Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 41: Mental induction

De Rhein flowers are not powerful monsters. They are almost harmless to humans. Even if they are really unfortunately parasitized, they will generally not die. De Rhein flowers understand the importance of symbiosis and sustainable development.


Of course, even if you really can’t stand the parasitism, there is no problem. Once you find out, go to the temple and spend a few silver coins to find a priest who can use low-level purification techniques to cast magic. It can also solve the parasitic plants and let them fall off (abnormal state) Relieve) and excrete with feces.


   During the course of studying in the Elf Kingdom, the big fairy also collected a lot of seeds of the De Rhine flower in the forest. This is just one part of her learning and acquiring various knowledge and techniques.


Although I don’t know if it’s useful, but the big goblin has a serious attitude of not letting go of the opportunity. After doing various experiments, he found some seeds and sent ten of them. The time is when Kraun Pess learns languages ​​from various countries in the empire. Period.


Kraunpisi uses a variety of small animals or the best soil as a breeding ground for these seeds, with a little bit of care and attention [LifeFrenzy] quickly cultivated and reproduced for several generations, try to rely on "the offspring of the strong" The popular theory that talents are mostly good" makes them upgrade, because the de Rhine flower seeds will wither after being lost, so relying on [Life Frenzy] to force a lot of parameters to increase before its temporary, it should be regarded as "stronger". "Oh, right?


As a result, in a few minutes of experiment, the ratio of yield to seeding rate was 3:1. There were a few seeds with subtle changes in the first generation, which made Klauenpithe overjoyed. The experiment was rounded once a day. The level of the most prosperous period when the seed grows into a flower has been raised to level 15.


   That's it. After that, I can't improve anymore.


   Speaking of it, ordinary humans (as opposed to humans with extraordinary and natural abilities) can only reach level 15 if they exhaust everything they have. Is this a proof of inferior creatures? The native tree monsters were also all level 15 when they were first born, but by observing Penny Kaoru and her companions, the possibility of upgrading has been confirmed, which is fundamentally different from the inferior creatures with only 15 zenith stars.


   The apex of the inferior is the starting point of the superior, and it is really an insurmountable gap.


   The thing that made Kraunpith a little discouraged and annoyed at the time was--


During her study of foreign languages, she also ran through the Top Forest and the Dwarf Nation as a break, and took these seeds, as well as some low-level treasures of the dragon race, and the human mass market, to buy the Yaren side. People's hearts.


   As a result, Belufigne and the others directly used De Rhein flowers as food ingredients, and they said that they tasted good. It was nothing to eat seeds for the forest king and dragon.


   De Rhein flower seems to only affect the existence of lower level, even if it blooms from the center of the body, it cannot be changed.


   There is no way, all the seeds that meet the level are processed with [ModifyMemory], so that they can direct the behavior of the parasites in a direction that is beneficial to Crown Pith. Use it properly, and it is just ready to be used now.


   It’s just how difficult it is to make people willing to put something like a throat **** into one’s mouth.


In fact, Klauen Pith wanted to use it a long time ago. In the library, he carefully used the [MasSpecies] [Group All Race Confusion [MasSpecies]] carefully to the extent that it would not be discovered by the teacher, but now the level is too low to ensure that it will not be magical. The teacher perceives that, at best, it can only make Meliffice feel that Crown Pith is "too cute".


   For ten seconds, Meliface collapsed on the seat like a broken puppet.


   "Huh, it's still alive. It seems that HP has consumed a little but it doesn't seem to be a major problem." Kraun Pith breathed a sigh of relief.


   After a while, Meliface's eyelids moved, as if she had just woke up, she slowly opened her eyes and got up.


   "Ah, eh? I'm asleep? Ah, what seemed to be just now?!" Meliface fumbled back and forth between her neck and belly in a panic, but the memory just did not disappear.


   The current level of Kraunpisi is very low, and it is impossible to use [ModifyMemory] to erase the memory.


  Similarly, it is impossible to modify the memory of others and manipulate them permanently, so I used the method that is so troublesome as the de Rheinland flower.


   "Merry Faith, in the future, study hard and strive to become a disciple of Fluda to assist in the research. Please don't assume that things have not happened tonight, but please bring them into the coffin," said Kraunpith.


   "...Oh, I get it." Meliface was stunned for a moment, as if faintly feeling a tightness in her belly, she hurriedly replied.


   has been swallowed, I can only agree to it, right?


  Furthermore, becoming a disciple of Fluda was originally something Meliface had longed for. As long as you obey it, you can be guaranteed in the future.


According to human standards, it is a monster. The status of civilians is very low, but it is only human standards. However, human beings are weak creatures but common sense. Otherwise, there will be no adventurers who can easily increase their strength to accept human powers and specialize in removing monsters. Occupation exists.


   It is a monster that humans cannot defeat, and the "Thirteen Heroes" will never come out again. It is absolutely impossible to kill such a cute fairy.


   "Wait, wait, what's the matter?" Meli Faith, who sensed something wrong in her mind, held her temple.


   It is a cute monster, but it is also... the enemy of human beings, if such a secret is hidden, if the Dongchuang incident happens, would he be regarded as an accomplice? Sure enough...


   "Ah, haha~" Meliface shook her head, feeling dizzy and weak.


"Melifface, you better not resist this feeling," Kraun Pess said very seriously, stretched his toes and kicked Meriface's ankle, "If you stick to it~www.mtlnovel. com~ Except for increasing your mental energy consumption and becoming more fatigued and harder to resist, there is no other result."


   This is of course deceiving, but it's just that a person who is not high-level and difficult to resist like Meliface can actually cause those symptoms objectively.


   "Mind...control?" Meliface whispered.


"No, the mind control magic of low-level magic can only last for a while. You should have learned this level of knowledge if you can use offensive magic, so you have a monster implanted in your body." Pace smiled and stroked Meriface's belly.


   "…………" Meliphis immediately squeezed the place that Kraunpis had touched just now. Of course, she couldn't feel anything, but she didn't dare to think about it anymore.


If she doesn’t concentrate well, Meliface can’t remember what to do that would be bad for Crow En Pith. Even if she thinks of what she should do for human safety, once she relaxes, she will immediately subconsciously give it to her. Find out all kinds of reasons for yourself to make Kraunpith's image cute in her mind............


(to be continued)