Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 51: Orc boarding

Yayaka manipulated the ghost ship to make an overturn of one hundred and eighty degrees, trying to throw off all the enemies who boarded the ship, but the last two, one of the masked female orcs "suddenly" disappeared in place.

"Huh?!" Yayaka discovered that the masked female orc appeared behind her!

Why can she stand well? Can you stand backwards? Yayaka, she grasped the base of the rudder turntable so she didn't fall to the ceiling of the bridge.


Yayaka found that she couldn't move. Root magic?

Yayaka wanted to move her body desperately, but her body seemed to be smeared with a layer of lime concrete... No, even if it was lime concrete, Yayaka was confident that it would collapse with her own muscle strength.

It was Rococo Ampati, the chief priest whom Lalku had praised, who stretched out her hands with sharp nails from under the loose clothes that looked like a cloak.

But Yayaka can’t judge the race, because it’s also completely wrapped in sleeves and gloves. Only a little fingertip is exposed, but there is no hair. If there is no hair, the race cannot be judged. If you clearly judge the race, you may be able to find the racial weakness from knowledge. Come to find a breakthrough.

Rococo danced his right hand like directing a musical performance, and released magic like continuous flicks——



"Dragon Fire!"

"Ascension of magic rank·sacred laser!"

"Magic is the most powerful, intermediate item destruction!"

"Magic Dual Resistance Breakthrough·Holy Flame!"

"Boom! Boom! Beep Beep! Ping Pong Pong..."

Rococo believes that this is the center of the ghost ship, constantly releasing all kinds of magic to try to destroy it, and all kinds of magic explosions and flashing smoke fill the bridge.

Many built-in supplies and decorations purchased during the trip were blown up to pieces, making Yayaka still heartbroken even when she knew she didn't care. But the main structure is safe and sound, even if Rococo performs a variety of magic aimed at the weakness of the undead or items and gradually increases the strength.

"I can't detect that there is more powerful combat power in this ship, are you the master of this ship?" Ro Keke said in a flat tone with no tone at all.

Talking and singing magic give people a different feeling. This tone makes Yayaka feel very strange. Yayaka has seen similar races in the Metropolitan League and the Central Continent. Even if it is female, the tone is relatively coarse, at least for sure. It's much thicker than the sound I hear now.

Rococo’s voice is familiar to Yayaka, isn’t it the voice he heard when talking to girls of the same age when he was enrolled in the Magic Academy?

"Answer me, or kill you." Rococo spoke lightly again.

That is to say, this product is not capable of spiritual magic. Even if it can be a little ordinary, it will not have a good effect on vampires. The orc without the super-high spiritual magic correction of the goblin makes Yayaka's heart a little relaxed. .

"I... I'm just a helmsman. As you can see."

Anyway, let the conversation go on first, and hope that the zombie puppet made of Sylvie will start quickly. Now that Sylvie zombie puppet had "boomed" on the bridge ceiling because of the overturning of the battleship.

There was such a heavy blow, and it was also affected by a lot of magic, but it was safe and sound, then this orc must be beaten, and wake up! Wake up soon! No, I'm actually awake-

At this time, Yayaka realized that Sylvie had begun to act.

When Sylvie was not manipulated, she was an unconscious monster without a soul. She could stand instinctively, and she could instinctively follow along when she was pulled up, and she could instinctively lean back or retreat to keep her balance when she was pushed down. The monster that fell down obediently.

But she is also an undead, instinctively harmful to the living and things that are harmful to herself, there will be a reaction that she wants to instinctively get rid of. Just a few shots of flames and holy light made her instinctively feel the crisis, as if she was in harmony with the hull. Roll as naturally as swinging, roll over to kill Rococo.

Sylvie slowly swayed until he was less than one meter away from Rococo, when the female orc watched vigilantly at the seemingly natural “corpse”—

The skin of Sylwei's sensational costume suddenly cracked open, and the long strip organs such as intestines shot out from the inside, and attacked Rococo!


Sylvie's various internal organs stagnated in the air, and then broke free of the spell and continued shooting, but Rococo had already taken the opportunity to jump to the other side of the bridge to avoid the attack.

"Break away in a flash? This latecomer is too enviable, right?!" Yayaka said in tears.

At this time, a huge monster leaped from the outside towards the bridge. His huge body would never get in, but he broke the window fence that hadn't been injured for a long time with an axe, scaring Yayaka if it wasn't for the original He must have fallen.

"Rococo, are all enemies except you?" Lalku said with an axe on his shoulder.

"Exactly, these guys are no big deal. By the way, the people who fell have notified the people below to catch them with wind magic. It's no big deal. I didn't expect that the enemy would be so messy is my responsibility." Rococo said.

What puzzled Yayaka was that now Sylvie did not follow her instinct to continue to attack, which made her a little anxious.

"On the southern battlefield, the only bearman who injured the Dragon King took an axe. Is it a tradition for the upper ranks of the orc kingdom to use an axe?"

"Sylvie" suddenly spoke.

"Hey, I can talk." Rococo looked at "Sylvey" again with interest, but her face was immediately replaced by stiffness, who had plenty of room.

"Withdraw! Don't fight at home with this gut-squirting guy!"

"Well, a duel declaration!" Lalku launched some martial arts Want to escape? I was so embarrassed that I, who had to go to the bathroom and run to another place to manipulate this puppet during the formal meeting, wanted to escape? "

"Sylvie" slandered with the personality of Klauen Pith, and a large number of internal organs were ejected from all parts of the body again, turning into tentacles, and shooting at two orcs in different directions with the momentum of a cannonball!

The two orcs turned the window and jumped out almost at the same moment!

"Sylvie"'s internal organs were continuously drawn out of the body, extended and pursued, and when he saw that he was about to catch up, suddenly--

"Ah, it's the end?"

"Sylvie" hurriedly ran to the window and watched the various internal organs that had completely separated from her body and fell like a broken chain anchor, turning into free fall in the air, being dragged by the wind. Erku and Rococo were farther and farther away, completely speechless.

"I have never heard of it. The internal organs have such a short range that they can't be recovered automatically once they fall out? No one told me?"

(to be continued)