Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v5 Chapter 80: The filth of the dragon emperor

?Juya Yilimu slapped his lips, and felt that he was really at a loss, but all around this is the kingdom of the living. Let the undead who are out of control on the scene wreak havoc, and then continue to collect from several countries around the mountains. The way of the soul should be able to earn it back.

It is preparing to act--

"Shoo!" It fell from the sky, like a thousand-meter giant sword built from the night sky!

Qiuya Yilimu immediately staggered his body, the sword was inserted at its feet, and the sound of the mountain shaking, the whole land was cracked, and the surrounding low- and middle-level undead turned into small bones and bones. Jerky pieces.

Dark energy gushed out, and the explosion licked Juya Yilimu, although it didn't hurt much, it made him a little annoyed-because of troubles one after another.

Just a moment ago, Kraunpisi called a part of the body to magnify the black magic sword, and ordered Melchi and Will to stand on it, and after activating [Puppet Puppet], let Ibruyayi use teleportation magic to transfer these They were also sent to the air visited by the nearby ghost ship fleet.

Originally, he didn't intend to pretend to be so forceful, but he didn't expect that there was such a large-scale original source magic that was launched alone in the world to hinder the transmission, so he had to attack from high altitude.

In order to ensure the accumulation of damage and prevent the undead who lost the dominance of Kefangtala from being snatched by the opponent, a large corpse ball was used as his own "armor", and a large-scale black magic sword capable of destroying the country was also included. .

"Such a ‘handsome’ appearance, even I think it’s a good second."

On the hilt pointing to the sky, "Melchi" stroked Melchi's forehead and exhaled. This was the object of Kraunpith's second round of [Puppet Pingyi].

She said to Will, who was dominating herself: "If magic shoots up, use your right hand to block it."


"Then, next—"

Compared with the students with extraordinary talents, Melchi has a poor foundation and has not learned any high-level magic, but the magic with superimposed effects is still a little bit. In the case of level 90, the method of combat is -

She lifted the corolla wand she was holding to activate the magic that allowed Sunny to fill it--

The ninth-level sacred attribute single attack magic, the thick beam of light descended from the sky, and blasted on Juya Yirim, even though the appearance was not much different from the previous [HolySmite], it caused huge damage.

"The equipment of that form and power... I will never forget... the magic just now... I thought it was just a scum of the same race who used filthy magic. It seems that you are indeed the filth of the Dragon Emperor!"

Juya Yirim made a resentful voice resounding from the ground, raised his head, and looked at the two men standing on the hilt of the sword several hundred meters high.

Qiuya Yilimu used its long tail to sweep back and forth, hitting the huge black magic sword with his body, making the two standing on it unstable for a while, but the blade of this sword was also inserted 100 meters underground, and the body was also The dragon, which is only a fraction of the size of the giant sword, can't shake or destroy the black magic sword for a while.

The light continued to damage Juya Yirim.

"Why!" Qiu Ya Yilimu thought in the chaos, "Why are they so embarrassed in such a complete and dominant situation?"

Wheel battle?

When dealing with Kefangtala, it consumed almost one-third of its physical strength. For some reasons, it did not use its full strength to consume so much. It could have defeated the enemy more simply, but now it seems that the enemy has followed one after another. Until, maybe there will be more later.

"Kara!" At this time, a crack appeared in the pitch black magic sword!

"Wait, wait! Lord Dragon King!" "Melqi" shouted subconsciously.

Qiuya Yilimu breathed a sigh of relief for a while, and laughed: "Huhahaha! Where is your calmness just now? Why suddenly there is no room for it? Then--"

"Can you hear it! Obviously so far?!"

"When I destroy this sword, I will slowly torture you to the end..."

"Hey! Take the time to speak!" Juya Yirim, who was bombarded by the sudden sacred attribute in the conversation, roared and attacked the dark magic again, causing it to crack in a wider area.

"Don't underestimate me!" At the last blow, the pitch black magic sword turned into countless fragments and scattered on the ground.

However, "Melqi" summoned a first-order magic [FloatingBoard] to stand on it, and finally summoned a falling beam of light to bombard.

The reason why it was "last" was because Melchi's magic power was exhausted.

"Cut, this body performance is too bad? Isn't this not even the [FloatingBoard]] can't be maintained? Will!"

"Melchi", who had begun to fall, ordered Will to hug herself.

"Why doesn't it use magic! This wave of arrangement is almost in vain! It will hit the outside of the barrier to the teleportation barrier, Will, use your right hand to smash it!"


Qiuya Yirim's heart The barrier that it set up to hinder the teleportation barrier disappeared when the two little guys fell through the barrier!

"It's filthy!" Juya Yilimu craned his neck and bit at the two of them. From it's point of view, it was easy to swallow them in one bite.

It wasn't just that the opponent was irritated by destroying the magic, but seeing the guy who had been able to levitate and destroy the magic just now, he couldn't prevent him from falling. There was no doubt that it was a sign of exhaustion, and the only thing left was punishment.

In fact, it is true.

But if you swallow the 90-level "Melqi" together, it is estimated that the stomach will be noisy for a long time before digesting.

However, Kraunpisi did not use Melchi, who was terribly poor even at level 90 in value and ability, to fight with his fists, and Will's most basic function of destroying the barrier has been completed.

Then they are useless. If you keep the whole body, then see you after the resurrection.

"Melqi" tried his best to throw the corolla wand out, and lifted the [Puppet Ping Yi].

"Eh? Eh eh eh eh..." Melqi's last memory and action was Will's screaming after hugging herself and being swallowed by a huge dragon's mouth with herself.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Juya Yirim was hit by a huge beam of light again!

"Ha! Third!"

Obstructing the removal of the teleportation barrier, after controlling Melki to throw out the corolla wand, Kraunpisi immediately used the last [Puppet Puppet] of the day to manipulate Meliphis so that she was summoned by Kraunpisi. Another tree man, blessed with various buffs, teleported to the battlefield together, picked up the corolla wand!

(to be continued)