Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 28: Fight behind enemy lines

Time goes back a little, dawn—

Early in the morning, after the city gate was opened, the vendors and villagers who entered the city in the morning lined up in front of the gate every day.

Meliface, who wore a traveler's cloak and mixed in it, was a little depressed at this time. She was sent to try to disrupt the enemy's city to cooperate with the navy's offensive.

However, shouldn't this kind of thing generally send out professions such as assassins or assassins?

Okay, well, she knows some situations. In fact, some people in the army wanted her to send her to death. She was too ostentatious in the academy. In fact, there were many nobles offended, most of whom had higher ranks than her own family. But there is no way, she just intends to behave a little bit. Who calls her red hair and figure seem to be a type that is easy to accost, as a result, various things have happened.

If you didn’t meet Claunpis, even if some people had some bad intentions, Meliphis might not be so unacceptable, and stepped into the pit that Claunpis had dug and refused to reject those people. No way.

Even so, it will not develop to a terrible level, but now the imperial nobles talked and laughed and killed the slaves of the noble dude did not exist, because they did not actually understand the strength of Merifits, and through some relations, the general had to do this. This decision is not surprising.

"As long as this city doesn't have the strength of the steel grade, or the strength of the multiple Mithril grade and the mountain bronze grade, I can't kill the city by myself, hehe." Meli Feisi secretly smiled in the line. laugh.

After a while, it was finally Meli Fess. After taking out the toll and submitting it, the guards took her into the inspection center. Very upset, being taken by these hideous-looking people.

"Is it because of the war, so the investigation is very strict?" Looking at the two guards approaching on the left and right, and the four guards who just stood outside the magic range of the spirit system and stared at him, Meli Faith thought calmly. As a student, I am still calm in this situation. It is great to have the experience of aristocratic etiquette and monster follower.


"It's not a Junker...what's the matter?" Seeing the guards making some secret exchanges, Merifice seemed to naturally tilt her head like ordinary people.

"Huh? Ah, no, nothing happened."

Seeing the guard's face with astonishment, Meliface secretly said that she had made a mistake. Although her problems and expressions were natural, the secret communication of the guards just now was really not what ordinary people could find. It is all because of the race change that made her senses change. It's more sensitive.


"I have the identification stamp here... Wait a minute." Meliface reached into the cloak and took out the small purse around her waist. She was about to search for it but was stopped.

"Let us check."


The guards searched the small purse and found nothing suspicious, but the seal of the Wizard’s Guild and two magic wands are worthy of attention. But if the above two appear at the same time, it is basically no problem.

Meliface has registered members of the Magician Guild with branches in many countries on the mainland, but if you join a national institution or the army, this mark will have to be cancelled. However, although the Imperial Academy of Magic originally planned to remove most of the nobles The students were sent to the administrative and military institutions of the empire, but Meliffy still holds this certificate at least for now.

"That's it. Looks like it's okay." The guard returned the small purse.

In fact, some people know that the empire sent some students to use as combat power, but the communication in this world is not good, at least they don't know it here.

"Tell me the reason for coming to Juncker."

"Want to see if there are any magic props that I need, by the way, take out the old magic wand."

"Understood. Thanks for your hard work, Miss Meriface, so it's all over."

"Huh~" Meli Fiss breathed a sigh of relief, because entering the city is a bit strict, it is a bit troublesome to have to use her true identity as a human, but it doesn't matter, this country is about to disappear anyway.

Meliface seemed to be walking in the street casually, looking around.

The scene on the street is really not up to the grade compared to the imperial capital. It is probably similar to the second and third-tier cities of the Empire. The palace located at the highest point in the city also wanted to make Meliffy laugh.

The most unpleasant thing for Meliffis is that the proportion of guys who give people the feeling of an upright animal or a monster, regardless of their appearance or body, is quite large.

It's really strange, how do ogres and goblins live together with humans? There are also guys who look like goats or monkeys.

If the outer races are fairies, elves, demons, etc., at least they have a lot of human racial characteristics. Seeing a bunch of ugly monsters can naturally be on the same streets as human races. Go, make Meliface really unhappy. These races were kept in cages when the empire was only balanced, and put them in the Colosseum to fight for the audience's pleasure.

Even to the supreme, terrifying and cute Crown Pith, those races seem to be treated well, but they are just equivalent to the livestock that are regularly harvested in large cages.

"The temple will support the imperial crusade, and Master Clown Pith will also follow the flow of the boat, is it a matter of course. Let's get to work."

It seemed that Meliface walked into the blind corner of certain two buildings naturally and activated [Transparency [nvsblt]]. Since acquiring this body, the magic of plant monsters, she has also learned more easily.

Meliphis took out her magic pocket watch and took a look, flashed into the barracks, and launched [Charm [har]] on an officer. After asking for the necessary information, she launched [donate] and ordered him to act as usual. , Committed suicide at the end of the magic effect.

"[Dominate [donate]] The effect even if it outputs the magic power as much as time is only one hour, as soon as possible!"

Meliphis put a few buffs on herself and flew between the barracks, palaces and other administrative institutions.

Seeing a target with sufficient status here, I will launch [Dominate [donate]] and order it to commit suicide after some time. If you feel that you can ask for more information, I will also ask by the way. Every time the suicide time is set, it will be shorter. a little.

"Hehehehe, I'm really smart. In this way, everyone will commit suicide at almost the same time. Not only does it not immediately cause a commotion, but it also paralyzes the entire city's command system. I'm so smart. Sure enough, I can do it even if I slaughter the city? "

Meliface was intoxicated, but this intoxication was quickly diluted by the new situation.

Another guy who used stealth magic dangled her not far away, not far away, perhaps out of confidence in her invisibility, but Meliface’s body cells were replaced by plants, and her senses had changed. Now, what the eyes see is not the same as ordinary vision, and the guy can see clearly to Meliface.

(to be continued)()