Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 38: The grave of the living, the life of the

Granbell, while eating a fried steak from the good calf matured meat on the plate, asked the humans at the table: "The manufacturing technology is not good, and most of the meat that wants to make good matured meat is wasted. . And the calf doesn’t have much meat, which is really a pity, then—

"Why don't you raise the cow as big as possible, the bigger it grows, until the end of its life, and then let it decay naturally?"

Although Kraun Pess made a comment about philosophy or something in the middle, the questioned Meliffis had no time to think about philosophy.

To be precise, the human civilization in this world is subject to too much intervention by players, development is unnatural, and there is no philosophy-what philosophy do you let a group of gaming houses talk about?

And "yggdrasil" is a product of the 22nd century. That world was a dystopian era with serious external pollution. It is generally best not to go out. Video games are almost the only pastime for the lower class of society to paralyze their nerves. You can read Maybe you can call it luck if you get a job after elementary school.

Do you let a group of elementary school cultural game houses spread philosophy in a different world?

Closer to home, now Meliface has to answer Granbell's question about why not raise the cow as big as possible, so that it will naturally die and then rot.

"Ah...that's not enough, can't it be eaten? Even if the animal is slaughtered before it is old, the meat will become very old and not delicious, right?" Meliface replied, she wouldn't even have this point. There is no common sense, but I don't understand the meaning of Granbell's questions.

"Yeah, the livestock that died naturally can only be fed to the slime who is responsible for cleaning the sewers." After speaking, Granbell showed a somewhat heartbroken expression. "It's a pity that humans seem to be completely I didn’t realize that I was indistinguishable from these animals. Naturally dying human beings are meaningless and will only become skeletons and zombies with almost no potential and only instinctively harm society; the best is to incarnate the dead, but it depends on me That’s it."

"So that's it, huh, what then?" Crawnpies was curious about the next development. Based on the metaphor of the contrast between mature meat and rotten flesh, Crawnpies hoped that she had guessed it correctly.

"Well, without relying on the magic that creates the undead-as long as those who strive to survive all the time, but finally have to regret to fall on the road in pursuit of goals, human beings with vitality and desire are qualified to regain their reason and be transcended. The possibility of human beings.” Granbell paused and explained, “This is, Belle—please send someone to investigate the résumés of some of the dead, and make judgments based on the lives of the people who corresponded to the corpses used in the experiment. Get a conclusion."

That is-consciousness determines matter, idealism.

Clown Pith: "Did you tell the old man?"

"No, no." Varudo shook his hand. "This is only known to the few people who participated in the investigation. They are all loyal dead men. Don't worry about things being revealed."

Human suspicion and investigative methods are still relatively small, and even if there are some unnatural places, the great nobles will not be easily treated. This is the benefit of power.

"Hahaha," Granbell said with a smile, "Beer worried that he would commit suicide impulsively once the teacher heard the news."

"Wow~ I can't veto it easily. I can imagine that person would do that." Kraunpith grinned.

"The undead I have done so far still have a certain rate of voluntary disappearance. It is a waste and waste of life to satisfy the wishes of some people who want to pursue immortality without clarifying the reason. Yes, the value of life should be respected. Not allowed. A waste of food!" After Granbell cleaned up all the steaks on the plate, she looked at Meriface dissatisfiedly.

Meliffis quickly covered her mouth harder, swallowing back what she heard she wanted to vomit.

"Hey, human beings, it is clear that survival itself is in the cracks, and it is extremely stupid to waste your surplus value in this way." Granbell vented and squeezed the fork and hammered the table. People with declining bodies call face, waste land and waste resources. The result of this is to create a cemetery where humans themselves have to constantly consume more resources and energy to clear out irrational and only instincts that hate the living— —Low-level undead factory, nothing more."

"I don't understand, I don't understand what you are talking about, monster..." Kraunpisi heard a slight groan next to him.

"Merry Faith, I heard it." Kraun Pith shook her ears.

"Ah! I'm sorry, please don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Hey~" Kraunpith sighed, and fell into temporary thoughts.

She didn’t understand Meliflex’s thoughts. She could understand it because she had quite a lot of human memory. However, Kraunpis did not accept the values ​​in human memory, and there might be some residues that would affect Kraunpis Silk's worldview, but it is true that these memories are almost only used as reference knowledge.

From a human perspective, Granbell's remarks are a bit like the act of sacrificing life and offering value in exchange for the pursuit of immortality and immortality, just like a cult.

However, this should be reasonable in this world.

Because dead organisms will not be converted into fossil energy for the benefit of the future masters, but will be transformed into the undead, causing harm to the living, and there is no possibility of eradication, because the living that can eliminate the undead will sooner or later become the dead. Isn't this a vicious circle?

What? You said that the number of undead can be suppressed, but the population can increase. Isn't it a vicious circle?

It's not this way of understanding, but-the more the population, the more humans need to be assigned to deal with the power of the undead and the value of this part of humans cancel each other out , How much wasted productivity that should have served mankind?

Why don't human beings understand?

Well, maybe some undead should be blamed. Kraunpith also participated in the record when Ibluyai told Granbell, and the content is naturally related to the undead.

It is recorded in the small book that if you encounter undead, people with devil-related occupations, or sensible undead, you must be very careful when negotiating. These people may not originally be bad people, and the initial goals are even good. Immortality and devil are both. Existing as a means, there is no difference between the essence and angels, except that in the process it is easy to be deceived by demons, or because the undead cannot resist the aversion to the living or because of the undead’s physiological characteristics, they lose part of the necessary feelings.

The result is that these people have ruined the reputation of today's seemingly negative profession, right?

In the final analysis, the main reason is that human beings are inferior creatures, and their abilities are insufficient, and the pursuit of cross-racial improvement will be backlashed. They are really inferior creatures.

(to be continued)
