Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 19: Lead the dragon out of the cave

The hand of Star stroking Shuge's head glowed with the light of the magic circle.

After a while, Star released his hand, turned around and said silently: "[Teleport[]]."

After Star disappeared, Shuge's appearance began to change like a kneaded clay, and soon became Star's appearance. She put on Star's usual confident expression as a student president, and gently sat on Star's buttocks. On a hot chair.

And the place where Star can be teleported to can only be in the Andelia Mountains that he once conquered, in the Frost Dragon Lair, call a few more Frost Dragons, and go to meet with Sunny who led another wave of Frost Dragons.

Sanny, who was pacing back and forth on the large ambush made by the Frost Dragon, saw Star bringing another batch of Frost Dragons, and jumped and waved her hands, lest she might not be spotted.

Of course this is meaningless to Star.

Star landed with the Frost Dragon, and said straight to the point: "Is there anything related to the ship attacker?"

"That's right, although it's all small soldiers' things." Sunny pointed to a pile of weapons and stumps that seemed to be floating on the water, which was obtained by sending the Frost Dragon with great effort.

"It's okay, just find the soldier and ask for information." Star walked to the tattered pile, picked up a piece of scale that was suspected of being hit by a speargun in the Naga battle, and put his other hand on it to activate the magic. [Object positioning [LocateObject]]."

"Just use it like that?" Sunny opened her eyes wide.

Generally speaking, when using intelligence-gathering magic, you must make full preparations to guard against the enemy before launching it. If others don’t say anything, Star himself possesses the means to fight intelligence-gathering magic. The moment it is located will pass the counterattack through the circuit, backlashing the operator.

"I have also learned about it in the Magic Academy? Because the inferior creatures have limited talents, learning one or two systems of magic will almost determine the career of a lifetime, so almost no one is willing to learn the magic of the unpopular profession of detection and intelligence." Ta explained.

Compared with the rare profession of intelligence gathering, other magics are in greater demand.

"That's not the problem, but even Pith has experienced spiritual magic that is invalidated by magic used by dragons that we don't understand, right? So be careful." Sunny stretched out her hand to persuade.

"Yes, so this time we are locating the minion who is suspected of being a sea dragon, not a sea dragon." Star started the magic without paying any attention.

Facts have proved that Sunny's worry is unnecessary.

"Excellent, I found the location, and then, [Dimensional Eye[;Eye]]." Star launched the second magic, unfolding the magic projection image.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh…………"

Although the exclamation of the Frost Dragon erupted from the surroundings, Sunny and Star naturally didn't care and stared at the scene on the screen intently.

"It's not easy, the enemy's stronghold is underwater."


"Sanny, how do you think we are going to break through this situation?"

"Ask me?" Sunny pointed to herself in surprise, "How do I know?"

"Yeah, too, after all, Sunny is innocent." Star looked very troubled and rubbed her temples with her fingers. "There is no way, but we have to adjust other combat power. We have been short of manpower, which is really hurt. Brains."

"So, who do you need?"

"How about letting Miso pollute the ocean with poisonous magic? If you persist, you can kill the opponent or force it out sooner or later, right?"

"Are you... a devil? You will be treated as a public enemy of the world."

"Another way is to see if you can borrow Granbell's army of necromancers, but the Necromancer's combat power is somewhat insufficient against the sea dragon. It's troublesome, do you have to swallow it up by the number?" Star continued Rubbing his head.

"By the way, how deep is the sea here?" Sunny seemed to think of something.

Star swiped the screen with his finger and said: "Well...I am not a scale map, but it is estimated to be a hundred meters, maybe a little more, so."

"That's not a way!" Sonny slapped with a boxing hand, her face filled with joy, "Isn't the height of Pi Si over 300 meters?"

"But Pith is now preparing to participate in the attack on the country that protects Egenia. The human side is just a cover. The real direction of the offensive can't be done without Pith."

"...Huh?" Sunny said she didn't know.

Star pretended to cover his mouth: Yin laughed: "So Sonny can only be Sonny, hahahaha."

"Don't you tell me how I know!" Sunny exclaimed.

"That's fine, but this time zooming the map is also rewarding, isn't it?" Star pointed to the submarine nest like a relic on the seabed-the island nearby, and asked the Frost Dragon, "You, have children ruled other races as an experience before leaving for adults. Is it possible?"

"Back to the adults, I actually thought about it. I plan to try it in a few years. After all, it feels more comfortable to let other races present treasures than to collect treasures by yourself. Maybe that's the case... But I will give you the first step." Ola Sadark said.

But think about it carefully, now he basically lives this kind of life-a small group of goblins must not be able to take care of the various races of the mountains, and the dragon clan who can form a deterrent by showing their own existence is very suitable for this. Now the Frost Dragons, in addition to regularly running errands for the fairies, supplying the things needed by the territory, and lay hands, basically live a comfortable life that rules the mountains and collects taxes (extortion) from the "leaders" on a regular basis.

Except for the dissatisfaction of being trampled on the head by the goblin sometimes-there is no way to be trampled by the strong, basically there is nothing unpleasant.

"That's good." Star pointed to the little sea dragon in the "town house" of a certain Naga village, and said with a smirk, "beat him, punch him, cry him, but leave him a bite. The anger of running away made him **** and ran home to find his father to get out and get beaten together!"

Leading a snake... No, that's how it is to lead a dragon out of the cave.


The Frost Dragon was thundered by Star’s playful serious tone It took several seconds to react.

"Then, now that Star takes over, I'll leave first." Sunny turned around and said, preparing to take off at a fast speed.

"No, no less than this time, Sunny is flying fast, take me for a ride. I'll go and stare at the little sea dragon first." Star pulled Sunny.


"It's okay, I will send you back with teleportation afterwards."

"Hey... I really can't do anything with you. Who told me to fly the fastest with wings, haha."


Now the battle on the border of the Empire has started, and there are only two days left before the imperial navy’s landing battle behind the imperial navy, and Kraunpies is now a little confused. It is not that he does not understand the actions of the Empire, but that the war is another aspect of the war. The resulting butterfly effect............

(to be continued)