Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 79: Not suitable for the age of tanks

Seeing her tens of thousands of children, when she saw that she was leaving, she reluctantly put on her clothes "secretly observe.jpg" and stroked her head nervously.

Mistakes? The magic tree of Kraunpith has been doing what Penny Kaoru has done to all the descendants and hybrid plants around her, in order to give birth to a fairy who can freely move and work as a natural priest. The lesson of such a black-bellied self, Kraunpisi carefully did it, and everything that was transmitted removed the memory that Kraunpisi didn't want to pass on.

In short, in order to prevent his offspring from appearing like Star, who likes to rectify themselves because of knowing who they are, Kraunpisi did a wide range of one-sided indoctrination during the birth of the fairy, and the result is—

The descendants of the fairies who "brought up" Kraunpies personally, the impression in their hearts of Kraunpies has become a 100% unconditional worship of the god-like mother and father role, and they are very, sticky fairies , And super exclusive.

"...Ahhhh, who said he is leaving completely." Kraunpith took a few steps forward and came to the huge pothole where he once took root.


The mountain was shaking, and the magic tree of Kraunpith's body was released.

All the fairies behind him "pounced on the street", and a large "pupupupupu" sound in the woods was the sound of the fairies falling from the trees one after another without flying magic.

The only one who could barely kneel on one knee to hide her face and keep her from falling down was only Meliphis, but she also seemed scared enough.

"That, that's... good... so big." Meliface kept looking up, thinking some bad lines, this might be the giant tree where they once bowed down to Kraunpith. Bar?

Actually it is.

"Oh, Meliphis, your actions are so funny, zombies wouldn't do it. Hehe." She heard Kraun Pess laugh like that.

Isn't you just looking up? Eh? It seems that you have reached the arch bridge position?

Realizing this, Meliface fell directly on her back to the ground.

"Able to make monster movements unconsciously, but once you concentrate and fall, do you still look at yourself according to human thinking? Hmm...I will get used to it after a while." As he said, Kraun Pace stretched out and lifted Mei Lifei. Silk, waving her other hand to the fairies, shouting—

"Everyone, I will be with everyone. [Teleport[]]!"

The two disappeared, leaving behind the fairies who collectively paid homage to the magic tree.


Bajas Empire, the imperial capital of Owental—

"Those, what are they?" Meli Faith walked from the corner of the imperial capital to the setting sun, and couldn't help but curiously asked.

Judging by common sense, Meliface felt that it was similar to a gun cart used for siege. I heard that the dwarf country seemed to have something similar, but it was used to clean up underground races in narrow places.

The appearance and output of those who have witnessed along with Kraun Pess is too abnormal.

"Chariot, don't you know?" Kraun Pith didn't look back.

"I just heard..."

"That's not enough, just like I heard." Kraunpith knew that since the Empire and the dwarven state traded, there must be no way to hide the chariot.

It's just that the difference in performance and occupant capabilities between the tanks made by the dwarves and the tanks developed by Kraunpith is the same as the gap between human soldiers and young dragons. There is no need to disclose this to others.

"Can you use that to help the empire win the war?"

Klauenpis listened, stopped, squinted and looked back at Meriface: "Why should I do that kind of thing?"

"Ah... yeah, what..." Merifice digs her temple with her finger, seeming to say while thinking, "Klaus, look, the empire will be... your possession sooner or later, so give yourself a little bit of future Reduce the loss of his property... shouldn’t it?"

"The empire is my possession? Haha, I am not interested in a country of this level for at least a hundred years." Kraun Pith turned and continued walking.

Because the empire is too close to the place where Ainz Ur Gong will descend in the future, and there is also the problem of being adjacent to the church country at the moment, the empire can use it and must not protect it as its own thing.

The same is true for the Top Forest.

But Meliffis seemed to be shocked. Although she turned to the original topic, her tone was obviously lost: "Yes... Is it... Sure enough, your existence at this level is nothing special to inferior creatures like humans." Interesting...Speaking of which...Since you disagree, should the Empire import a Dwarf Nation for imitation?"

"It's your idea, whatever you want, hehe. But can you do it with your current knighthood?" Crown Pith almost didn't laugh.

It's also very simple for Kraunpith to make a poker face, but it's not funny to tease this increasingly difficult "slave".

"Don't laugh, just go and discuss with His Royal Highness Tajiks. I have a good relationship with him." Meriface argued with a blushing face.

"No, no, not laughing at your human status, but... hehe, anyway, come on. There is nothing else today, see you tomorrow."

"…alright, bye."

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee." After seeing the others walk away, Crowen Pith stopped smiling.

Do you know why the dwarf’s tank uses the flamethrower as the main weapon, and the lightning magic as the secondary weapon? Because the chariot really consumes the user's magic power, UU Reading is also insufficient in defense. It can only be used as a "pure mage" Graeme and ordinary Graeme to play its due role under the current combat concept of the world.

If it needs to achieve sufficient protection to make it capable of all combat missions, it is impossible. First of all, the current world's smelting technology must reach the level that third-level magic and martial skills will never be able to break the defense. Thicker armor will make the tank. The weight increases geometrically, which will increase the consumption of magic power to drive the tank.

Even if the above problems are overcome, the melee combat of the tank is still short, although the dwarf has also tried to install a lawn mower-like knife on the wheels of the tank in the past few years, which can drive the knife of the tank to hit the target. At times, it is easy to get stuck directly, causing the tank to lie down, which is completely impractical.

The perfect solution is to make a weapon that can be used as a tank or as Graeme, but-do you want to be a Transformer? Sorry, the original tank concept was accepted because it was cheaper than Graham, and it was too expensive to be a Transformer.

To sum up, in today's world, the main role of the tank is still a weapon to clean up monsters in narrow areas and become safer, rather than a weapon of war.

(to be continued)
