Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 24: King of Frost Dragon VS Elder Sea Dragon

Tirast was beaten unilaterally just now and had no time to pay attention. Now it seems that the opponent has almost no combat power corresponding to the slaves under him.

It's not completely absent. Only one is similar to Layla. The main difference is that the hair is long and straight, and he wears a blue long skirt made of obviously more high-end materials. The accessories on his body are obviously higher than the value he has collected. It is really greedy. , Did the Frost Dragon find such a good pet?

Given such high treatment to slaves, Tilast could only understand it as a pet. If they were given the same treatment to Layla, they might be able to compare with it.

Eh? The little guy with long black straight hair and blue skirt seems to have noticed his gaze? Stared back directly?

That guy seems to be interested in him, what's the matter? Do you have anything here? Is it because you only wear equipment on your body, so you care about it? But why would it be the turn of a little humanoid monster to take care of this kind of thing? !

Tilast wanted to stare back, but couldn't help shivering.

what's up? Obviously it's just a small humanoid monster, why is there a feeling that if you don't immediately create a high ground here, you will definitely be finished?

Although Layla seemed to be doing the extremely rude gesture of being a slave hidden behind Tirast's huge body, Tirast, who felt bad in her heart, ignored it for the time being.

At this time, Tirast's father acted and interrupted his thoughts.

Trastra took a step forward, raised his head, and shouted: "We only believe in the strong, come out! No matter what the purpose is, let me be convinced of losing!"

"Father is really a good start." Tilast thought. This meant that the leaders of the two sides faced each other one-on-one. If the other party had the dignity of the ruling race in this world, they would not fail to agree.

The Frost Dragon on the opposite side actually seemed a little at a loss? No, after hundreds of years have you really lost the dignity of the dragon clan?

Huh? The male Frost Dragon that seems to be the strongest, his eyes are a little floating, and he seems to have any communication with the little thing with long straight black hair and blue skirt, which seems to be stupid while copying his hands?

Well, it must be an illusion, that's right.

Soon, the opponent seemed to have made up his mind. In the Frost Dragon camp, the strongest male Frost Dragon also took a step forward and said loudly: "Listen to me! If I die in this battle, My Frost Dragon King Ola Sardark’s punishment is the same as the former elders, no objections are allowed!"

Although other Frost Dragons seemed to be a little shaken, especially the reaction of the three-headed female Frost Dragon seemed to show a trace of sadness. All the wives gave their husbands goodbye. Could it be the three wives? Damn it-this dragon born a winner! Dad, crush him!

But the Frost Dragon camp had no objection to Ola Sardark's speech. It would be understandable if Ola Sardark was at least an old dragon, but it was not. What is the punishment, what happened to their elders? Dare to hit the door, but the elder does not come. Generally speaking, is the elder not in the clan?

Tirast had a vague premonition, but he couldn't tell. After all, would the dragons think about that?

The development of the scene, ignoring Tilast’s brain operation, quickly continued to unfold——

"Well, come with the consciousness of killing me and being killed by me!"

"Just to my liking! I'm going to get it!"

Despite the declarations made by both sides, the two dragons moved slowly, literally moving forward one step at a time, each step causing the ground to tremble and draw each other's distance.

At the moment when the heads of both sides were less than fifty meters apart.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!!!!!"

Ola Sardark and Trastra opened their mouths at the same time, spouting their dragon's breath!

The breath of white cold air and the breath of sea blue water suddenly collided in the center, bursting into a huge blooming ice flower in the middle!

But the direction of the sharp petals of the ice flower is more facing Oula Sardarc, and closer to it.

That is, the first round of the contest was the advantage of the sea dragon, and there was a slight cheer from the sea dragon group.

However, even if the advantage is in Trastra, Ola Sadalke is not injured. It takes a stride, **** its wings and uses the lift to cross the ice flower, and shoots at Trastra from top to bottom with a paw!

And Trastra immediately took a step back, a "dragon wagging tail", throwing out his thick and sturdy tail to attack.

Frost Dragon does have the air superiority in flight, but flying with physical wings is generally not like using flying magic to control any corner and direction at will, so Trastra's hit on himself is bound to win!

Any dragon can see that Trastra's body is much stronger than Oula Zadark.

The sea dragons seemed to have seen Oula Zadark unable to turn in the air and was flapped by Trastra's tail!

"Boom!" The tail of the sea dragon touched the head of the frost dragon!

Trastra only felt a tingling sensation from his tail that gave back shock. Ola Sardarke's body flashed a ray of red light, and then his tail really bounced away, and his body was also affected by it. It was skewed to one side.

"Drink!" Ola Zadark took advantage of the situation, and there were two claws at the base of Trastra's tail!

"Thorn!" The blue scales shattered, blood spattered, and bones were visible in the wound.

Trastra is a little confused, how could it be possible, why can the claws of a mature dragon easily tear its elder-level scales?

And Oula Sardar Kedeli did not spare the dragon. He stretched out his hind limbs to light Trastra's **** as a "thousand-year kill" and stabbed Trastra to the ground.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!" Trastra screamed with pain, his body became difficult to balance because of the injury to the key So it started magic.

Seeing a blue magic circle lit up under his feet, Oula Sardark hurriedly flapped his wings into the air.

The blue magic circle burst out with a thick current, chasing after Oula Sardarke who was evading in the air!

"Wow!" The high-pressure water jet exploded on Oula Zadark's wings, causing Oula Zadark to almost lose his balance.

"I was hurt by this point?!" Trastra could see that his magic was working, but the damage Oula Zadarke received didn't even make it fall.

Ola Sardark stabilized his figure again, flapped his wings in the air a few times, opened his big mouth, and the white brilliance condensed in his mouth, obviously preparing to release his breath.

Still quite confident in his breath, Trastra intends to respond to his breath faster, but just opened his mouth—

"Ho Ho Ho Ho ah ah ah ah ah!" It was a scream rather than a breath.

(to be continued)