Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 11: Little Days of Dryad Nobles

   Vincent Fairs Lille, a tree monster that lives in the imperial capital.

   Indigenous Dryads don’t use this type of name, usually three-section names containing race names.

The reason why Vincent has the name form of the great imperial nobleman is that he was once the Earl of Lille, the great nobleman. He was lucky enough to be turned into a demonstration product by Crowen Pith when the loess had no neck. Dryad.

   With the appearance of a young elf, he had to formally let the heir he had decided to take over for him, and he would live the life of a simple "Hell Fairy" cultist.

That night, I heard from the witch Mai Lifeis about the "great deeds" of Kraun Pith in destroying the Dragon King and the other undead who caused disaster in the Central Continent, saying that they were required to try to use their own means behind the scenes. Naturally, the human kingdom at the corner of the mainland also promoted it.

   As expected, the omnipotent "God" would hope to gain more faith, so as long as he can satisfy her, can he propose new wishes? It is true that the body that has been immortalized is great, and it would be even better if you can get a body that you are satisfied with.

   Vincent believes that Kraun Pith can do it easily, because there are people who become strong after receiving the new "gift".

  The Lille family has already done a lot of important things for Crawnpies (in the eyes of Crawnpice), if you add in the promotion of the mighty things this time, can you get a new "gift"?

   So, what should I do this time?

   Vincent slowly thought about it on his way home in the dead of night.

   "Huh?" He looked back, "Is being followed? Could it be that our existence was discovered by the Wizards Guild?"

Vincent made monsters, life will naturally be cautious, and he also knows which organizations are the first to notice and interfere with monsters in the city. Of course, they may also be adventurers’ guilds, but they are all people who take money to do things, so there shouldn’t be any. Whoever puts forward the commission to kill the family members of the noble family at the risk of being guilty, will someone come to take it?

   "?! Rushing here? Boldly? When my wild monsters fail!?"

   Vincent still didn't understand that his vision was a bit more forceful than human beings, and he was a little dumbfounded at the coming figure.

   "Quiet the mouth!" Vincent immediately made a judgment, and it was very simple to settle this level with his family's influence in the imperial capital.

   stretched out his hand and shot the main body vine, which can absorb the vitality of the opponent as long as he touches it.

Although Vincent was not used to this body at the beginning, he quickly fell in love with this organ. The benefit of self-defense is secondary. It is very interesting to play with a woman, but unfortunately it can't be grandiose, so he had no choice but to Through other channels to start some slaves without human rights or private subordinates to enjoy, the fly in the ointment is that only the head can get excited.

   just right, the person who came was a young girl who took her back and gave her a vine...

  Who knows that the other party quickly dodges to avoid the entanglement of the vines, pounces on him, hugs his shoulders and opens his mouth to bite——

"Bah, baah, it's so awful to catch a child in the middle of the night?! Saying that this is not only human, but blood is not like blood?" Yayaka took a mouthful and turned her face to the side and was about to vomit. Suddenly, his bulging face froze.

   Vincent, who was taking advantage of the opponent to squat and intending to use the vines to insert Yayaka at zero distance, also froze.

   "What are you doing during a fight in the middle of the night?" Crown Pith said blankly, "I don't hate using internal competition to increase vitality, but you guys were fighting each other just now, right?"

   Without waiting for the two of them to kneel down and apologize, Crown Pith disappeared, as if it was just passing by this time, and there was still an emergency leaving.

Vincent first breathed a sigh of relief. After he knew the truth, he regained his composure, pushed Yayaka away, and said with a straightened face, "I am the first founding member of the "Hell Fairy" to receive the "gift". Who are you? Dare to offend me?"

   Yayaka knelt on one knee, "I...under Yayaka William V. Black, I am the flagship captain of the private fleet of Lord Clown Pith."

   For the "god", even the fleet is not like a toy? It is the same as a full-time driver. Vincent put this concept on Yayaka.

   "Bite me just now...Are you a vampire?" Vincent has stepped into the pit, it is impossible not to support the study of the undead, some knowledge of the undead.



   "...No, in fact, blood is usually like an adult's wine to me, usually even if I don't drink it..."

   "Come to my house."

   "I dare not dare..."

"bring it on."

   "...I understand." Yayaka, who saw that Vincent was particularly purposeful, had to agree.

Vincent’s idea is also very simple. Don’t underestimate the so-called "full-time coachman". Yayaka has been educated by aristocrats and even had a strong sense of hierarchy, discriminating against civilians and ordinary people with no abilities, so she is in In terms of addressing others, there is also a considerable social shadow of nobles——

   Ordinary believers call "God" "Rampadscha", and Yayaka's name is "Master Clown Pith", which is the same as the witch Mai Lifeis, and it can be seen that there is a lot of closeness.

   It can also be seen that the chances of Yayaka and Kraunpith are greater than her. It's better to treat her, and let her say a few words to Kraunpith for herself.

So Although the cultists in the Imperial Command should be prepared to pass several levels of reports to Kraunpith that she decided on the matter, it is a good idea to let the "full-time coachman" convey the matter here. . Thinking about it like this, just now with Meliface

It’s fine to say it, but it’s a pity that Meilifeisi's appearance was too charming to forget (actually, Meilifeisi is quite ashamed to do this job and she didn't want to give other people a chance to speak, so she slipped away after she said it. ).

   Vincent began to chat with Yayaka in aristocratic courtesy language, and then talked about the matter——

   "The crusade against the Metropolitan Alliance is about to come to an end, but it is about to completely border the territory of Rampadscha. The temple and the Imperial Command seem to be arguing because of some differences." He said.

   "Huh? Wouldn't it be terrible if the temple were to treat fairies as monsters that must be conquered?" Yayaka was shocked.

   "Yes, I also think it would be bad if it develops like this. After all, the temple and most of the empires don't know that we and the fairies have long been the relationship between you and me."

   Vincent and Yayaka are both monsters transformed by humans, but it is impossible to have no feelings for the empire without completely losing the human relationship.

   "Can you tell me more about the incident just now?" Crown Pith suddenly appeared again.

  Yayaka suddenly wanted to cover her face, and she had been with Crowen Pith for half a year, and she didn’t understand part of this guy’s character...

(to be continued)