Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 52: Sylvie vs Lalku

"...Well, Lord Clown Pith, from a common sense, the thrown internal organs are as unrecyclable as the thrown stone, right?" Yayaka, whose body was regained free, looked at the internal organs scattered in the air with a bit of embarrassment. Sylvie", said.

"It's so noisy! Obviously vines can be recycled!"

"Do you want to... pick it up?"

"Let's talk about it later. The internal organs can be replaced with deadly magic (but no one at the scene knows this magic), that's it. Suddenly I want to rush up and fight them!" "Sylvie" followed and jumped down the window. .

Lalku’s escape from Rococo is not an escape, because the undead in the ghost ship fights in the ship. It’s undead’s common sense. Since there is no big deal except the undead who sprayed the entrails, it’s up to Lalku. Launched a provocative martial arts duel declaration to drag "Sylvie" out.

Sylvie's current body has reached level 105, which is equivalent to that of Kraunpith, but she doesn't have the various passive abilities of the game character with resistance and immunity, so she can easily catch the hostility.

There is an army of orcs below, which is the home of the orcs.

The ghost ship was thrown upside down like that, and it should be temporarily messed up and unable to shoot. The inside will be cleaned up later.

When they were approaching the ground, they were buffered by the wind magic and slowly fell to the ground.

Immediately in front of them, as if a meteorite fell, with a "boom!", "Sylvie" stepped out of a big crater on the ground at the moment when his toes landed, without even a buffering posture.

"Sylvie" looked around, muttering "internal organs, viscera" in his mouth, and the bare skin openings on his clothes also dangled a small amount of poor remnants of internal organs, which made the viewer shiver.

In fact, he was just looking for the internal organs that he had just lost as a weapon of the undead. The hostility is temporarily locked in Lalku here, and the level of distraction that can be found in the lost weapon, the duel declaration is still impossible to interfere.

But that chilling appearance made several orc warriors who had boarded the ship together roared and rushed towards "Sylvie".

The next moment, the movements of the orc warriors froze, a thin line of blood emerged from their waists, their upper bodies rolled down one by one, and then their bodies fell down in rows.

What "Sylvie" did was to swing a hand knife covered with sharp nails laterally.

"'s dizzy." "Sylvie" covered her predicting eyes with the hand that killed the orc elite. Just now, she seemed to have seen dozens of orcs' almost overlapping attacks.

Depending on how you deal with them, there is no way to understand which is the future that will happen. All you can do is to wave a hand knife flatly. It's great that they are weak enough.

Seeing that several soldiers who were also highly respected in the army were killed in this way, some orcs began to be timid, but there was no shortage of crowds with red eyes and gnashing teeth.

While Lalku raised his hand to stop their impulse, Rococo raised his hand high and waved forward fiercely: "Magic team, attack!"

The magic caster group, which has been standing up to meet the ghost ship shelling since just now, has long been ready. Just as Rococo ordered, various dazzling light attributes, sacred attributes, and fire attributes for the undead are even mixed, right? The harmful healing magic of the dead flew over.

"The highest and third rank, there are still few." "Sylvie" wanted to attack the magic caster group first, but the target could not be moved from Lalku, so he had to dodge left and right while facing Lal. Ku rushed away!

The progress was slow, and those magical trajectories were full of possibilities, making "Sylvie", who didn't want to be dirty or practiced as clothes, struggled to dodge all.

"There are too many mosquitoes and it's annoying enough."

But the group of magic casters on the opposite side was panicked and couldn't hit it at all, even if the magic that hindered movement was sometimes swayed from the ground, such as slippery oil, ice or stumbling stones, dirt bags, etc. The very small and practical magic was also crushed by "Sylvie" indiscriminately.

"The priests and priests assist your Majesty, and the others continue to control the shooting, and wait for your Majesty to stop shooting after the battle, and pass the remaining magic power to me!" Rococo jumped, a very beautiful twisting and somersault, and landed in front of the magic caster group. , He actually took out a big staff from his loose clothes that couldn't be hidden in any way, and raised it high.

The top of the staff has a totem, gems that seem to be used as a hammer, and sharp spars that radiate outwards. The carving and polishing work is also exquisite, as if it was not for practicality but for appearance.

And Lalku seems to be ready to move.

"Evasion, super avoidance, skin strengthening, skin super strengthening, ability improvement, ability super improvement, mental strengthening, boundary breakthrough, wind speeding up, flowing water speeding up..."

The magic caster group in the rear also began to add buffs frantically.

"Increase low-level arm strength,"

"Low-level attribute defense,"

"Enhance low-level agility,"

"Armor reinforcement,"

"Shield Wall,"


Then, it's done.

"...Yan Zhan, life and death flow!" After completing the last two martial arts, Lalku waved a fierce battle axe that ignited fire, stepped on his foot, and exploded with an aura that seemed no less than "Sylvie" falling to the ground.

It seemed that it turned into a vortexing fire dragon, and instantly came to "Sylvie", and an axe struck the facade. But it didn't stop there--

"The magical skill flashed, and the wrist strike!"

"Sylvie", who was still holding his foreseeing eyes with one hand, greeted him with a knife-like hand with his other hand.

The hard sound of the golden iron sound echoed in the air, the flame was cut out a gap, the axe bounced back, and then—

"Really? What's the level of this product?" "Sylvie"'s normal eyes swept over the two broken nails that were baked into yellow.

Almost at the same moment the extremely fast blow from below caused "Sylvie" to fly in a circle in the air.

Although the body is actually very resistant to beating, the weight is still the weight of a human little girl, who was kicked into the air by the powerful lion king Lalku.

Hastily hugs his hands and rolls to land on his toes.

When I stood up, I found that everything in front of me was very beautiful--

It was like a few Lalku's giant axes dancing gorgeously like a fire dragon, spinning towards him.

This rotation is a rotation that combines tactics and combat skills, and it is completely different from the simple rotation of Kraun Pith turning himself into a meat grinder in the sewer.

"Well, it's really bad, this fluent movement is so handsome. In a sense, seeing it with foresight is like a clone with multiple slash attacks, it's so beautiful!"

"Sylvie" showed a brilliant expression like a clear sky...

(to be continued)