Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 71: Towards the road of not being a human

The forest sage and the little red dragon regularly send them to the round arena, which is very popular among the emperors, to earn playing fees and exercise. This brain-destructive move became the basis for the religious nation to judge that the fairy is in the empire, but it's fortunate that it can't locate the fairy at all.

Having said that, for the fairies, there has been a small magical achievement that happened in the past few years.

There are many different kinds of magic, including attack magic, that I learned during the Magic Academy, such as [magicarrow], [continuallight], [shockwave], and [lightcurewounds] 】、【Fireball [fireball]】and so on, Crown Pith has learned dozens of magics. If the zero-level magic and the indigenous original life-use level magic are counted together, there are three digits, perhaps because The basic level is too high, so basically as long as you understand the knowledge, you can use it normally or even increase your effort without practicing for a few days.

It's better than nothing.

The topic was a little farther away, and his eyes turned back--

Clown Pace, who was walking on the road, was somewhat boring, so she talked to Meliface about her knowledge of war.

"Isn't this... I can know? Well, but if you want to reflect the educational achievements of the Magic Academy, the Empire may let us students go to the battlefield. I can understand the possibility that Claus mentioned war. Is the possibility basically inevitable?" Meliffis asked.

"Oh, no one in the class has ever said that, Meliface, you're quite sharp." Kraunpisi nodded.

"In this way, Krauss's study and research results during this period of time are of great use to wars, will they be used?" Meliffis asked again.

"Well, tell me about it." Kraun Pith felt that she knew it, but she still wanted to hear from the perspective of the empire.

Then, Meliffy pulled up two fingers: "One, the magic of food creation, although the food that Claus turns out is still not tasty, it is a bit better than the one made by the temple, and it still tastes condiment if it appears. Unexpectedly, the food and grass can’t keep up. Using Claus’ magic to supply food is more beneficial to soldiers’ health than the empire and temple supplies. Second, the life magic that Toclas managed to spread out combined with the blessing of the way of increasing power of combat magic, now magic The academy's classmates and predecessors who can easily achieve'ten people cut' and'tear the wall' have reached double digits. If you don't count the sacrifices, you can kill all the beasts that can only be matched by the steel-level adventurers in the past.

"It is estimated that foreign spies will come in for this reason. The empire will become the strongest human kingdom."

"But the experimental stage of magic is really tragic. Obviously so many people are sent to the medical department by'accidents' and'backlashes' by magic every day, and humans are still happy about it. Hehehe." Crown Pith thought. Those tragic scenes that were so funny in her eyes couldn't help but laugh.

"Really, it is so powerful, and it has attracted the nobles to form the "Hell Fairy" cult. Is it really okay to hand over the powerful power to ordinary humans?" Thinking of the past few years, people around me have also become "coke" Meli Fiss couldn't help complaining about the experience she had almost affected herself.

"Heheheh." Kraun Pace was still smiling.

What Kraunpith is holding in his heart is: I only know the principles of those techniques that rely on knowledge of physics and chemistry to increase attack power. How do I know how to use them in magic? Find a way, and I will "steal" back after I find it. Your upper limit of level and upper limit of magic rank are already low, so you don't have to worry about being surpassed by you at all, isn't it?

At this time, Meliffy made a clear action with a boxing palm: "Oh, when it comes to powerful monsters, it can be Tyron. The few dragons raised by Claus and your compatriots can also play, right?"

"Why don't you talk about the imperial dragon knights? Compared to the dragons, those dragon knights are stronger?"

"But, I heard that the flying dragons are incorporated into the Imperial Air Force responsible for guarding the airspace of the empire, while the land Xinglong is assigned to capable generals. They are all positions that are not on the front line. It is difficult to be effective? But... I feel that the world is changing really fast. Ah, obviously the dragons in the imperial capital a few years ago are still fascinated by everyone. Now everyone can talk about it. The military of the empire develops so fast, even though it appears to be the merit of a big man, it has Krause’s. Where's the shadow, so-when does Lord Clown Pith plan to bring the entire empire into his hands?" Meliffis said, her eyes seemed to shine.

"I have no plans at the moment. Do you think I am the strongest in the world? Meliffice? There are many monsters. If you don't care that we are all at your door, I can't think about your proposal." Si poked Meliface in the face and chuckled.

"...I was wrong, I'm very sorry!"

"Human vision is too short and there is no way, forgive you, okay, here it is."

Klauen Pisz pulled Merifits to stop, and looked up at the tall Upanishad Tower. At the bottom is the forbidden magic research institute for mankind, and at the top is Fluda's own residence.


Meriface's perspective——

Followed by a fairy in front of me, whose true appearance became more and more petite as time passed, I entered the Upanishad Tower, which is the dream of almost every magic fanatic, and walked all the way down, the light dimmed, and the light source was gradually magical [Permanent Light [ continuallight]] instead of semi-permanent lighting produced.

It is indeed the center of imperial magic. You must know that semi-permanent 【continuallight】except for the magic caster himself, basically only the nobles and emperors can afford it.

Walking all the way to the bottom of the tower, Meliface looked at the huge purple-black dead tree and the undead working around, and subconsciously covered her mouth.

The other hand is scratching Now she is no longer scared to incontinence and vomiting by this level of things, but the body still feels unconsciously uncomfortable, that is the escape of the living to the dead The reaction produced by negative energy.

"It's... it's really rude, sorry." Meli Faith couldn't help apologizing, knowing that she was very gagged.

"Don't care, this is the real danger of death. Human survival instinct is stimulated. Skeletons may be nothing, but you are not the opponent of this tree. The trace of negative energy spilled from the undead created by it will stimulate the human body. But not to the point of devouring life, as long as you don't take the initiative to hostile the Necro Tree, you don't need to care." said Kraunpith.

"Yes, I understand."

Meliffy's gaze swept around, and there were some magic casters in long robes doing various things. They really didn't seem to be affected. As long as they don't endanger their lives, it doesn't matter. People here are used to it.

"I have to get used to the monster air, too."

(to be continued)
