Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 43: New Arrangements for War

? "You really can't do anything about it, .35xs" Kraunpith released enhanced magic to Fluda.

Fluda, who felt the weight of his body disappear for a while, was about to get up and salute—

"Stop, this is not enough for you to recover, I will help you here, and heal yourself as soon as possible before the divine power that is full of your body disappears." Kraunpisi put on a lesson and took up his hand. .

This is the way she and Fluda get along all the year round. To such people who continue to just give material will sooner or later reveal themselves. If they do some tests in this way, they will be able to get the impression of Fluda even more.

Just like the teacher assigns basic practice homework to students to improve their abilities.

But he is truly the strongest magic caster in the empire, and he continuously casts magic on himself that high priests and priests (human standards) don't necessarily give up much use in fierce battles, but they still send them in bursts.

"Fluda, is it okay with your current appearance?" Crown Pith looked up and down at Fluda. He kept his human appearance, but is it okay to be so young?

"It doesn't matter at all, old man... I just want to be on the safe side, except for the stage of injecting mimetic magic body fluid, all the other parts of the empire have invited all the disciples and some important officials of the empire that you can also trust ("Hell Fairy" cults) to witness with your own eyes." Fruta said. .

"Although it doesn't matter if you inject the mimicry body fluid even if you do it alone... But the time to convene people... If you are paralyzed, you can't move, that is-have you been enduring that kind of pain during this time?!" Si dumbfounded. 35xs

"This little pain and my long-cherished wish are nothing at all."

"Don't be too messy and die," Crown Pith patted Pfruder on the shoulder, "With your talent, living for a few hundred years may reach my level—

"Don't kneel down! Are you free? Next, prepare to explore the abyss of magic at the stronghold of the ‘Ancient’ undead magic caster-the magician of the dark night dead...

"Hey hey hey hey! Don't get excited, you have to be fully prepared-measures against the undead, measures against magical organs, measures against various traps, Granbell's ability is very necessary, in short, be prepared. . It's troublesome if you accidentally stumble. You think you are?"

"Yes, I didn't do...Yes, get ready, get ready!"

Clown Piss looked at Fluda, who was excitedly jumping like a child, without a sense of disobedience. Was it because he looked like a flirty handsome guy? To be honest, I'm not used to it.

As a result, Kraunpis babbled, "To deal with and control the undead, Granbell is necessary, and it is better to have teammates who can deal with traps, magical institutions, rich adventurers, and meticulous work, so Do you understand? It’s best to finish the team before tomorrow, because we have held the host of the stronghold, and we are not allowed to know how to know the situation, so we must act as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams, but this incident was the first time we entered the stronghold of the undead. At this time, you shouldn’t find the way yourself. Your task is to work after you get the information. Do you have any comments on Fluda?"

"Absolutely not."

"That's good, I will personally inform Granbell, you go and prepare, don't worry about taking on the affairs of the empire, you can rest assured."

"No, as long as I can peek into the abyss of magic, I have no nostalgia for the empire."

"Wait, wait, you can't say that, Fluda, have you forgotten?" Hearing him say this, Kraunpis was pleased to find that it was time to be thanked by the preaching of Fluda again.

Originally, it should be the common sense of a knowledgeable person, but Fluda has a deep obsession with magic, and sometimes forgets some common sense as a social person. This is not the first time that Kraunpith has told similar things.

She deliberately put on an expression of hating iron but not steel, put her finger in front of Fluda's eyes and shook it. It may be more dependent on you. Our goblins do not have a human economic circle. The source of funds is primitive and there is no fixed number. On the contrary, as long as you are good for the empire, the empire will be your cash cow. Although it cannot be overdrawn indefinitely, it can still be used. Don’t you provide funding for magic research? I seem to remember that this is not the first time I have taught you, do I need to review it?"

Then she continued without waiting for Fluda to reply, "So, should we end the war quickly and get Igenia out of it?"

"Yes, the old man also thinks it is necessary. Now that the body has recovered, the old man must go out himself." Fluda said.

"You? If you run into one of the'Thirteen Heroes' directly, do you have a chance of winning?" Kraunpith scanned Fluda's current state—

Level 40.

Has it improved because of racial conversion and some racial ranks? It doesn't feel like there is no chance of winning, but the chance of winning is not great.

"Use this when necessary." Kraunpisi took out a set of scrolls from the infinite backpack.

", don't you go?"

"Since I have found a better goal, I feel that things on the empire side can be put aside. Let Granbell find any reason to graduate, and me, Meliface and..."

Clown Pissi thought for a while, took out a small book, "brushed" a few names, and handed it to Fluda—

"These are the natural abilities I saw in the academy. They have all participated in this war as a trial. Feel free to find a way to make them die." Kraunpith said.

"Teacher... didn't they look after you? Could it be... suspended animation?"

"Fluda, what I'm talking about is-let, he, we, go, die once!" Kraunpith squinted at Fluda with dissatisfaction.

"What's the reason? Please clarify your mentor, otherwise you might have missed your mentor's affairs."

Kraun Pith squinted, this guy has grown up, knows the disadvantages of self-repair? Although Kraunpis sometimes relies on these people’s brain supplements, it’s a good time to ask now. She said, "I found out that even if you become an undead, your natural ability can still exist, but—

"At present, only vampires who maintain most of the human functions can retain their natural abilities. Therefore, Fluda, don't you want to become them because of the high magic corrections of the dead magus."

"Understood, I am very satisfied with such a young and strong body." Fluda said.

"That's good. I will use magic to notify Granbell, and you will arrange the rest."

(to be continued)
