Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 27: The troubles of the Metropolitan Allianc

"Where is the perpetrator who sunk the ship?" Seeing Hailong collectively get down, Star asked with a straight face.

"It's me. It has nothing to do with my clan." Trastra replied immediately.

If you step on the dragon king's tail with your child, it is enough for a dragon to take care of it. Even though Star is not the Dragon King at first glance, it is possible to do such a thing, in its eyes, it is no different from the unfathomable Dragon King.

"What about the boat? I don't think it's enough to just sink the boat."

"I thought about waiting for the people in it to drown and salvage it, but... the boat was not found for a while. At that time, considering that there was a lot of negative energy in it, I didn't dare to get too close, so I lost it."

"Put your head out!"

Star touched Trastra and checked his memory, only to admit that he was telling the truth.

"Activate your tribe to find it, and-take me to your sea dragon's treasure house." Although there are also routines to rob it, but Star actually came here for another purpose this time.

While Trastra had to obediently turn around to make arrangements, Star took out the map from his small satchel and checked it.

This is not a map used by the human world, but an ocean-based map obtained from Wakaruji.

Although I have already understood the location where the protagonist of this so-called work of another world was pointed out by Ruo Lu Ji, the fairies who have no means to go to the sea can do nothing, and do not want to make money for Ruo Lu Ji, who is also a traverser.

Can these sea dragons be used now? Since they can actually dive into the deep sea intentionally or unintentionally, can they be used?

Besides, that location seems to be quite close to here.

"Pith, see if you have any excuses for being lazy in the future, hum."


In the morning, the Metropolitan Union, the Junker City State—

Junker is a city centered on Junker city, close to the sea, occupies several islands and more than ten surrounding villages, and basically depends on fishery and handicraft industry, as well as some trade exchanges with other surrounding cities to maintain operations. Joined the Metropolis Alliance a year ago.

The so-called urban alliance is not a federal organization, but a loose alliance that unites many nations that tolerate demihumans in response to the invasion of the Bajas Empire supported by the churches and temples of human supremacy.

There is a place in the center of the city that can be called a palace, but if you are seen by the empires, you will definitely laugh, because the building is very simple, in the eyes of the empires, an empire mayor can have such a residence. However, judging from the fact that there is only one city in this country, such a setting is very practical, and it fully shows that the royal family of this country is not a waste of extravagance in this regard.

However, now King Juncker is worrying in his palace.

"Need to continue to increase troops?"


Facing the question of General Zofis, who was personally appointed by himself, King Junker answered in a weak voice, and then showed him the paperwork at his hand.

As Zophis scanned the text above, his brows wrinkled and tightened: "Even if the front line is tight, there should be a limit."

In fact, Zophis had not personally commanded the war within the human race, but he also understood the burden of constantly requiring the Allied City-states to deploy military support in this way.

"That means, alas."

On the side of Igenistan, the 60,000 troops pieced together from more than a dozen city-states confronted the 40,000 troops of the Empire, but they did not gain an advantage.

There are many reasons for this-

One reason for the first-line soldiers to complain a little bit is that, for some reason, the percentage of magic casters in the Imperial Army is so high that even the first-level magic is very lethal to ordinary soldiers who have no experience in dealing with magic.

But magic casters should have relatively poor physical abilities. Even though they sent some elite teams to attack the enemy's magic casters group, they were all seen through and ambushed for annihilation, even if the results of the assassin group were sent.

Thinking about it now, the proportion of novice magic casters seems to be a bit large, and it feels like catching a duck on the shelves, and the enemy might instead target the latter to expand the results.

But there is another important reason everyone knows-

The army of the alliance does not have a unified command. Each unit is commanded by the commanders of different city states. The operations are carried out in contact with each other. Everyone wants to preserve their strength. As a result, they clearly have quantitative advantages and no disadvantages in quality, but they fought such a battle. .

The frontline suffered more than 10,000 casualties in a few days, while the empire's loss was only one-third of that of the alliance. However, from the perspective of defensive warfare, the Empire did not enter the Metropolitan Alliance, so it is not defeated, right?

However, the fact of heavy losses cannot be changed.

Then Igenistan continued to ask for support from other city-states. After the first and second time, the city’s only five thousand city defense forces were dispatched to support the front line. Only the Guards and the Guards were left. Soldiers in charge of patrolling and maintaining public order, the former cannot be easily used, and the latter’s combat power cannot be guaranteed.

"It's a pity that this time our country will continue to meet their requirements. We can only make the frontline work harder." Zofis said.

King Juncker: "I know this, but what if the frontline is defeated?"

Zophis: "I can only do my best to withdraw our army, and pray that other cities will work harder to resist the empire. We are three cities separated from the empire. It should not be so easy to fight here. It is not expected that other places will suffer, but the military strength. If it is really insufficient, then all you can rely on is to trade space for time."

The Metropolitan Alliance is a place where humans and some demi-humans coexist. Therefore, the imperial army coming from the human-supreme country will definitely not get the hearts of the people. Depending on the situation, the temple may even slaughter civilians. This way Intensifying the contradictions, I am afraid that the imperial army supply line that extends to the inner city alliance will not be stable.

The only thing I can look forward to now is this.

Even though King Juncker understood, he could not do anything. He tried to squeeze his head and put forward a statement: "Can't you let the adventurers of the demihuman participate in the war? Although it is an iron rule for the adventurers not to interfere in national politics, the demihuman is destined to walk in The opposite of the empire, even adventurers cannot be neutral."

Zophis was about to say something when a guard came to report: "Report, there is a riot in the city!"

"At this time? What is the situation!"

"It looks like a private fight between two magical singing...It's around here!"

"Soul Dan, how could there be such an accident! Hurry..."

Before Zophis spoke, there was a violent explosion outside. Then, one wall collapsed, and flames poured in from the hole...

(to be continued)