Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v4 Chapter 83: Lily loses

"Angel? Enemy? Why does that kind of thing appear in the sky above my house!" After hearing the words of the big goblin, Eucalyptus in her arms was dumbfounded and reflexively hugged the big goblin's neck.


   Three angels came down.


   Among the two wings, although there is a hand holding a wat plate, which symbolizes kingship, the head and feet are not visible. It’s not so much an angel as it is a monster pieced together by wings. Even so, just feel the huge positive energy contained in the holy light (positive energy relative to the negative energy of undead creatures, and socialism). It doesn't matter), people who have a devout belief in God will believe that it is a holy thing.


  The other angel wore a beast head, wore a brilliant armor, and held a shield with a strange pattern and a spear of light.


   Along with them, there are clusters of beams of light falling from the daytime!


   Seeing all of this, at least what Yugali now understands is that maybe tens of thousands of selves can't win that kind of thing!


   "My home! And everyone!" Yugalie pushed the big goblin.


   "Miso, let's go!" Cirno on the tree not far away waved to the big goblin.


"Wait a minute," the big goblin hugged Yugali's head with one hand, not letting her look back. Yugali's talent is so good, she has a lot of abilities that she basically learns after watching it a few times, yet she hasn't figured out the rules. Now, some abilities can never be seen directly by her.


[Group All Race Confusion [MasSpecies]] This magic has actually been learned by Yugal, but fortunately, now Yugal has to use this magic to the extent that he faints after using it once, and it has no effect on high-level goblins. The big goblin can use it without any scruples.


   This is also the reason why she didn't let Fabritis use magic to deal with Eucalyptus before.


   "[Summon the second-order fairy [SummonFairy2th]]." The big goblin raised his other hand, and summoned a slap-sized little goblin in his own hand.


   "Add audio-visual sharing, go see what happened there, don't be discovered." The big goblin commanded.


   This is the magic of the elves. The additional audio-visual sharing is a relatively advanced technology, which few people can learn, but the big fairy with a high basic level does not find it difficult, at least it is much simpler than the martial arts that Qi Luno yearns for.


   Then, the big goblin added [PerfectUnknowable] to the little goblin for the sake of insurance.


   "Understood, Master." After the little goblin leaned on the big goblin's hand to salute, he teleported away to the big goblin.




  The kingdom of the elves, the capital of kings——


   The Elf King, who just jumped out of his own nightgown for his life, looked at his house annihilated in the beam of light, and the people who were attacked by multiple angels and fled in panic. He was very annoyed.


He doesn't care about the lives of the weak, but this is where he lives. The thought of living in this kind of destroyed place surrounded by ruins and corpses for a while, it feels so impressive whether it is repaired or lived. Annoyed.


Especially, now he still has a wife dead, Alan’s basic level is not enough, and there is no ashes left after suffering a light beam. Philumina has just finished sleeping with the Elf King, but she has not been able to pay as she is ready to go to bed. The elf king who is not asleep generally avoids, but with her physical strength, she should not be able to die.


   It doesn't matter if you leave it alone, if you can't bear even this level of attack, then the blood of that god-man is nothing more than that.


   He glanced at a nearby war zone again--


   Fairy Lily has rushed out of the Elf death penalty field, and is fighting a man. Compared with the weak people around him who were affected by the aftermath and stray bullets, the battlefield is really pleasing to the eye.


   However, Lily is a plant race, and his opponent is a male, and it is a pity that they cannot have children with the Elf King.


   "The church country will really have some boring revenge, but it's disgusting. This king will just reluctantly kill these nasty angels." Thinking about this, the Elf King rushed to one of the angels.


   "Huh? I hope he will deal with this person, and then I will deal with the angel... The personality is too bad! This person!"


   Lily glanced at the Elf King silently, and had to immediately continue to turn her gaze to the man in front of her. Covered by red plate armor and helmets, he can't see his face, and he holds a long knife, a bit like a samurai or a heavy warrior.


   But, moving and attacking are too fast!


Lily kept shooting a wide range of light bullets in an attempt to prevent the man from advancing, but it was completely useless. All that could be avoided was avoided with the smallest range of movement, and half of those that could not be avoided were all bounced away with martial arts. [5] Light Strike] Can it be fired in bursts!


Oops! That guy is tricking too! Obviously there are long-range skills, but only at this distance? !


   Three jets of dark blade lights flew towards Lily who was only a few steps away.


   Lily is not without warning that this man may launch a long-range attack, always using continuous barrage to block his knife path, however, these blades completely shattered all the light bullets on the road!


   Why don’t you use this assassin earlier? It can also save energy, so there should be any restrictions, but you have to try to take this blow before thinking about it!


  Looking at the sword light that quickly zoomed in her gaze, Lily quickly hid to the right and activated her magic: "[Dimensional Movement[;Move]]!"


   stepped back several tens of meters, retreated into the forest of death execution grounds he was familiar with, leaned against a tree, and then with a "woo", stretched out his right hand to cover his left shoulder, where the arm had disappeared.


   "Woo...[Heavy][Heavy]." Looking at her rapidly recovering arm, Lily grinned, "It's...unpleasant."


   In this place, there are many elves or human captives given to death by the Elf King, who were beaten into flesh by her and eaten, but it was really unpleasant to become the one who was dismembered.


   To be honest, The appearance of the arm is restored, but the lost physical strength cannot be fully recovered. The samurai's slash is so powerful, and there are additional effects, which greatly took away Lily's physical strength.


   "What? Are you chasing it? Damn inferior creatures... Why are they so strong... Is it the player's blood? But, after all, how come in suddenly... How do these useless elves guard the front line?"


   It’s just that, even if you blame the elf, you won’t be upset.


   "Then, use the trick that Pisi created in the past few years."


   Lily knows that Kraun Pith occasionally put forward some strange or interesting ideas when learning magic. If it can be used, it must be a very powerful feeling, and some will be sent here directly by magic newsletter.


   "There is no chance for actual combat, but to defeat this entangled stalker, I have to go!" Lily clenched her fists, shot out the barrage, and jumped towards the man who was chasing under the tree.


(to be continued)