Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 26: Motivated

Judging from the Dragon's Breath duel, Oula Zadark, as a dragon, has indeed lost, but the battle afterwards seems to be full of surprises.

Obviously Hailong couldn't grasp why his own attack would be invalid, and then how his most proud body part and defense would be broken, and then he continuously slammed all kinds of things that Hailong didn't know.

If Oula Sardark simply used his own strength and the dragon's breath to harden the anus, then failure would be inevitable, but Oula Sardarke won by various means.

"Well, although the dragon race is a high-level race that can automatically upgrade its racial level as long as it is alive, it may be able to keep up with Pisi after sleeping for thousands of years, but if you also upgrade your professional level, you can become even more outstanding among the same age. ."

"Indeed... Exactly."

In the terms of the game, Trastra has a race level of about 50, but no professional level; while Oula Zadark's race level is less than 40, but he has a certain professional level to close the gap.

"So, after using the [Steel Skin] for a defensive tail flick, I immediately used [Steel Natural Weapon] to further harden my claws and break the opponent's tail, so as to quickly abolish the opponent's strongest tail and disrupt the balance of the body? After that, the invisible air blade will be a martial art called [Tooth] or [Air Slash], right?"

Ola Sardarc fought very quickly, deliberately adopting a way that the fairy is relatively difficult to understand, but in Star's eyes, it can only be regarded as normal, and he can see clearly.

"Exactly, I can't hide it from you, my lord."

Oula Sardarke surrendered to the fairies, but he was not without ambition. While he did not betray, he was always trying to improve his strength, narrowing the distance between himself and the more powerful fairies, and was still learning various management knowledge-especially shameless to ask. The earth learns from the inferior creatures it used to think.

If even this will attract the suspicion of the goblin, and the goblin prefers the unused subordinates to kill the capable ones, then it can only laugh at the other party and be shot to death.

"Are most of the skills other than the magic of "Yggdrasil"? Only [Tooth] or [Air Slash] are native martial arts. Well, I know that the dragons in "Yggdrasil" can't have abilities, but the dragons here can learn the same. A good harvest, so that our exercise can also reduce a place of confusion." Star thought.

"Safia-sama, it seems that the treatment has been completed over there, and is waiting for negotiation. Is it to be handed over to us?" Miyana Talong glanced at the opposite sea dragon and asked back.

"...No, I'll go." Star is about to cross the Frost Dragon--

"That... how can such small things..."

"But you basically don't know the whole story, do you? If it wasn't for my ability to see and see your abilities-I hate unused guys, slaves or compatriots. Otherwise, I'll pass in the beginning, right?" Star stared. A few Frost Dragons glanced, making them shrink their heads.

The frost dragons really didn’t understand the whole story, at most they only knew that the sea dragon sank the fairy’s ship, but the biggest problem was not here—

The Frost Dragon can remember that some of their compatriots were killed when they saw Star's contempt attitude. Of course, they realized that Star's powerful Frost Dragon would not do that, but the sea dragon on the opposite side didn't know. Wouldn't it be like that again?

But now that Star had spoken, and the Frost Dragon had insufficient information about the incident and had no right to know, he had no choice but to look at it.

Star walked forward with a smile on his face, because he was very small, so it seemed to be very slow to take a step by step.

Layla had healed two-thirds of Trastra's injury, and she almost froze when she saw Star's appearance.

The sea dragon froze very much, but they froze for a little bit different reasons——

Even if we lose, you send a slave out to negotiate. Is there such an insult to the dragon? Don't bring such fun, right?

But maybe it was not a representative of the negotiations, maybe it was just passing words or things, and there was no outbreak.

However, Star, who walked to the vicinity of the sea dragon, made the sea dragon on the verge of eruption in the first sentence. She put her hand to her mouth and made a tube shape, shouting: "The one that hurt the most is the best one. , Who of you is in power, do you know that you fought a big boat some time ago? Let the perpetrators get out and apologize for me!"

Then, even though the so-called best-dressed Tilast wanted to attack, the feeling that it seemed to be staring at a real high-ranking predator made it completely unable to move.

It seems that Trastra, who has received the same attention, also feels the same pressure.

Instead, a young sea dragon who hadn't caught Star's attention was angry: "No! You can't do this! Even if we lose, we recognize your strength, but we also have dignity! We must not use mere slaves to insult..."

Star smiled so that his eyes narrowed, that is, a smile that looked like a very ladylike lady.

The frost dragons were silent, because they knew that the smiling star was absolutely the most terrifying.

And the young sea dragon took this as a new way of taunting, of course, it took a few steps angrily, raised its paw and slapped Star's head fiercely! Frost dragon's insulting pleasure was thwarted, and a smile appeared at the corners of its mouth.

Star didn't move, and after taking the paw with his head, he launched a counterattack.

Then, the sea dragon became stiff when he understood what he had hit. It was familiar without even feeling the heat.

"[Vermilion New Star[;Nova]], um, no matter how lightly it is, the human being hit will not even have ashes, but is it just a corpse after being mature? No matter how many samples are added, it can’t explain human beings. Does the race have an advantage? People who can obviously slay dragons also exist." Star said.

What are you talking about for This is probably the thought of all the dragons present.

"Forget it, is there another one?" Star swept across the sea dragon.

The scene was silent.

"Well, no more. It's just a little dragon. It's more valuable to grow up. Fortunately, if the provocation is a dragon over an adult, I can't help but peeling, cramping, deboning and removing the flesh with gusto, huh, ha ha ." Star stretched out his hand to activate magic for the second time, "[RaiseDead]."

Now Kraunpith and the fairies who learn magic with basic hands can resurrect magic, at least the lowest level of resurrection magic, the subject needs to consume a lot of vitality, ordinary humans will easily turn into gray, but the dragon itself The vitality is very strong, the ripe color of the young sea dragon fades as if the paint has been washed away, and the breath also appears.

Star put on a "kind" smile and set his eyes on Hailong again.

"Welcome Star Safia Lord!" Frost Dragon collectively leaned forward and shouted.

(to be continued)