Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 28: Gal is not the only one who hits a girl

The Bajas Empire, the imperial capital of Owental——

Large cities, especially large cities that are the political center of a human power, will surely build multiple thick and tall walls, equipped with a certain number of garrisons, to protect the city from the threats of Warcraft and other races in the wild.

And the imperial capital is more than that. There are even air forces such as Griffon Knights and Eagle Knights that regularly patrol the air.

All this seems to make the imperial capital the safest area in the empire. Over time, as the population increases, a circle of city walls will be added to build an outer city.

It looks pretty awesome.

It's just that this is proof that humans are weak. If humans are very powerful and everyone can punch demon beasts and kick demihumans, then there is no need to build the city's defenses so powerfully.

So, at least the imperial capital, which is successfully immune to the invasion of wild monsters, is really safe?

Late at night, people on the streets became scarce, and the streets were mostly dim. There are no such things as electric lights and street lights in this world. But the oil lamp is not bright enough, and not everyone can afford magic and so on.

However, there are still some people who need to act at night for various reasons.

For example, a child in the uniform of a girl from the Imperial Academy of Magic is walking down the street.

"This dress is really good, when can I wear it?"

"You shut up, would you let us change clothes here in the street?"

Strangely, she was making two different sounds by herself. But the volume was kept as low as possible, without attracting the attention of a few passersby.

Seeing a handful of pedestrians on the street, she showed displeasure and started walking around the corner of the street.

However, it didn't seem to be going well because the road was blocked.

But it is still the kind of "roadblocks" that would be related to the guards if they were found the next day.

Unable to move forward, because on the wall in front of the alley leaned against a young girl, with a moderately high profile, wearing the same uniform of the Imperial Academy of Magic.

Naturally, one person will not block the road. The problem is that there are six strong men in ragged bodies surrounding her.

The girl looked quite scared, and the expressions and actions of several men—you know.

"As far as common sense is concerned, would there be a situation where classmates are surrounded by gangsters when you happen to take a short path and want to take a shortcut home?"

"But no matter how you look at it, it can't be a trap? But the situation always feels wrong, my identity has been exposed?"

Another person made two different sounds.

This time, because the distance was so close, it attracted people's attention, and the men turned their heads.

"Is, run!" Seeing someone, the girl looked like she wanted to ask for help, but when she found out that it was a child slightly younger than herself, she shouted instead.

"Isn’t it a coincidence that happened? If it’s a nobleman, you might get a gift for helping her, but you won’t be able to tell if it’s a nobleman if you wear school uniforms, but you must have money or money to go to school. You have an identity's not right, shouldn't you bring a few guards at night if you have this level?"

As a result, the little girl who was blocked from the road started talking to herself like this.

"...I'm ashamed to say, my father is an adult...not when I'm talking about this, run away!"

"...I said, is it okay to suddenly reveal that my father is a parent?"

"Huh, what, are you?" The men became confused for a while, and one of the men's head turned back and forth between them and asked.

"Well, forget it," the little girl covered her face. "It's not very comfortable to encounter this kind of thing. If you have to deal with such small things, won't it be endless in the future, but, can you get out of it? I can't walk past you standing here."


"I thought you were a washboard and I didn't want to care about you anymore!"

"Do you want us to play with you so much!"


Probably understood as being completely fooled by being an idiot, a red tide appeared on the man's face, his expression distorted by anger, and swear words.

"Ah, even if I miss a little bit of wind when I want to go to school, I won't be tempted like this, it's enough." The little girl stretched out her finger and pointed at the men.


"It's so hot, what's the matter!"

"It's not good, it's hot, it hurts!"

"Die to death! Help!"

Under the abnormal situation, the men suddenly became messy. One person had severe burns.

"Get out of here!"

Seeing the red light on the little girl's hand, the men realized that something more dangerous than them had been provoked, and ran away in the opposite direction with oil on the soles of their feet.

"No, no, thank you very much for your help." The girl was a little surprised and said thankful words. "Looking at you, are you a freshman who is going to enter the Magic Academy?"


"Then, is it a school girl? Please advise me more in the future. Are you?" The girl saluted slightly, showing that she had learned aristocratic etiquette.

"When asking someone's name, shouldn't you give your name first?"

The girl opened her eyes wide and said, "I'm rude, you can call me Melqi."

"Single name? No, it's just the first time I met. Is that right? Just call me Klau... Silk." Klauenpisi, who has pointed ears and flowers on her head, also did a simple thing. Introduction, but the attitude is not good, "So, what is your purpose?"


"Those people do you think it's easy to put them down? Should you say that you will kill them if you are not careful?"

It’s no wonder that Kraunpisi is confused, suspected of being tricky, and used [sensorenemy] out of caution. Those men are all at level 1, while Melki’s level is 5, which is very low, but even It's okay to abuse those people easily.

"Yes, my magic will kill people if you are not Melki knows a few zeroth and first order magics, but for ordinary people of level 1. , The first rank is still overpowered, but the problem is not here, "No... it's terrifying that a few such fierce men suddenly come around! "

"Ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? you are ordinary people?" crownpisi was a little surprised.

"...Yes, basically an ordinary person." Melki seemed to be twitching as though she was talking about unspeakable things.

Kraunpis reacted that this seemed to be the normal response of ordinary humans, and Melchi was acknowledging that his identity was no different from ordinary people, and he didn't even dare to kill.

With the current system of this country, the power of the nobles is enormous. In this case, there is no problem in killing all those people. There is no need to consider retaining evidence of their attacks. The civilians will die if they die.

Although it is said that there will be no nobles who kill civilians for no reason because of mood problems, and reduce taxpayers out of mood, because reputation problems cause civilians to outflow and reduce the income of the territory, but they are quite despised.

(to be continued)
