Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 71: The felled magic tree!

Central Continent, Sanctuary——

The so-called sanctuary is the territories recognized by some countries after Klauen Pith had negotiated with some countries through his "great deeds" in the Central Continent last time. It is a land where a country has been destroyed.

The reason why it is called "Sanctuary" is that the plant growth in this area is amazing, and it has the appearance of a super tropical rain forest. It is obvious that the surrounding temperate monsoon climate is not suitable for tropical rain forests. This is one of the reasons, and it is the reason why Kraun Pice is here.

Other reasons are related to other local landforms and astronomical phenomena. Unexplained sunlight appears every few years, and it is also a long period of tropical rain forest bursts. The quality of water sources from the sanctuary will also improve. In other periods, the surrounding monsoon climate is followed. Tropical The rain forest gradually cringed.

As a result, the super tropical rainforest has been maintained at about 500,000 square kilometers, but it is only a rough estimate, and the error may increase or decrease by 30 or 40%. After all, the world's surveying and mapping capabilities are not much developed. In addition, this rainforest seems to be excessively prosperous, the plant system is demonized seriously, it is not very friendly to the animal system, and there is a strange unilateral anti-transportation prohibition——

The teleportation magic cannot be teleported to the tropical rain forest. In this way, even if the national level wants to investigate, it will be difficult to continue due to supply issues. However, it is no problem to teleport from the inside to the outside, so that the team that once relied on the teleportation magic but brainless pig to enter the investigation will not encounter difficulties.

However, there are fewer things that can be investigated, and no benefits can be obtained. Therefore, neighboring countries recognize this area as the territory of Kraun Pith and there is no loss. But if Kraun Pace finds something good--

Let’s discuss it. Since this place is admitted to you, it should be blessed and shared. If you want to get along well, don’t swallow it alone.

Now, Ibruyayi is taking Granbell and Varudo on an expedition in the sanctuary. Because of their racial factors and high overall strength, they are relatively safe.

And Kraunpith also regarded this as his own villa. Regardless of whether you want to build a house and keep it civilized, this kind of environment is the most comfortable for the fairy.

Now, Kraunpisi is also staying in this huge "villa". After all, something like that has been published in the human kingdom. In order to guard against the reaction of the religious state and the reviewing state, they are too excited, even directly a world-class prop or ultimate start. The source of magic confuses his face. When necessary, Kraunpisi will notify Shuger, who has the highest illusion and deformation correction, to become his own to pretend to be forced. Kraunpisi herself stays at this distance from the human kingdom. Spain is so far east to Asia.

I chose a place with a very good water source, and drove out the low-level plant monsters there for hundreds of meters, and then took root there. It is necessary to breed more plants that can give birth to fairies, and I don’t know how to become half-blood fairies. Will it be possible to breed fairies that can take over part of the functions of the temple?

"Shoo~" Above the jungle, the teleportation magic array light flashed, and the star flapping the translucent wings of butterfly wings appeared high in the sky, pressing his hand against the black hair that was messed up by the wind in the sky.

Star had to use a high-altitude penetration method to barely avoid the range of the anti-transportation prohibition, but the creatures that normally fly could not follow suit, because it was already 8,000 meters in the sky. There are definitely not many creatures in this world that can climb so high—because of breathing problems.

She began to land, and after a while, she muttered with a puzzled face: "Huh? I remember that Pisi's body is in this area...Huh? Obviously there is something to look for."

Star slowly lowered her height, looked left and right, and finally saw it, her face suddenly turned into something faster than free fall—she galloped toward the ground!

Klauen Pith is squinting her right eye, sitting cross-legged on the root of her own body, carefully reading the Central Continent's book of learning characters, she is studying, and now her new child has not yet given birth to a fairy, it is inconvenient to leave, how can she Is it a waste of time?

"Bang!" The Star, which suddenly fell like a meteor, slammed into the roots of the magic tree of Kraunpith's main body, and squatted in the "crater" with a gloomy face, scaring Kraunpith. arrive.

"Wow! What's wrong with Star?" Kraunpisi secretly asked, did he do anything that didn't fit Star's idea?

"You say-what's going on!" Star seemed to be furious, pointing to the smooth cut on the trunk of the magic tree of Kraunpith's main body.

Now, the magic tree is only left with a huge stump!

Although it is only a tree stump, it is more than ten meters high, but a tree stump is a tree stump-a symbol of the tree being felled!

"I think Pace has a hard time giving birth! These three years have kindly helped you take care of most of the affairs of the "Hell Fairy" Order! What happened to you here!"

Yes, three years have passed since the Six-Party Talks. In a world where there is no information technology and magic communication is not very popular and unreliable, the progress of many things is relatively slow.

At least, now Kraunpis knows that the empire and dragon kingdom officials are still being torn with the temples and churches, and the final armistice agreement between the lion heart kingdom and the dragon kingdom of the orcs has not been fully reached, although he is willing to be independent between the two countries. The small country acts as a buffer zone, and the proposal that satisfies both parties is still gone.

Fortunately, the Dragon Kingdom did not have much resistance to the nominal takeover of the Metropolis Alliance and the tribes of each dragon species, and the resistance forces were almost wiped out. In addition, the "Black Lin Dragon King" Delodilong Auriclus does have the blood of the True Dragon King, and the half-dragonized appearance is also very majestic in the eyes of the dragons (from the perspective of the dragons), and the strength is not weaker than that of most Klaus. The fairies under Empis's are therefore welcomed. This made the goblins such as Kraunpith and Star relieved a lot.

However, the question that Star is most concerned about right now is, why is there only a stump left in the magic tree?

"Ah? Ah~~" Crown Pith scratched his face a little embarrassingly, no matter how embarrassed it is to let others see his plant body, it would be a little embarrassing, but-

"Isn't this what you taught Star?"


"Isn’t it? Every time you want the best quality wood, you dig out of me. Don’t you use your own wood to make your own magic wand sword? I remember you changed yourself to two magic wand swords as you upgraded. Right?"

"That's it." Star looked like he was relieved, covering his face, "I know, I'm very pleased that Piss worked so hard, but what on earth did you do that would consume so much wood! Is the HP going to change? It's red!"

"Huh~ It seems that Star is not as dark as I thought, don't worry."

(to be continued)