Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 40: Blood city is coming

? The black armor knight who was in charge of guarding the magic students just noticed that Luo Jingjing, the size of a "worm", was unusual in strength.

When they were about to challenge, they saw the "bug" plunged into the fireball released by Crawnpies, and finally it turned into a scene where Crawnpies was biting a piece of human-shaped coke in his mouth.

They can only conclude that this monster is very brainless, and rushed directly into the fireball that had just condensed. It was burned to death at zero distance by the fireball when the density was at its highest. It was thought that several heavy armored warriors in the front were also down at that time. Next, then this should be a small monster with strong speed and attack power, but no defense, vulnerable to a single blow.

If you don't count Luo Jingjing's personal level, it would be close to the correct answer to say that the feather worms are a race with such characteristics.

Kraunpis glanced at these black armor knights who were guarding himself and others, and then stopped paying attention, and continued to release magic mechanically. Whether it was them or the guy they were going to leave, they were all indistinguishable fish. .

"Although it is very lucky that the first experiment was successful, a little guy of this level can't do the test at all." Crown Pith thought to himself.

She previously manipulated Meliface and turned her into a level 90 magician who defeated the Dark Night Dead. However, the opponent is very high-level, and the current Kraunpith’s fairy body may not necessarily be able to control his spirit, so Kraunpi During this period of time, Silk has been using half of the multiple thinking loops to think about what to do.

It seems okay to do so, what about using it on my body?

I feel that I have indeed risen to level 90. The problem is that part of the number of circuits for multiple thinking is used to maintain skills, which reduces the thinking speed of Crowne Pith, and this level 90 and the body-fairy body is also integrated. A certain gap.

I feel that my strength is about 40% of the full body, but it is also strong enough. I want to find a more powerful guy to try to be familiar with it. Sure enough, this place is not good?

Turning his gaze back to the battlefield, the heavy armored warrior phalanx also began to fight. Instead of advancing, they continued to defend with a shield wall, stabbing long swords and spears from the gap in repeated battles.

They only need to kill those enemies who are continuously bombarded by magic and forced to leave the barrier and rush.

After a while, the battle for the city gate was over.

The commander ordered the next group of ten soldiers and two magic students to enter the city to carry out raids.

"Well, I'm still rushing to see how the undead in the sewers are going, can't we clean up freely?" Clown Pith, who was in the crowd, was a little impatient.

She was about to raise her hand to ask if she could act alone. At any rate, she was the second seat, and she could be as good as a mountain copper in terms of the strength of public intelligence. She should have the capital to act freely, right? But the others raised their hands and asked questions first--

"Hey, sir, may I ask—what exactly is the enemy we should destroy?" a magic student raised his hand nearby.

"It's very simple. If anyone is not human, you can kill it; if someone resists, you don't have to keep your hand."

"Excuse me, sir, how did we count the number of enemies we wiped out in this war?" Another magic student asked.

Seeing that the commander wrinkled his face, he seemed to be quite bored with this kind of question, "Anything that kills the enemy by magic is counted as yours!"

In fact, he is also very helpless. Generally speaking, would he send students to the battlefield like this? Even if it is to test the effectiveness of the academy's military reinforcement, can't these students go to the wild to kill monsters?

Thanks to the strategy of the superiors, and the army and armed forces assigned to these students are strong enough to allow the students to maximize their strength. In fact, if there is an ordinary encounter with the same number of enemies as us, or if the enemy does not take the initiative to enter the range of the battleship but concentrates its forces on street fighting, most of these students will be crying.

Fortunately, everything went well, the main enemy force has been wiped out, and the rest is mopping up.

"Hi! Sir, can I act on my own?" Crown Pith asked, raising her hand, and then secretly casting magic, "."

After all these years, she has become familiar with the intrusion of ordinary humans into ordinary humans, but only ordinary humans or other inferior creatures.

"...Well, Your Excellency Claus has a strong enough strength second only to Your Excellency Meliphis, that's okay."

Following the commander’s words, both the regular army and the magic students were in an uproar. The only difference was that the regular army quickly calmed down. The magic released by Kraunpith was obviously stronger than the others, reaching the palace magic chant. It’s up to the level of the students, it shouldn’t be a problem to be alone, but some of those students don’t do it--


"Do you want to take advantage of it!"

"I also want…………"

"Cough~" Kraun Pith gave a fake cough, and secretly released the slight, babbled voices of those people. Normally, she would not use spiritual magic on these people so continuously, because it is related to the daily life of human beings. Conversation is a kind of experience for Kraunpith.

But now there is an urgent matter that can’t give up, and I don’t want to leave a handle, Kraun Pess said, "Merry Faith hasn’t contacted me until Can’t I go to see her? You can follow me as much as possible. 'Know a little about one or two'."

"Okay, this task is entrusted to you." The commander who was manipulated said.



Not far from the wall where the poor night dead magician was nailed, the red-haired girl and the blond girl sat side by side with their knees in the corner.

They talked all the time, it was Meliface who took the initiative to open up the topic of Yayaka in order to pass the time, and then Yayaka kept asking about her past, making Melifaces tired to deal with it.

"Is that right? What happened to you guys afterwards, did I miss such a heart-warming thing?" Yayaka felt a little frustrated when she heard Meliface talk about the events of this period of time.

After listening to Meliphis talking a lot, she basically believed that Meliphis was more familiar with her, and she probably said her past is the truth.

"So, why kill me?"

"Generally speaking, it's this kind of reaction to see past friends turning into undead, right? Friends' corpses..." As she said, Meliface looked at the dark night dead magician with some guilty conscience--

"Is it okay to be treated as an undead by such an evil guy? As a friend? Generally speaking, it should be sent back to the cemetery to rest?" She didn't dare to say that she was jealous, for fear that Yayaka would hear the truth. Unable to stand the stimulus, he drew the sword stuck in Glanz's body.

"Ah...Is that so?" Because it was a common-sense answer to the undead, Yayaka didn't doubt it, just sighed.

(to be continued)
