohhh, Pace thought of such a funny prank. As expected, he is a goblin who has given me so much knowledge." Star looked interested.

Speaking of it, I did this because I had seen a similar leather notebook in my memory and felt interesting. In this way, even if the knowledge Star got was not as comprehensive as the original Kraunpis, he might also know this.

Now it seems that it means "remembering" rather than "thinking out". Only Star absolutely knows, she knows! By the way, then Ruojie should know it too!

However, although Kraunpisi is fine to read the book by herself, it is very problematic to show it to others by herself. Just as hungry people crave food, no one wants to become someone else’s food.

Therefore, Kraunpisi can only expect that Ruojie is angry, and then he can be angrily and logically not to be out of the book, but take the initiative to display [masscharmspecies] to Ruojie and enter the atmosphere of girlfriends.

(to be continued)
