Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 45: Battle of Calais

Now, while waiting for her to contact and arrange for Fluda to arrange the manpower to go to the undead's stronghold, Kraunpisi is sitting in the Empire's Fluda's room waiting for the news, while holding the information in the room as " Free book" look.

"The characteristics of the dragon race that may ignore some effects of the rank magic, even these guys can't study it? It's really nerve-wracking." Looking at the research materials, Kraun Pith scratched her head a little bit nerve-wracking.

Are these things still too esoteric for humans? It seems that the dragons who have already conquered use these as a habit, and it is not clear at all. Do you want to ask the elves for a little bit of help?

If the big goblin is still there, it might be better to say, now there are only goblins who are better at fighting between Cirno and Lily. It's not that they are too stupid, but they don't have the seriousness and planning ability of the big goblin.

In summary, Kraunpith can only read these research materials as "free books".

During these times, she gave her responsibilities as a student of the Imperial Academy of Magic to let go. There was nothing wrong with her. According to the script, she died in the war with some of the talented students such as Meliface. There will be nothing. A sense of violation.

Fruta and his own cult operate, even if there are some unnatural places, they can withstand investigation.

She is also not worried about leaving a powerful night dead magician temporarily in the Metropolitan Alliance and handing it over to Meliface and Yayaka, who is obscured by the enemy, because in addition to the insurance of operating with memory, there is also the use of "Puppet Puppet". ] Make the necessary preparations.

However, in the early hours of the morning, before the personnel arrived, Crowen Pith received a whispering contact from the goblin who was supposed to be in charge of attacking the southeastern part of the Metropolitan Alliance.

It's Midori No. 0, and I feel resentful.

"What? The city of Calais was taken in less than two hours?" Kraunpisi was stunned at the news reported by Midori No. 0 in the same tone as the complaint.

Midori No. 0: "Yes, it's all Alice and they are trying to steal the limelight."

Kraunpith: "Didn't I limit the level of combatants? The main force is still the low-level goblins, right?"

Kraunpith intends to see what it would be like to fight with the enemy's power. Anyway, judging from the initial level of the goblin, every goblin is born with multiple resurrection opportunities, and among the goblin there are The resurrection magic is as much as one-tenth, so it doesn't matter if it is reckless to test it.

In this case, how did the smaller Alice steal the limelight?

Midori No. 0: "It's really that the low-level Alice deliberately violated Dad's arrangements and temporarily changed their tactics. As a result, we won almost without doing anything!"

Kraunpith: "...Don't cry, what happened?"

To be honest, Kraunpiss would not like children who are not in the same way, but if the children are creative and have better ideas than themselves, it may be a good thing.

Before questioning Alice, let's take a look from Midori's perspective.

Midori No. 0: "I don't know if it's too specific, but it's like listening to some annoying Alice's saying--"


Time goes back a little, Metropolitan Alliance, Calais——

Soon after the three hundred Alice goblins entered the city, before the time that was agreed to collectively start, everyone was summoned by Alice 102, who was temporarily the leader.

How do you call it-of course it is [Message [ssage]], Alice No. 102 holds this magic, and then sends a report to some of the three hundred Alice fairies who can also have this magic number in the front, and then according to the serial number Just continue to convey to the lower layers.

Said it was a convening, it is impossible for hundreds of fairies to find a suitable place in the city to meet. Only 30 representatives came here, sitting in dense rows in the city’s tallest castle palace, watching. The king's bed served as the upper seat, and Alice No. 102, who was sitting on the king's body tied into zongzi, crossed his legs.

"Well, the representatives are all here. As you can see, this is the King of Calais." Alice No. 102 pointed to what was under her and said, "Based on the status quo, I think the combat has been slightly changed. Okay."

"That," Alice No. 262 asked, raising her hand, "how come the king was arrested before the battle time is up?"

Alice No. 102: "It's just caught. If you didn't kill it, it doesn't count as an advance battle. Okay, first of all, let's review the information we got about this city-who will come?"

"I'm coming." Alice 1143, who was originally teaming with Alice 102, got up and walked to the bed, facing the Alice.

This is a city located at the southeastern foot of the Metropolitan Alliance, which is quite close to the orc kingdom, but it is a straight distance, because it is separated by the Hengduan Mountains that cannot be crossed.

By the way, although it is called the Hengduan Mountains, it only looks like this to human eyes. In fact, according to the marking method of north and south on the map, it is vertical, which happens to be the national boundary of the three major western countries and the urban alliance on the central continent. The isolation is tight, so it doesn't face the threat of orcs like the Dragon Kingdom.

And because it is far away from the Bajas Empire, it is more to provide military supplies than to support the army. Even if it is sold at a low price as an obligation of the alliance, it also gives Calais an extra income without the need for dead people.

This is a fairly peaceful place.

However, this "peace" is only in terms of whether it suffers from war.

In fact, the happiness index of the common people in this city is now quite low. One of the main reasons is that there is too little land suitable for farming.

The west side of the Hengduan Mountains is a pretty good habitat for monsters. Unfortunately, those are non-edible varieties of monsters, so it is also a country that mainly exports the materials of monsters.

Of course, magic materials are indispensable in the materials of Warcraft, so this is definitely a very profitable business, but it is also a life-threatening business.

Due to the state of war between the metropolitan alliance and the empire, the king of Calais found an opportunity to make a fortune in the war. However, due to the obligations of the alliance, he had to lower the export price, which made him somewhat annoyed. However, in this case, it is necessary to increase exports to Isn’t the most direct way to increase taxes and increase exports?

The market has always been in a state where demand exceeds supply, so it is really not too much. In a state of war, as long as the material is too small, it is not enough.

Therefore, he made mandatory mobilization on the grounds that the country was in a state of war. Not only did most of the troops not be in the city, they camped at the mouth of the Hengduan Mountains to participate in the hunting of monsters, and each of the civilians had to allocate more than one manpower to participate in hunting of monsters.

(to be continued)()