Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 48: victory?

The two bears who had struck Delodilong but were useless fell into consternation. Suddenly, a huge javelin fired from one of their own ballistas pierced them into bear skewers and fell to the ground.

"Good job, my brave soldiers." Delodilong muttered silently, stretching out his arms wrapped in dragon scales, preparing to start a new magic.

"Interrupt her!" shouted an orc, and another wave of throwing axes was thrown from a distance.

Delo Dilong discovered that many of the throwing axes were simply thrown at the human forces behind her. Has he already found out that he would help endangered soldiers from time to time?

"Get in the way!" Delodilong's claws pressed towards the ground, "[Magic effect range enlargement·Hellfire Wall [widenmagic·wallofhell]】!"

Dark red flames that are not a natural phenomenon emerge from the ground in a line, turning into tall and wide walls, not only turning a large number of long-range attacks to the rear into ashes, but the expanded flames also make many orcs in the fire like dancing people. Even dancing and rolling, and finally turned into a mass of cooked meat on the ground.

It has not become a coke of the color of flames. The main function of this magic is the same as its name, not an attack.

"Ha, caught you!" Suddenly, the entire wall of fire broke open!

A bearman with a giant axe with both hands in the blue actually broke through the flames and rushed in front of Delodilong.

But what about that, these orcs can't hurt themselves at all, but this method of breaking through the seventh rank tornado magic without injury must be vigilant.

Facing the giant axe leaping from the facade, she stretched out her arms to block her face with stronger dragon scales. This was the only response that she could do, with almost no combat training.

"Dang!" The slashing trajectory of the axe swayed out of her sight, directly hitting Dro Dilong's head, still the sound of metal collision, but-

"Boom!" The black and red flames before burst out from the axe and burned Delodilong's head.

"Oh!" Delodilong hurriedly swung his dragon claws and forced the bear man back, and he quickly shot out the fire on his head.

In this battle, Delodilong was injured for the first time.

"My name is Dos Randall! With this half-dragon figure, you are the king of the Dragon Kingdom! A showdown!" The bear man who claimed to be Dos casually smashed a piece and shot from the wall. The javelin, turned the giant axe a few times and put on the posture of a warrior, and said loudly.

Then this is also the trump card of the orc army, holding a weapon that can absorb magic and counterattack back, that must be it.

Could it be that I had been crazy just now to release magic, and it seemed that I didn't have the power to resist those close attacks, so I thought that holding a weapon that absorbs and releases magic close to me would have a chance of winning?

This judgment is very correct. I almost ignore those close attacks. It is true that I, as the queen of this country, has not learned melee combat at all. It is natural, but the bigger reason is that those attacks cannot break through my half-dragon. Dragon scale skin.

If the defense is insufficient, she would not rush to the battlefield in front of her, instead she would stand on the wall and cast magic.

However, facing this guy's weapon, Delodi Long felt that he might indeed be injured. In fact, he had been injured just now, so there was no room left, and besides, he couldn't accept it emotionally.

"Who wants to compete with the guy who treats us as food...!" She shouted, "[神炎[uriel]]!"

Doss didn't even react, so he burned the ashes with the golden flame that was directly ignited on his body.

In fact, Delodilong is reluctant to use this powerful magic. He has been using a slightly lower-level magic that is large enough to instantly kill orcs. Faced with an army that may exhaust his energy, this is the point. She still has common sense, but if it is the enemy's trump card, then there is no need to keep her hand.

Now that the magic power is still 40%, can it work?

Seeing that Doss was slammed by the orcs, it seemed that the orc army began to disintegrate centered on this place. They rushed to flee. After a while, the rear even blew the horn of retreat.

"But, this is really a strong orc." Delodilong glanced down at the blue giant axe that originally belonged to Doss. She was embarrassed, but she had nothing to do with it. How big is the gap?"

However, Delodyne did not let the enemy go. Longhua’s legs and feet kicked on the ground, and instantly stepped out of a big pit and shot at the orc army, and plunged into the "meat ball" alone, making a large area of ​​magic. It was released until the enemy's camp opposite the White Rock City was turned into ruins, and then he dragged his exhausted body and the blue giant axe, which was the highest trophy, to walk back.

It was exhausted, but the strength to smash orc bones with his claws like a watermelon was still reserved.

Looking at the warriors who were still on guard on the battlefield in front of the city gate and on the city wall, she said, "Win, this battle."

I intentionally used amplifying magic props, but everyone didn't respond.

No, the reaction is not without it. Some people's weapons fell to the ground, and those people immediately followed or lay on their stomachs, or sat on the ground and wept bitterly.

"Everyone, what's the matter? We... won." Delodilong was a little nervous, because there were many corpses of his own people and soldiers around him. Even if they won, they would never wake up again.

Having become so strong, will they blame themselves for having such a strong power but failing to save them? Even if you win, is it really painful to lose so many companions?

"Your Majesty, you have worked so hard. This battle has been shining with your majesty. It's really wonderful." The commander walked over to salute Delodilong.

"But everyone...cries so much."

"That was... weeping with joy, everyone was crying for victory... with joy."

Perhaps this commander is a bit exaggerated in order to please the but it is not far from the direction of the facts. The people of this country fight against races that treat themselves as food, and the pressure is more than any conventional war. The people in some cities have already become food. Those who fled here brought news and fought with the rest to avoid becoming food. But the gap was desperate. Many wounded were not treated and waited for death. , Even those who are still alive are already exhausted physically and mentally.

Now, knowing that he was still alive, there was only a feeling of peace of mind left, and he didn't even have the strength to cheer for happiness.

"I understand, the aftermath is left to you."

"Yes, I will let the guard **** you into the city."

Delo Dilong knew his identity, and did not refuse. He stepped into the city surrounded by the guards and accelerated her pace. Among the magic she could use, there was healing magic, and the remaining magic power could be saved as much as possible.

(to be continued)

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