Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 32: I want the first fairy who eats crabs

The half-man and half-beast father and son who were going out on a fishing boat saw the imperial navy fleet coming to attack Junker City. They immediately made a decision and rowed toward the coast without being confused.

They also love the city and country they live in and the companions they live with. Even if they are just civilians, they must fight for themselves and everything they love!

It is a pity that the fishing boats nearby have been locked by the bow guns of the imperial warships, including the Water Dragon.

"[Low-level Magic Seal·Fireball [oragiseal·fireball]]." Kraunpisi stood beside a ballista loader, reaching out to hit the huge javelin with magic.

Then she looked at the loader and the archer with a smile of hippie, doing her job with a hint of gratitude.

"[Low-level Magic Seal·Holy Ray [oragiseal·holyray]]." Sunny was cooperating with another group of ballistas.

All magic students and military magic casters who have understood the relevant magic skills are tacitly applying magic to the ballista or large speargun being loaded.

"Volley!" Captain Max yelled. His order was passed to the ballista shooter through the semaphore of the messenger.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!" The three ballistas and six large spearguns at the bow of the ship shot toward the fishing boat that was rowing toward the shore!

The goal this time is half man half beast father and son.

Should we attack these ordinary fishing boats? No one thinks about this, not to mention that their behavior is already standing in line, just like being hostile.

Taking a ten thousand step back, many of these civilians are not humans, or are humans who are partial to others, and the soldiers and magic students of the empire have no psychological burden and firmly believe that they are carrying out a sacred killing.

"Boom, boom!" Splashes and magic exploded around the fishing boat! Of course, most ballistas failed to hit the ship itself.

Only the explosion of fireball flames flooded the boat and lit the wooden hull. His body was pierced by a large speargun and turned into a skewers. Father, with his last breath, gave his clothes to him. Lit’s son was pushed into the water, hoping that he could swim back.

"Father! Come down too!" the son yelled out of the water to the boat.

"Child...I am out of help, even if it is only you..."

The ships in this area were sunk one after another, and now only the dazzling ship that was burning with the fire was still floating, and my father planned to use his last energy to bring this ship to the shore. , As long as it is seen by the soldiers standing guard at the head of the city.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Suddenly, several light arrows pierced his son's head in an instant, bursting out a mixture of white and red liquid, and then his head disappeared on the sea.

"What...what..." The father didn't expect that his son would watch him go ahead of him, but he would also go to accompany his son soon.

At this time, on the bow deck of the Water Dragon, several magic students were cheering and arguing.

"Ooo! Kill a monster!"

"No, I killed it!"

"I hit it first!"

"Stop arguing! The real battle hasn't started yet!"

The few magic students who had just launched the 【Magic Arrow [odifyory]】 with a must-have effect were arguing about who the beast head was, and the magic teacher in charge of the team scolded these ecstatic students.

"Klaus, why only your magic hit the ship?" Sonny looked a bit unconvinced at Crawnpeace, who was holding a binoculars and staring at the city with interest.

"Isn't it because it's range magic that only I hit the ballista? Hehe, what you want to hit the soft target is the'grenade', not the kind of'armor-piercing bullet' you hit, hehehe." Without turning her head, she replied "carelessly".

"The magic of the two is very powerful." At this moment, a soldier operating a ballista came over to talk.

"Well, it's okay."

"Actually, I used to think that magic casters are bean sprouts who read books and conjure tricks. Now... I have a deep understanding of the importance of the Imperial Academy of Magic. Thank you, without the help of magic, I would not be able to annihilate the enemy so quickly. 'Sentinel'!" The soldier said in a very sincere tone.

"Huh? Is there any food like bean sprouts in" Crown Pith's tone was a little surprised.

"Is the point there?" Sunny followed.

"...I'm sorry, I think the students of the Magic Academy are not ordinary. I don't know the ordinary food like bean sprouts... also, it's not strange." The soldier laughed at himself a little embarrassingly.

"Well, compared to bean sprouts, I am more interested in the giant armored water spider that took so many boat tributes before. If you hire adventurers to catch it, it can be used as a noble ingredient?" Kraun Pace smiled.

"Oh, Claus, do you think so too?" Sunny seemed to agree.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" The soldiers who heard these words were shocked, and the two of them looked like a joke and it was dumbfounded.

The soldiers recalled that the huge monster suddenly surfaced, and sent their superiors to military magic casters to use amplified magic props to send out almost trembling voices. The tribute brought from the dwarf kingdom and carried by the cheapest unmanned tugboat is all involved in the sea with the cargo ship. You shudder. Can someone really defeat that kind of thing? If so, it must be a legend!

"I think that thing looks delicious? It's just a bit bigger, isn't it—"

Kraun Pith can see It is true that the guy is very big, but the hard shell that envelops the body, a somewhat flat body, and the antennae-like eyes protruding from the front of the body, Octopod, the front "hand" is like scissors, that is to say--

"Crab! Isn't crab super delicious seafood?"

Unexpectedly, the soldiers who watched Crawnpies whispered to each other with a sullen expression, and a man put his hand to his mouth and said softly: "I'm lonely and ignorant, what kind of ingredients are crabs? Even if you cherish the ingredients, I Had never heard of it from the seaport?"

"You... don't know?" This time it was Crown Pith's turn to be stunned. It turns out that there are bean sprouts in this world, but there are no crabs?

But the so-called armored water spiders, how do they look like crabs? Is it a question of title? It's true that no one will want to eat that terrible appearance, right?

"Very well, I want to be the first'person' who eats crabs in another world, hehehe...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shape…………

(to be continued)()