Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 59: Use violence to control violence

Star took out a wooden sword that was longer than his own height, and said that it was made from the woody layer near the inner layer of the trunk of the main body. The sky released a few fireballs, showing that magic weapons made with their own bodies are indeed more powerful than those made by indigenous people.

God tm writing sword is pronounced as a staff, right? However this is not the point-

This made Kraunpith and Luna dumbfounded and unbelievable. It is true that in theory a high-level body can obtain high-level materials, but who can use their own body to do it?

Well, in fact, Kraunpith had thought of it during the chat during the dwarf country, but in the end, because of the pain, she almost retched when she imagined it.

The wand sword that I saw right now didn't look like it was compacted and pieced together with sawdust that wouldn't return to the body even with the use of healing magic, but a whole piece of wood was formed at once. Can Star bear the pain of extracting the same part of the spine without using healing magic until the production is completed?

Costa suggested that it doesn't matter if they are identified.

"That's what you said." Kraunpisi took out the identification crystal and activated it. The information flowing into her brain stunned her, "Actually, really. I'm afraid it is the first level 75 in the world made on-site. The equipment is complete, even the whiteboard equipment without any additional effects."

Knowing that Star would do the experiment, but the subject actually included himself or something.

"Star, do we... do we need to be so desperate?" Luna said tremblingly. At least she couldn't do this. She would endure the removal of the large internal tissues of her body, let alone say, her body is basically a mushroom with a texture. Fluffy.

"Enough, if you want to use my own wood, just take it, take it. Even if the coke is also good for me! Use it to make charcoal pencils or roast it casually, you are not allowed to waste! If you don't use it well Didn't I feel the pain in vain!" Crown Pith turned around impatiently and waved his hand, driving away the flies.

What makes Kraunpith a little strange is that Star ran around among the large pieces of wood like charcoal, knocking here and there, and picking up a small book to "brush" and record something.

Isn't it a record of the impact of those injuries on the wood of the Kraun leather body?

"No? That is to say, do you plan to use my main body as a long-term wood supply in the future? At least until we find a way to temporarily relieve the pain!" Crown Pith called back.

"Ah, aren't you looking for it? The assassin we caught last time completely shielded the pain, and we can wait for the Empire to copy their house." Star waved his hand impatiently and looked at Luna, "You too Don't be in a daze, let's investigate the wood of Pisi's body."

"Oh, yes." Luna hurried to help.

"Oh, do you want me to clean up this place afterwards?" Crown Pith looked at the two goblins running around the big "coke", holding his forehead and lamenting.

"No, no, I will use teleportation magic to get a bunch of them." Star said.

But Kraunpith suddenly thought of a question, and looked back at Star: "What does this have to do with the letter issue we talked about at the beginning?"

"No, I just think it would be nice to do what I can do together. Wouldn't it be great to teach Piss to get wood again?" Star returned to his black smile.

"Boom!" Star was slapped underground by the branches of the magic tree, leaving a smoking pit on the ground. Immediately afterwards, a tree root inserted into the hole, made a blow, and plugged the hole.

"Peace, you were serious about the blow just now, right?" Luna's expression was a little distorted.

"It's okay. When it's funny, aren't there any mysterious powers to avoid injury?"

"No, her hp has dropped."

"Hmph, come down, hum." Crown Pith turned around again with a hum, and his tone became a little softer. Guys didn't even expect this, did they?"

"I think Star's words may be unexpected." Luna said.

"I know, Luna, if you want to get the wood, just take it, and then..." Crown Pisz touched his bare body and asked back, "My clothes...who got it?"

Luna silently pointed to Star's pit.

"...Let her stay inside for a while and then pull her out. I'm not in a hurry to get dressed."

"Why should I stay in that narrow hole? Piss is good or bad." Star appeared behind Kraun Piss.

"Space magic is cheating enough." Kraun Pith said in a bad mood.

"Unable to deal with it is the fault of insufficient means. Besides, the teleportation magic cannot be sent continuously without interval, and it will be interfered by some more powerful enchantments or counter magic, which is not omnipotent."

"Huh, I know, Nasta, please give me the clothes quickly, help me clean up here, and then help me get the group of noble groups who want me to go to meet with me here." Kraun Pith continued Turn your back to Star, not looking at Star's face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, is Pace getting motivated?"

"No, but I don't want to be punished by you either... Ah, it hurts, it hurts... Why do you suddenly pinch my ears!"

"Pix, it's not that I haven't made any progress at all!" Star yelled into Kraun Pice's ears.

"Just leave the right things to the motivated people to do, and the unmotivated people will only frown and make a mess...Ah, don't be too proud of it!"

"Boom!" Kraunpisi canceled the goblin body, and his body disappeared in an instant. Almost at the same time, Star slapped the magic tree into the ground again.

Claunpy, who had re-emerged the goblin body, stood at the entrance of the cave and looked down at Star's smoking head, jokingly said: "Hehe, Star, you are right, teleportation magic is really not omnipotent."

The attack speed of the magic tree is very fast, but the star who majored in fire can't react to hee hee, let you tease me again! Don't pretend to be dizzy, come out to work for me, there are only less than four hours before the time to meet the soulless nobles! Don't blame me for being rude to me in the future, haha. "

And Luna is still investigating the wood left by the large amount of various injuries peeled off from the body of Crowen Pith.

"Wow, these have become as fluffy as biscuits, what a pity."

"Unbelievable, why some'coke' has become harder than the original fresh wood of Pisi itself? It seems that it is impossible to process it with existing tools."

"Is this bark that has been squeezed out of water? It still feels elastic? Can it be used as a mattress spring?"


Although there are a lot of things to worry about, it is a pity that this hasn't attracted the attention of the fighting fairies for the time being.

(to be continued)
