Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 80: "Death to death" going to kindergarten

After several years of groping, the goblins combined with the experience of the dwarves who first started research and development and found that in today's world, chariots are not a weapon of war, but are more suitable as weapons for cleaning monsters in narrow areas.

Kraunpith didn't need such a thing.

Then why does Kraun Pith want to play a chariot? As mentioned in the previous sentence, it is fun and can also make up for the incompleteness of not attacking magic, but the latter purpose disappeared after entering the magic academy.

Now the research of the chariot is completely taken over by Luna, who is in love with artifacts, and Granbell who assists in the research of the undead.

Because the low-weight and high-hardness wood of the magic tree body is used as the main material, and the fairy crew who are born to be magic casters, the firepower, protection and mobility of the tank are soaring while the tank is reduced in weight and capacity. The purpose of the car is full of new vitality.

Although there is no clear plan for what kind of war will be launched in the future, in the attitude that primitive accumulation will never be useless, Kraunpiss just let them do it according to their own preferences, just don't make trouble.

Klauen Pisz glanced at Meli Faith's back from the corner of the eye: "Come on, Meli Faith, I know that because the Empire’s military development is a bit faster than the surrounding countries, I am alerted. If you can take this project If the match is successful, it would be a great service to bring the surrounding countries to spend a fortune to follow a useless arms race, hehehehe. I can think of such a good idea, am I smarter too?"

Even if, this is just an idea full of loopholes.

"Next, take back the materials of the magic scroll and sell it to the Imperial Magic Province. They will be happy. They are gone, Meriface."


At this time, the elven kingdom, which had just provided the raw materials for the magic scrolls not long ago, approached with the malice of wailing vengeance against the souls of those who were made into scrolls.


Elf Kingdom, Elf King Academy——

This is the academy set up by the Elf King himself, mainly for the best teaching of his children with excellent bloodlines and talents. The model is a little copy of the Magic Academy of the Bajas Empire.

Although that was said, in fact, the college only used a slightly larger tree house, and the number of students was only six, composed of the biological children of the Elf King obtained by various means. There are only four students who came to school today.

As soon as the afternoon class time came, when the door was pushed open from the outside--

"Shoo!" A wind blade flew towards the teacher who appeared at the door!

"Bha~" Feng Blade was lightly blocked by the magic shield opened by the big goblin who opened the door, and even the shock wave did not exist.

Why is the big fairy in charge of being a teacher? Because the elf king is not worried about handing over the combat-related training to the weak. In the past, the training mode of the weak was never able to satisfy the Elf King, so he requested the higher-level elves.

And the descendants who control the Elf King are in control of the future of the Elf Kingdom, and the meticulous big goblin readily accepts this.

After receiving the wind blade, the big goblin walked to the podium calmly, saying: "Well, I am very motivated, then, let's start the class..."

Before the words fell, the big goblin fell down.

It's a hole. Will the big goblin be trapped by this classical trap?

The level of the big goblin is very high. Due to the constant attempts of various learning, various occupations that do not necessarily need to kill the enemy to gain experience points are obtained. Now, the level composition of the big goblin is——

Race level: 36 (power of nature lv15, power of high-level nature lv10, tree fairy lv10, forest goddess lv1)

Occupation Level: 48 (Forest Priest lv15, Senior Forest Priest lv5, Nature Pioneer lv5, Apothecary lv5, Alchemist lv5, Guerrilla lv2, Chef lv2, Disaster Apostle lv2, Priest lv1, Warlord lv1, Ninja lv1 , Fist Fighter lv1, Assassin lv1, Beast Tamer lv1, Leader lv1)

Total level: 84

The level is higher than the first born of the Three of Light Fairies, but it may not be able to win a real fight, because the class level is so scattered that it feels so sparse. With a small amount of proficiency and enough knowledge, you can get a class. But it can't increase the professional level much.

But the big goblin feels that knowledge is very important for formulating countermeasures, and gaining knowledge is the priority. She thinks that she and other goblins are currently fighting enough to cope with the current situation and fight-just leave it to Cirno and Lily with simple heads.

As a teacher, you can just verify whether you can get this professional level.

Now, her meticulous personality as a teacher makes her want to see how the students grow up in the battle.

Therefore, since she is responsible for teaching combat, she especially allows students to attack herself at any time.

"Well, this cave didn't exist until just now. It was secretly made with magic on the spot? Is there any additional mechanism? Let me see."

So, the big goblin stepped into the cave simply with one foot, and then fell down, leaving only one head on the ground.

"Good job, Eucalyptus! Hurry up and seal the hole. This will definitely defeat the Great Teacher!" A blond teenager who resembled the Elf King and raised his hand as a sign. He is the Elf King and Alan’s son Matisse. Half-elf.

"Huh, I don't know how to backfill the magic!" The girl with weird black-and-white opposites of hair and eyes stepped directly on the table and used it as a pedal to make a leap. I don't know when a sickle appeared in her hand, tall and high. lift.

"Oh, come on!" A black-haired boy shook his fist.

"Oh, I know, this brain." Another silver-haired girl who was sitting idly covered her face.

These three black and white are the children of the Elf King and Filumina. The black-haired teenager and the silver-haired girl are the first twins to be born. The older sister is Katleia, the younger brother is Olux, and the black-and-white girl is the second. Fetal eucalyptus.

Now Eucalyptus rushes up like this!

"Look at me! [Slash]!" The long-handled sickle in Yugal's hand struck a blue light, and the tip pierced the big goblin's eyes!


"Why? Why did you work so The big teacher is fine!" Yugali, who found that not only the big goblin was safe, but also the big goblin back shocked out, exclaimed quite annoyed.

"So you rushed to go crazy!" Matisse yelled.

"It's just too weak," the big goblin rose from the cave, shaking the dust on his body, slapped the podium, and said, "Then, let's start the class."

"Wait, I haven't..."

"[Group All Race Confusion [masscharmspecies]], darling, after class, go back to your seat."

"Yes—" A group of bear kids brought out to the Elf King because of their awe-inspiring talents were willing to return to their seats.

"Eh~ isn't it the spirit magic?" Yugali said with a puffed face.

(to be continued)
