Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 72: Taboo launch!

Meliface, who continued to follow the fairy in front of her, saw her in the passage opening a door in a way that she couldn't understand, letting herself in, and then followed.

It feels empty inside, but in fact there are still a lot of things, such as the huge magic circle on the ground, for example, it surrounds it, and it looks like it can be pulled into the pipeline in the magic circle.

Connected to the pipeline, what's the matter with those huge containers? The few that I know are all high-end products whose bites are priced in gold coins, and most of them don’t know what the **** is it. It seems that the liquid in the container does not look like a liquid, and it squirts slightly there? Slime? It shouldn't be such a low-level thing, right?

There was only one person in the room: Fluda Paradine, a role model for every magic caster in the empire, and the person Meliface looked forward to.

And now, looking at Fluda's blue slot and comparing it to the little fairy next to him, she can only sigh that "the pinnacle of human magic is nothing more than this".

"Huhuhu, you are here."

Fluda showed the kind old man's smile, but Meliface felt that it was only because of the value of her own use.

"I'm familiar with it, let's get started." Kraun Pace couldn't help but push Meliphis into the middle of the magic circle, put her on the ground, and quickly picked up the pipeline and inserted it into Meliphis's body.

Except for the two pierced skin for inserting blood vessels, the others were seemingly random and actually pierced into the body very roughly. His stomach was also connected by the pipeline, and even the seven orifices other than the eyes were not let go.

"At least, leave me a nostril to breathe..." Meliface, who felt her body was ruined unreasonably, could only beg in her heart.

Sure enough, a nostril was left.

"But why is she so skilled?"

Because of the whole body's pain, Meliface, who had become confused, rolled her eyes, and saw Kraun Pess holding a large wave of scrolls, tearing one of them apart.

"First of all: [paralysis]] (halved), is it better? Can I move my hands and feet? Is my thinking normal?" Crown Pith asked.

"Well, it doesn't hurt anymore, but...hands and feet are moving, difficult, thinking, normal." Meliface murmured.

"That's good, then you can start all these scrolls. Just touch and add thoughts." As he said, Kraunpisi stuffed the scrolls one by one into Merifice's clothes.

"[Middle-level attribute defense [middleenergy]];"


"[Middleluck [middleluck]];"

"[Middle Full Potential [middlefullpotential]];"

"[Middle resistance enhancement [middleresistance]];"

"[Vitality continues to regenerate [regenerator]];"

"[Enhance the middle-level vitality [middlemaximizelife]]."

As the magic scrolls turned into flickering lights and flew away, Meliface felt her body become lighter and lighter, as if she was not her own, and she became more and more frightened.

"Master, the preparations are complete, and now her physique should be adjusted to the level of yours, and the mimicry magic body fluid is ready."

"Okay, okay, let's get started. We also have to quickly prepare for life magic and time magic."

"It's so noisy~" Meliffis found that her hearing had become so strong that she was not human, that is, her hearing was strengthened along with other abilities? Is it possible that the ears of those strong people are so noisy? ?

It's just that too many buffs have been added suddenly, which leads to discomfort.

"Melphis, remember that if you feel something forcibly entering your body, swallow it if you can swallow it, and breathe it in if you can breathe in. If you find that your spirit is being left and right, it will go along. Don't resist no matter how uncomfortable you are, otherwise experiment. You will die if you fail."


Meliffis felt terrified, but there was no other choice. If there were multiple choices, it would be to choose between the so-called success of the experiment and death.

"Okay, take this... you don't need to take it. Since it can be used by touching it, it has grown a lot over the years. It's good to be inserted here. At least there is no need to worry about letting go of the magic due to pain or numbness."

Kraunpi slipped a short stick into Merifice's neckline and let her clamp it.

"Then, start to inject all the potions one by one. [Vine entanglement [bindofliana]]."

Meliface's eyes widened again. At this time, her mind was not entirely experimental-anyway, it was not her turn to work hard.

"She actually accurately manipulates each vine wrapped around a different valve to precisely adjust the flow rate of the liquid? Although it is not a powerful magic, how far can it be done?"

Before the various potions had reached her body, Meliface was squirming and biting the pipeline's mouth, muttering quickly.

"Yes, how long has it been practiced? Since I consciously started, has there been ten years of plant-related magic? Except for necessary food and unnecessary sleep, do not rest for a moment. But the fact that there is no need to rest is a racial characteristic, human beings Doing this for a few years will lead to death from overwork, so unless you have the anti-fatigue natural ability or props, you should not imitate it as a human."

After hearing these words, Meliface lowered her eyelids a little sadly: "...Sure enough, being a man is really terrible, and I have to struggle with so many power struggles that have nothing to do with strength and ability. I don't want to be a man anymore...Woo! Ugh!!!"

At this time, various medicines reached her body one by one and started to inject them. Meliface felt that her head was covered by something else, and she tried hard to stay awake.

"Wrong, I said that I should follow the feeling and don't resist!" Kraunpith exerted control over Meliffith.

Then, Fluda began to cast spells, and the magic circle under Meliface began to light up part by part. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Rank magic, there is magic that allows people to switch races, but it is not a real conversion of races. It is just equivalent to a transformation magic that temporarily enhances combat power (for example, the druid of a certain Warcraft game turns into a bear), Fluda It has been penetrated with the help of the magic book handed by Wakasagiji.

The true permanent racial conversion magic does not exist in the natives of another world, and the rank magic brought by the player does not exist. The conversion of the race requires paid props in "yggdrasil". If you want to play other races, you can simply open a trumpet. .

Therefore, it needs to be solidified. On the one hand, the deformed body must have the composition of the corresponding race, and on the other hand, the shape must be preserved.

Therefore, you need to use the body fluids drawn from the mimics (the lost body fluids will not return due to the treatment, so they will be healed after the extraction), as well as the magic of Fluda to stop the flow of his life.

At the same time, this can only be regarded as the sixth-level magic and not enough to deal with the complete stagnation of time. It requires more advanced magic...

(to be continued)
