Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 51: Ignore Dark Leap

After skipping a beautiful dance and forcing the unqualified hitters back, Crowmpice and Sunny retreated to the outside of the dance floor.

"Next, what about the suspicious waiter before?" Crown Pith looked left and right.

Although after more practice, the body of Kraunpisi can use the senses to form a perception area to some extent, but the range is very small. As long as it is smaller than the visual distance, the effect of this perception is not very effective here. Big.

"Sonny, you have done a lot of things, do you have any insights?"

"That...I don't know that it's basically Sophia planning."

"Oh, forget it, just mention it with the earl later. It's a sense of disrespect for the empire to have that kind of people mixing into the dance party. The status of the nobility in the enfeoffment society is not low. Just do it." Pisi sighed secretly.

Sunny intends to talk about some pleasant topics: "Our children have already been planted. If a fairy is born in a few years, should we let them go to school?"

"Huh?" Kraunpisi didn't react for a while, and subconsciously tried to throw Sunny away, but Sonny's mimicry form was very powerful, and the outsider seemed to just twist slightly. .

"Oh, that." Crown Pith remembered that he had pollinated Sonny, but did he really get a hybrid right away?

Thinking about it this way, there are many other plants in the vicinity of the main body, and a large number of hybrids are worth looking forward to. Why is the experiment in the Top Forest so far away, and it is immediately successful here?

Is the environment different? Is the moisture food different? Or is it a question of rank?

There is too little information to judge.

"Sonny, if the fairy child is born, do we have to swap the identities? The pollen belongs to me, but it turns out to be yours, so I'm a father and you're a mother, right?"

"That kind of thing is casual. Claus cares about this?"

"It's just that she will definitely be born in human society and accept part of human knowledge? Then our relationship and dress will be considered abnormal by her, right?!"

The secret surging thing was temporarily forgotten by the monsters, and the topic became humorous.



The waiter who gave out a tray of drinks was leaving the hall with this, chatting with a man seemingly flat.

"Gaha." I could still hear such a voice.

However, in the ears of others, their conversation is dull, but it is mixed with special conversational technology, which needs to be translated into their actual communication content, which is like this——

"Hey, don't you want to give those two faints? Or say that the "beautiful boy" bends. I'm sorry to be different from you. I'm not a gay, so I won't give you artificial respiration."

"Go away, say it seriously! So, how do you feel? Will it have something to do with the destruction of the Dragon King?"

The religious nation will always send some forces to monitor the movement of the remnants of these "hundred-year aftershocks".

The Dark Sacred Scriptures failed to attack and suffered losses. The Elf King rebelled against the humans and lost the gods. The demi-humans and goblins invaded the religious kingdom and suffered heavy damage to the Firefighting Scriptures. One was wiped out without giving up.

Making sacrifices is to find out more information to specify strategies. We must not let our predecessors sacrifice in vain, right?

During the fruiting period of the Demon Tree in the Dragon Kingdom, Klauen Pisi and the Three of Light Fairies were out of the vision of the religious nation, and the [Eye] used last time was also unavailable because it did not know the general location.

In short, I suspect that I am in the Empire. That's how it feels. It's just that the Empire's intelligence agencies don't eat dry food.

And the highest person in charge of the imperial intelligence agency is also Fluda. It is impossible for the emperor to engage in hostile relations with the religious country in order to protect others. Kefruta will conceal and order some anti-reconnaissance work. Everyone does not know the existence of fairies, but they all know that the study of the undead is not allowed by the religious country and the temple forces. Therefore, all kinds of concealment and false intelligence work have spared no effort, and the fairies who have a great relationship with this have been greatly affected.

However, recently the assassin organization Igenia, one of the remaining "Thirteen Heroes", was established in seclusion, triggered a terrorist attack in the imperial capital.

The "Thirteen Heroes" are somewhat related to the Devil God, and shouldn't do anything that hurts the world without authorization.

Therefore, in line with the possibility of not letting go of the important activities of investigating the nobles who have suffered losses due to terrorist attacks, this dance dance can be regarded as one of the important activities.

"The most suspicious are the two most eye-catching people. Are those two related to Destroying the Dragon King? Or is it oneself and his entourage?"

"I don't know, that man is a complete monster, maybe he can fight the gods."


"No, it's so strong that we can't understand it anyway, so it can't be compared."

"Is the suspicion raised?"

"No, it doesn't match the characteristics of the tree goblin race confirmed in the past. I thought that the goblin might be good at illusion, and the moment I avoided it, I activated the magic item that I saw through. But there was no response."

The disguise currently used by Sunny is to use the transformation ability of mimics instead of illusions, while Kraunpith's passive skill [Intermediate Magic Nullification 2] takes effect and blocks the see-through magic.

So the waiter found nothing.

"Then, what about that female companion? It feels a bit like a look."

"But that female companion is not strong at all, of course, better than most of my troops, but at least, weaker than me and you, the five seats of the dark sacred scripture. Based on years of experience in judging people I think so."

If there is a counter-detection or false intelligence magic that can control even this kind of intuition, it's a different story, but the magic items that have been seen before have not responded, and there is no common sense.

"What's the matter?"

"Assuming that he is some other monster, and she is the goblin under the Destroyer Dragon the possibility that comes to mind is—" The waiter began to **** his fingers and enumerate, "She is the weakest level under his hand. The fairy, she has a means we can’t understand to hide her strength, or it is—they are actually other monster forces and have nothing to do with Destroying the Dragon King.”

The last guess is not surprising, and occasionally people will mix into human society and establish some kind of network of relationships.

"So, are there other possibilities? But I have to investigate more networks."

"Hum. I don't know. These are the tasks of the mind. There is not enough intelligence, but now it is actually about to touch the bottom line of the empire. There is no way to go deeper. The work of the mind should be left to it. , So continue to look at it in order to gain a little bit more?"

"Hey, aren't you attracted by that beautiful dance?" The man made a suggestive gesture to the waiter's lower body.

"Tell you, my interest is great, that kind of plain is not my dish, huh." The waiter wrinkled his face suddenly, ready to prepare a new drink.

(to be continued)
