Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 50: Fairy dance

Kraunpis didn't want to cause trouble at the dance party, but she didn't expect that Sunny, who was wearing her masquerade as a shield, would still be entangled by the self-esteem aristocratic children.

So, Sonny, leave it to you!

The male partner does this.

As a result, Sunny actually squeezed Crown Pith's hand without saying a word, ready to go around.

"Hey! Boy, do you know who I am! I am--"

"As a civilian, just get behind and line up!"

"Wait! I came first!"

No matter how passive the third person is, Kraunpith probably understands-class society is really harsh, but with Kraunpith's hand, there is no way for everyone to win the title of great nobility without any sense of violation.

Sonny walked fast in the hall with Crowen Pith, and walked to the dance floor. As long as she jumped on a song first, others would not be troubled anymore. Even the children of nobles would not interfere with dancing. people.

At this time, some people who appeared in Kraunpith's field of vision made her feel violent, as if facing an enemy, so she said: "Sanny, go and hit the waiter who is holding a tray at ten o'clock. "


The waiter seemed to be frightened by Sonny and Crowne Pith who had "escaped" from the nobility, and quickly guarded a few goblet containing expensive drinks on the tray from Sunny's collision.

"Sanny, what do you think? I feel like [Intermediate Magic Nullification 2] just blocked something, he actually did something here!"

"Well, I am now in the form of a mimetic demon with high physical parameters instead of a fairy. Although I am not serious, I can dodge that blow, level 25 or higher."

Clown Pith and Sonny murmured secretly.

Even if there are such people attending the banquet, it is not surprising, but level 25 and above are basically the guests in the empire, how can they be a waiter? And also secretly acted on other guests?

"Enough is enough for me," Crown Pith gave a moment of lethargy. "Don't go to a dance party. By the way, see what conspiracy the parents of "son-in-law" are involved in."

"But I can't do much on this occasion, it just happens to be the next song, why don't you come and skip a song?"

"Um... well, why don't you tell me it's not good to blow them up here, let them be lucky, huh!" Crown Pith glanced at the aristocratic children who were still following somehow, and raised her nose. Snorted.

With the brisk music, the fairies and mimics began to dance.

Generally speaking, the common people at most learn to dance social dance or something, but the appearance of the two monsters is suddenly beautiful as if they are performing gracefully.

"Hey, Sonny, are you trying too hard?"

"Ah, it seems to be, really... these inferior creatures~"

Unexpectedly, the dance floor spontaneously gave up the center of the site to these people, that is to say, assuming that this is used as a stage song and dance performance, it feels like Kraunpith and Sunny become the leading actors.

"That is to say, Sonny, those of us who have only practiced dance steps for three days are better than other children who have been learning since childhood?"

"If the human aesthetic is like this, it seems to be, Claus. Those who invited you before have straight eyes. It's better to use your eyes to confirm—"

Speaking, Sanny held Crown Pith's hand in accordance with the rhythm of the music and raised it up.

Kraunpisi followed the tune, and as the petal-like skirt flipped, her posture lightly centered on holding the raised hand, turning in circles, sweeping her eyes across the audience.

The head of the class, Meli Feisi and Sanxi Tajix, are also onlookers as strong as the dancers in the team.

"I've seen such a moving dance for the first time. Have I really only learned it for three days?"

"Yeah, it's really amazing that there was a wild breath in the first class."

Meliface and Tajiks discussed separately.

There are also two pairs of matches in the same class. Who is it? Only the names are known. They are Pliny & Orod, and Sylvie & Cerfalos, but they are not familiar with them.

Eh? Why are Will and Melchi here? But since this dance party is nominally a banquet for the top students of the Magic Academy, it is not surprising that they will be here.

Melqi is optimistic about your childhood sweetheart, he seems to have found something terrible and looks terrifying. Looking over here, am I so scary?

At this time, Sunny interrupted Crown Pith's thinking about the two who met by the water--

"Why on earth? Does Claus know?"

"How much do you know? I've heard Meliffith complain about—learning to dance is no simpler than learning combat magic. My body is so sore, like that."

"Really, human beings are really pitiful, too."

"Oh, yes."

Kraunpith and Sunny couldn't help showing a hint of pity for humans.

The reason is also very easy to understand-

Fighting needs to remember all kinds of things, not only skills, magic and tactics, but also strategy, experience, and cooperation ability. Dance also needs the above equivalent things, but it does not need to be too strong, and dance also needs. An element that shouldn't appear in combat-actions should be standardized and elegant.

The human race has various organs, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, bones, etc., which are all elements that restrict or expand such activities of the human body. Human activities need these to drive, and the range of motion is limited. Some activities do not take months. Even if you can't practice in units of years, interruptions will regress.

For example, when humans practice leg presses, the action of leg presses in battle is sufficient, and there is no need to touch the face to the feet, but some dances are needed, not only need it, but also have to do beautifully and consume concentration. Unlike fighting, it is not life-threatening, and it is relatively harder to stimulate the human body's potential. The difficulty of dance practice is no less than that of fighting.

But the fairy and the mime are different. Kraunpith and Sunny just need to know the to remember it, it is easy to do this with the memory of the tree fairy, and then a little more It can be reproduced perfectly a few times, which is much easier than combat practice.

The reason why it is easy to reproduce perfectly, as long as they cut their bodies and look at them, you can understand-the spirits of the plant monsters and the arbitrarily changing mimics, in the human form of the non-proprietary form, the body is almost single. There is almost no conspicuous organ structure, and most of the ingested substances are absorbed.

That is, there is no physical restriction (relatively, no amount of exercise can increase muscle strength), as long as you know the style of movement, you can do it well.

That’s why Kraunpith and Sunny sighed that human beings are poor, inferior creatures. It takes a lot of time and energy for humans to do things that they can easily do. This is not a poor inferior creature, or What?

After the song was finished, Kraunpith and Sunny retreated to the outside of the dance floor accompanied by applause.

This method does work, and it seems temporarily different from worrying about being entangled by boring people.

(to be continued)
