Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 53: The enemy is too handsome to fight

Seeing Lalku's actions "cooperate" with the brilliant picture synthesized by the future phantom in his eyes, "Sylvie" showed a bright smile on the face of a clear sky.

Facing the axe blade that was obviously unlikely to hurt her, she lifted her leg and jumped back.

"The scene in my eyes has become like this, I can't think of any other way to avoid it except backing up. But with my foreseeing eyes closed, I can't see such a handsome scene! It's so entangled!"

Although "Sylvie" has a level of 105, it doesn't have the passive skills of the character's blood in the game, so even ordinary people can cause damage to her with a kitchen knife.

Is to force hP-1. It doesn’t make much sense, however--

"If you fight with orcs of this level, which is about the same as the old dragon, how can you get hurt. Whether it's the body or clothes."

Klauen Pith likes to watch exciting and elegant battles, but her fighting creed is to use any means, the best way to win, let alone the pain. Sylvie didn't dull this martial skill with pain, even though the zombie's physique was not afraid of pain, it still hurt.

Pisi didn't want to hurt.

It would be better not to stain her clothes. In the past, the clothes she wore were usually mimicking magical changes. There was no doubt about this. When fighting the Dragon King, she did not worry about it, but now she has.

"Sylvie"'s hands repeatedly stimulated the shock wave and the arrow of acid without chanting.

"This Sylvie is also my classmate anyway, can't you learn more third-level magic?"

The semi-transparent precision shooting and the invisible range attack have irregular combos, which interferes with Lalku's judgment.

However, it was clearly an attack that was difficult to judge easily by sight, but Lalku dodged and even jumped to avoid it with precise steps. Even in the air, he could twist his body to avoid a blow that should have hit his center of gravity.

"But... There is no chanting at a rate of four rounds per second. Why doesn't this person learn even the most basic magic with directivity or coordinate attacks?"

Then, the burning axe blade slashed at "Sylvie".

"Hey! This predictive eye is really difficult to use." At this moment, countless possibilities appeared in front of "Sylvie", which one to avoid?

"Shoo!" "Sylvie" continued to jump backwards with the sound of the wind, completely exposing all possible attack ranges at a faster speed.

I had to accelerate. Although he was still far from the limit of "Sylvie", he did not know why his strength and speed increased after every attack by Lalku.

"Is that the unheard of life and death cycle?"

The answer is yes, life and death cycle can continuously stack the attack power of each attack, Lalku's powerful ancestral skills, may awaken the bloodline ability and learn very little.

But the continuous stacking of attacks is not infinite, because the greater the attack power, the greater the reaction, the physical endurance is limited, and the fighting time for physical strength is also limited. The lion king Lalku has added a lot of buffs to himself. Many are to improve endurance and endurance.

So far, Lalku has not been hit once, but he already feels pain in his body and wants to fight quickly.

"Strong wrist strike, burst slash!"

"Sylvie" avoided Lalku's top-down slash, and the final slash was only a few centimeters away from "Sylvie"'s toe. The axe smashed to the ground, causing a big explosion! The ground surface is cracked in layers around it.


"Sylvie" glanced down, and it was awkward, because her foot was cracked because of a crack in the ground.

Not to mention that you can't get your feet at level 105. You must know that the power that makes one's feet is also at level 105-you accidentally got your feet.

"Why didn't the foreseeing eye notice it? Is that...who pays attention to his feet in normal times? It is not the eye that foresees that he is hurt, but can only see the future in the field of vision. Moreover, there are so many ghosts, even the current situation. Clear it!

"It hurts... Although it doesn't affect the movement of this body, it hurts. No more fun."

"Sylvie" stopped and stood still, motionless.

She is waiting, as long as she wants to respond, the future will be divided, so standing here and not moving, should let the other party cut over at all costs, so that the future can be confirmed.

"Why can I still see the shadow of Mie Miku! It's all the sight of myself being hacked?!"

"Sylvie" simply ignored it and opened the black crack of the Infinite Backpack. Before his arm was inserted, he saw all the shadows of the future gathered together, and the axe would be on her arm.

"Okay!" Sylvie pulled her arm back a bit, and then stepped forward, reaching out and grabbing the long handle of the axe.

Suddenly, the future became dark, and "Sylvie" was stunned.

Then, the darkness became reality in this stupefaction.

"Wow~ this lion's mouth is really big, and it smells so bad... I am a zombie that doesn't smell so bad." "Sylvie" secretly complained about Lalku's blood bowl biting his head.

Here is a bit of popular science about the negative energy that the undead depends on for survival: the body of the undead is indeed dead, and the existence of the undead can always retain the state of the body before becoming the undead, which is maintained by negative energy. , Negative energy can prevent decay and weathering. To put it bluntly, it has the effect of "preserving freshness".

However, negative energy is "highly toxic" to the living, and cannot be used for preservation at all.

This lion’s head is bitten off like this, isn’t it afraid to eat it?

Having said that, the reason why ordinary zombies rot is because they rot before they become undead.

Sylvie was still alive right before she became a zombie, so her body did not rot at all, and the change in her race level made her skin become jealous of Yayaka.

"Isn't this right?"

"Sylvie" stretched out her other hand and clamped Lalku's neck. Naturally, her little hand didn't have the confidence to clasp the huge neck, but you should know that she now has "eggs of internal organs". Race rank.

Although the internal organs were almost all thrown out at the first moment, there are still bones, at that moment——

Lalku! "

A lion roared behind him.

"A warrior who is so pure and capable of space magic? No, it's the masked..."

As soon as "Sylvie" turned around, he stopped--

Several light guns burst out from the surrounding ground and penetrated "Sylvie"'s hands, feet, stomach and neck!

"This binding force is actually... about, seven or eight rank... magic?!"


In the roar of Lalku's roar, the fierce battle axe broke through the skin on "Sylvie"'s neck, cut open the throat and arteries, and finally collided with the cervical vertebrae.

As long as this is cut off, "Sylvie"'s head will fall off!

(to be continued)