Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 33: 1 wild strong found

"Did you see anything?" People around asked when Crowen Pith's mouth turned into an "o" shape.

After all, Kraunpisi kept looking at Junker with a binoculars while speaking.

"I saw the building that appeared to be an administrative center above the city wall exploded and collapsed. I think the sailor on the watchtower should have seen it too? Is Meriphis planning to steal all the limelight?" Kraun Pace replied.

Sure enough, soon an order came from the flagship, and the entire fleet sailed at full speed, ready to carry out a landing battle.

"Pix, seeing you smile like this, you seem to be satisfied with this guinea pig as your own toy?" Sunny whispered into the ear of Crowen Pess.

"No, in fact, I am dissatisfied with Meliface's actions, but considering the added value of her actions, I am happy, and I feel that maybe Igenia who has troubled me is not so important, hehehehe. I'll go back to the cabin to recharge my energy, and don't disturb me before the battle begins."

Kraunpis turned around at random, flicked the beautiful blond hair behind him, and walked towards the cabin.

The wizard in charge of leading the team called her immediately: "Wait, Lord Claus, the battle is about to be..."

"Teacher, I'm the second seat, you're weaker than me. Peace of mind, I won't act arbitrarily at that time, and I don't want to disappear like Yayaka." Kraun Pith didn't even look at the teacher.

" the natural ability classes are all monster-like problems." The magic teacher could only cover his face.


"Call ... call ......" leaning on the wall of the sewer, clothes broken, covered with charred Yaya Ka choking.

"Thanks...thanks." She said to the "sir" who had just saved her life next to her.

Then, she took out a bottle full of dark red liquid from her arms, unscrewed the cap to pour the liquid into her mouth, and her body injury began to recover quickly. This is not an extremely rare red hp potion used by players, but fresh human blood. Vampires can use it to restore physical strength and magic at the same time. Powerful vampires can even use blood as a medium to activate magic, which Yayaka can’t do. .

"The time is up, it's time to leave this city." "The lord" just said in an inorganic tone.

"Wait...Wait...Where do you want to..."

"Come after?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, you have the courage to chase after? You know how much Lord Ben exists, right? The body feels the instinctive tremor still coming, what is your backing behind?"

Yayaka was puzzled, while "that lord" turned around calmly, looking at Meriface who was trembling from the front corner.

Meliffis clamped her legs and tried to suppress the shaking, but it was useless.

She knows that the weakness of magic casters must be close combat. In the case that she has not completely lost all the characteristics of human beings, she has not neglected physical exercise while learning magic. Her physical ability is better than ordinary magic casters of the same level. The strength was much greater, but she couldn't restrain the trembling from her soul.

She saw that this guy with Yayaka had a face like a zombie that didn't look like a mask. He wore a gorgeous dark magic robe that seemed better than the one worn by Kraun Pith, and there were a bunch of gorgeous looks. Knowing that it is a very good magic item equipment, especially the crystal clear staff in his hand, it makes people feel that it is very stressful to face this person.

Especially-this zombie-like monster, the magic power is about the same size as the Three of Light Fairies five years ago. At that time, they were already monsters that Meliffy couldn't understand, and they are the same now.

That is to say, the monster in front of me was an existence that Meliface could not defeat.

However, Kraunpith's voice appeared in her heart, saying that she was dissatisfied with her trying to exclude Yayaka.

Melie Faith was almost frightened and almost burst into tears. She kept saying "I was wrong" in her heart, begging for forgiveness, and then followed Kraun Pace's orders, and then continued to follow Kraun. Pace ordered to do it.

"I, I, I... You are... Who the **** is...? No, what is it?" Meliface asked stubbornly.

"If you die, I can consider telling you, tusk."

"...Do you want to resurrect and control me as the undead? Huh." Meliface understands one of the reasons that Kraunpith is interested. Since the empire is studying the undead, get information about these guys in front of you. There is absolutely no harm.

I just tried to recover Yayaka, but found a big fish, but this fish is too big and will eat Meriface. Anyone is fine. Find a fairy to help. Before that, I have to be here by myself. Hold them?

"Let's just guess the race, are you-the Great Magi of the Dead?" Meliface intends to delay the time through dialogue, anyway, she didn't say that she must fight, right? Besides, this guy seems to despise himself, he should be able to speak, right?

"Huh! This lord is not that kind of inferior existence, the dead magician is only worthy of my dog!"

Meli Feisi screamed in her heart. There are four types of undead that she knows the most: Warrior type: death knight, magic type: dead magician, animal type: bone dragon, necrotic type: soul eater.

And the powerful Grand Magician of the Dead can even dominate the other three. What kind of monsters is the existence that can dominate the Grand Magic of the Dead?

"Let this lord come to play with you." The zombie-like undead slowly raised his magic wand, "but it's a bit boring to be separated here, [dimension blockade [dnsonallok]]."

An enchantment-like light wafted around for a moment, and it disappeared as if nothing had happened.

But Meliffis found that her space magic really failed, and even if she delayed her time, she couldn't even do the kite-flying tactics. UU reading

"[Expansion of Magic Dual Effect Range·Cloud Explosion [doubledenag·fuelarexplosve]]!"

Before the opponent took the lead, Meliface released her strongest magic first. The huge fireball passed over the two undead and flew to the end of the other side of the sewer.

"I'm so scared that I can't even head this distance? It's really boring."

"No, I originally planned to do that." Meliface took a big breath, and then waved her wand, "[Magic without singing·Float[slentag·floatng]],[Magic without singing·Shield Wall[ slentag·sheldall]】."

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

At the end of the passage, fire and sound were mixed with a violent impact. In this secret space-like sewer, the power of cloud explosive bombs is particularly terrifying!

Is it a blessing not to collapse?

(to be continued)()