Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 62: Carve up meeting

Delodilong’s personal strength is strong enough, but the Lionheart Kingdom’s stamina is still very strong——

After being captured, Rococo once confidently revealed that if they are pressed into a hurry, they can also use the secret treasure that can kill the Dragon King. So it's best to let them go back, the big deal, the Lionheart Kingdom promises you not to invade the human kingdom in the future-at least you will not invade when you and I are still alive.

Originally, Delodilong didn't intend to believe in Rococo, thinking she was bluffing, because if it could be used, shouldn't it be taken out sooner?

But after carefully listening and observing the words of the **** he believed in as the chief priest several times, Klauen Pith found that when he called the name of the god-Kate Fin Molly, the mouth shape and the pronunciation were the same. Yes, that is, it is a noun that is basically the earth.

It's just "catFamily", right?

Cat House?


The Great Kingdom of Cats?

Is it the name of the Yggdrasil Guild?

In retrospect, Lalku and Rococo, whose personal strengths were fairly strong, and the group of magic casters who collectively released seven or eight-level magic, were all orcs like cats. Could it be that there are some player pedigrees?

When did you pass through? Although a group of players will be traversed every 100 years, it is not specified how many traverses at a time, and they must appear in the same place all at once.

However, this can only be regarded as good luck for the human kingdom. The life span of the orcs is not that long, and this wave of players must have died long ago.

However, if the player's blood and equipment items are passed down, then everything is possible.

Maybe it’s the use of expensive world-class props, or one-time large-scale attack props, which will not be used easily without the danger of subjugation and species extinction. If you really push the opponent directly, it will be too late to regret. .

Therefore, Clown Piss could only persuade Delodi Long, saying that the orcs suspected of having assassins that could be equal to the secret treasures of the country and the gods. This speculation is not excessive, otherwise the religious state of human supremacy should also have the possibility of destroying the orcs by relying on the secret treasures handed down by the gods and the six great gods.

De Luo Dilong, who does not have the strength to destroy the orcs alone, can only accept negotiations, and he has to treat the captives, which is choking.

The last to arrive is the talks representative of the host Bajas Empire. In addition, as the host, the total number of followers is quite large. But because most of the clerks were incompetent, the aura lost immediately. Thanks to Fluda and the two imperial guards in the Heroic Realm, the empire had a little bit of face here.

Sitting on the front desk is Bregu, the Imperial Foreign Minister, and the family title is earl.

Star came back after them.

"Pith, is it convenient to report a little now?" Star's contact came in his mind.

"It's necessary," Kraun Pith replied secretly.

"How many of the entourage of the empire representative are all from the temple or the church, at least I am sure that those are definitely not from the empire. Do you want to secretly do something?"

"That's the same as our guilty conscience? But... it's not good to leave it alone, just give them a prank warning after they leave."

"Hehe, Pace is thinking well this time."

Clown Pace squinted at the group of people belonging to the empire. There were two people who revealed the atmosphere of Mapo.

The "mapo" here refers to the occupation of Yanfeng Kirei in "Fate". The reason why I suddenly thought of it was because of the paintings that Kraun Pis had experimented with Star, there are Yanfeng Kirei and Eimiya Kirei. Hei's BL book, for some reason, suddenly wanted to draw such works.

Although judging people by appearance is a bit wrong, the first impression is also very important. It should not be much different. They are good at dealing with the atmosphere of priests, priests, and magicians. Their abilities are also quite unfriendly to some monsters, because many monsters are born magic. Chanter.

Even if the empire sent a few of these people as bodyguards, it was not surprising, but the empire's attendees, Crowenpith had already been questioned through his cult, and there was no such person.

"Then, I am very grateful for being able to respond to my invitation today." Imperial Foreign Minister Bregu stood up and saluted everyone at the round table, "So..."

Oh, got stuck? There is no way. There are many people present who can tell from the appearance that they are not human beings. Human beings as inferior creatures feel the pressure and it is understandable.

"Then let's start, the talks I'm waiting for. Here, it is announced that the talks of the six countries have officially begun! I believe this cross-world talks will be recorded forever in the annals of history."


However, the voice of the response was somewhat speechless. The human kingdom has been in a corner of the world for hundreds of years. Because of the racial estrangement, there is no communication with the Central Continent, so there is such a cognition.

In the eyes of the elves, a small but long-lived race, and the orcs who are originally from the Central Continent country-what do you do with such ordinary things forever in the annals of history?

In the Central Continent, there are conflicts in the food chain and various issues. It is the same as the occasional visits to tea parties by national leaders, okay?

However, since he is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bregu has also achieved the posture he should be-thick-skinned, just ignoring the atmosphere to continue.

But what is the issue?

Originally, Kraun Pith wanted to find an opportunity to talk to the Dragon Kingdom and the Empire about how the wars of each side ended, but it became like this unknowingly.

But the countries represented here undoubtedly all have one thing in common-they have begun to conflict with the supreme religion of mankind and the country where it originated, or have been incompatible from the beginning.

The first topic is about the funeral of the Metropolitan Alliance.

The representative of the empire took out a map of the human, on which there is a national border delineated by the Dragon Kingdom and the empire to "carve up" the city alliance.

However, the actual control of the area allocated to the Dragon Kingdom belonged to the fairy, so it was Crown Pith who bargained, in order to have an extra piece of land that the children liked and one less useless piece of land that was not needed, he and the representative of the empire were on the spot.

Fortunately, there is not much conflict between the two sides because of the huge differences in the living conditions of the races.

The land of the empire is barren than the main human kingdoms around it, and it attaches great importance to cultivated land, and the fairy itself does not need cultivated land, and it only needs to produce enough food for the locals to survive. The fairies value various raw material producing areas a little bit. These raw material producing areas are relatively close to the southeast, so they happen to be allocated to the Dragon Kingdom and belong to the fairies.

At the same time, the Dragon Kingdom recognizes that teams of adventurers from the Empire and the Dwarven Kingdom (including other professionals who have teamed up for some reason) are tax-free for entry, and various raw materials collected can be returned to the country for sale.

The Dwarf Nation requires the opening of several ports along the coast of the occupied area to expand trade with the Dwarf Nation. After all, the Dwarf Nation's industry is too single, and land transportation is not smooth. If you want to live a material-rich life, you have to rely on sea trade.

(to be continued)