Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 65: The lion has a big mouth

"In this case, this issue...just..." Bregu was about to speak, but was forcibly interrupted by the Elf King——

   "Distribute your pollen to me, and I will come to pick it up personally at that time." The Elf King seemed to be no one else.

   "...I see, please also have a delicious drink." Kraunpiss still smiled, and he wanted to have a baby without relying on the "drink" given by the Elf King.

There is a lot of pollen. If you collect it from the part that is drifting in the wind, Cronn Pess can't stop it, even if the Elf King feels that the Midori he sent him is good, he wants to cultivate more Midori and increase the number of fairy agents in the Elf clan. There is no possibility for Kraunpith to oppose the strength, so it's better to make a serious deal.

In fact, the information that the big goblin passed to Kraunpisi contained the formula of the "drink", but Kraunpisi currently has no high-level pharmacist profession in the camp, so even if it is made, it only has taste. It's more like it, and the effect is greatly reduced. The pharmacist who started using the three-digit sequence Midori a few months ago can't keep up. It's best to take the ready-made elf medicine.

   "Of course, I will give you what you need." The Elf King also smiled slightly. That handsome smile can fascinate most women, because most people don't know the true character of the Elf King.

   did not intend to let outsiders understand, this matter ends here.

   "Then, there is only the last topic left, about the orcs." Delodilong also breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to indicate.

   As the saying goes, "To fight foreigners, we must first settle within." What I said before was all the internal affairs of the human kingdom, and finally it was the external turn.

   After all the other representatives on the scene agreed, Lalku put on a kingly demeanor. He didn't say anything, but motioned to Rococo with his eyes.

   Rococo got up and came to Lalku's back, put his hands behind his back, and said proudly: "We orcs don't like the irritating long diplomatic rhetoric. Let's get to the point-in short, it's the food issue."

   "We know." Delodilong said uncomfortably. Of course you know, because you ate all of my people, didn’t you?

   "Could it be said that the condition of not invading is that we provide you with food?"

"If this is the case, then we are willing to accept it, but -" Rococo showed a very ugly smile, looked at the human group present, and said, "We know that most civilians in your human kingdom can only use brown bread. Come to eat with potatoes. In the Central Continent, this kind of food is basically for livestock and slaves."

   Although it is really irritating, everyone is patient and listen. Rococo obviously has something to say. It is stupid to get angry during negotiations without listening.

"However, our country’s food is still insufficient, not because we can’t tolerate the so-called poverty, but because these races in our country simply cannot digest the so-called vegetarian diet. But depending on you, we can’t ask you to provide enough fish and meat. Just convert it into the annual gap of cereal and grass feed that our animal husbandry lacks—"

   Rococo stretched out his hands, then spread all his fingers and placed them in front of everyone.

   "Ten? The request for a truce is that we gather, ten tons...nor, do you give you a thousand tons of feed?"

   Rococo shook his head.

   "One...ten thousand?"

   Rococo closed his eyes and wagged his tail.

   "Could it be more than one hundred thousand?! Then what shall we eat?"

"One million tons, 300,000 grains, and 700,000 grasses." Rococo opened his eyes, pushed out the palms of all his fingers, and said in a faint tone, "Of course, if you can hand it over. So much feed can feed the animals that come out of the cage."

   "Why don't you grab it!" Dro Dilong shouted, patting the table.

"We have been looting in the past, but this time the looting failed. As long as the food problem cannot be solved, our regular invasions will not stop. Of course-if you can completely eliminate us, then we will say something else." Rococo Still speaking in a faint tone.

   Everyone seemed to understand why the big lion was sitting in front but didn’t speak. This kind of debate is too cheap for a king’s temperament, isn’t it?

   "How about this? Does it have the flavor your animals like?" Crown Pith suddenly took out a handful of vines from nowhere.

   "Huh? Are you kidding me?" Both Lalku and Rococo showed strange expressions. How can anyone eat vines?

"The magic is fast-growing, it's better to try first. After all, there are many types of animals." Crowenpis took a small section of the vine and chewed it very loudly, and then pinched another small section of the orange vine. The entourage who was grinning in surprise among the empire representatives threw it away.

   "Woo...Ulululu?!" The entourage was obviously frightened, and was about to spit out--

   "Eat it!" Star, who has always been in the background, smiles.

   Then he really ate it.

"how is the taste?"

   "...It's so terrible."

   This embarrassed the fairies, except for those created or nurtured by magic above the zeroth level of food magic I think it tastes very delicious. Are they different creatures with too much difference in taste?

Kraunpis deliberately put her hand to her mouth to make a fake cough, and said, “It’s okay to verify that it’s okay if you eat it. Anyway, the animals only need to live well. It doesn’t matter whether they eat well or not. If it’s just this level of food, We can provide a lot of seeds."

It’s a pity that it’s impossible to further nurture them. Those are the ones that Crown Pith used magic [Life Manic] to make quickly when I was idle. It should be a snack with a special taste. Since I lost this magic It becomes impossible to proceed, but there are still a lot of existing seeds.

However, it is a bit dangerous to use because it will quickly grow a square vine tentacles when scattered on the ground, but the vine tentacles are only level 6, which is meaningless for the fairies and very dangerous for ordinary human farmers. It shouldn't be a problem for a strong orc to use it.

   "If your food problem can be solved, then the war indemnity will be paid?" After making the expression, Crown Pith put on a gloomy face.

   Lalku picked up the vine and looked left and right. He was not an expert in orc farming and animal husbandry, and could not judge, so he glanced at Rococo. Rococo could only shrug his shoulders.

   "We need to return to our country to discuss this. If we are satisfied, it is okay to give a certain amount of monetary compensation. At the same time, it can also win the friendship of our orcs." Lalku said.

   But that rude sound like a lion roar makes the human race a bit unsustainable. Isn't it mixed with deterrence skills, Crown Pith couldn't help thinking like this.