Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 78: Everything is ready to meet the east win


Meliffis noticed the applause behind her, and immediately turned and knelt: "Luna-sama!"

"Although they are all young, I don't need me to deal with the aftermath, I did a good job, Melly." Luna said.


"Then, I've asked Alice about your plan, can you be sure to induce the temple's rebellion? I don't think the temple will take the initiative to hit the stone with pebbles after being frustrated."

"That may not be enough, but I also arranged for our loyal religious officials to advise His Majesty the Emperor and allow any weapons and equipment to be sold in the country. I mentioned this idea to Master Star a week ago, and Master Star also changed hands. Here comes a magic item that is not a big deal to all the fairies, but is very tempting to the temple. I took the opportunity to knock at the temple with half a million gold coins. The temple is not bad for money."

"Any weapons and equipment? Star himself made things that are tempting to the temple but actually very rubbish? Hmm, interesting. You came up with it?"

"No, I don't dare, I am not worthy. I discussed this with other nobles. I also need their help in scheduling. The ceremony held on the day when the goblin officially handed over the battleship to the empire was held in the open air in the outer city. Some officials will be there, including important members of the "Hell Fairy". This temple understands to some extent, it is only because of their status in the empire that they can't act.

"There are hypocrites who are arranged by nobles to enter the temple as priests (because faith magic can be used in any faith, so the priests of the "Hell Fairy" mingling into the temple as priests rarely feel inconsistent) inquired about the news, and now the temple is actually They were very anxious. They tentatively withdrew from the second and third-tier towns with lower interests to try to threaten, but because the lords of the territory were prepared, the goblin took over the functions of the temple very smoothly. The treatment fee for the goblin was slightly lower, at least in terms of medical services. It has been well received, and voices questioning the indiscriminate charges of the temple in the past have also erupted in some areas of our propaganda operations. Now the temple is dominated by the empire in only seven major cities. As long as the nobles work hard, find some folks who are respected and respected. People can control the direction of public opinion with a little spiritual hint."

None of the above can be analyzed and arranged by Meliphis. Originally, Meliphis looked down on the human believers to some extent. Now that I want to come to it, aren't they very useful? Otherwise, she would not have the turn to show off in front of Luna now.

"Understood, I hope that my appearance is not to save you. It is a good thing to strengthen the enemy's strength and expose his confidence to the enemy to find an excuse to fight all over the net. Don't lift a rock and hit yourself in the foot." Luna turned and left.

Since the arrangement is so careful, unless the temple has an extremely high-end assassin, nothing will happen to Luna. Sure enough, the means of playing is still convenient for these guys who have something to do with politics.


A month later, Owental, the imperial capital—

The gift and handover ceremony of the battleship was set on the edge of the outer wall of the imperial capital. Because the battleship is too large, only the place where construction has just begun has a docking space.

The battleship stopped by the city wall, and on the other side, there were two teams, one of the important nobles and officials of the empire, together with their guards and the imperial soldiers responsible for guarding, formed a dense and large phalanx. A little shabby, there are only dozens of Alice fairies.

Farther afield, the soldiers responsible for maintaining law and order set up fences to keep them outside. There are many residents of the imperial capital who watch the excitement. For this important day today, the residents of the imperial capital have also shown considerable enthusiasm, even if they don’t care about politics and military affairs. , Also take a look at the fresh and lively. At least-no one has seen such a big ship that can sail on land.

More than a hundred meters long, on the top of the imperial seemingly huge battleship mast, the flag symbolizing the coat of arms of the "Hell Fairy" is flying in the wind at the center.

The pattern of the coat of arms of "Hell Fairy" is a cross that expands and retracts, with a pair of large and small concentric circles embedded in it, and an axisymmetric pattern with a five-pointed star in the center.

This was designed "by himself" by Kraun Pess.

When I heard that the leader proposed to create a coat of arms for his religious group to consolidate the faith, I thought that it would be troublesome to deal with humans. I thought that the chariots I planned to use for Midori in the future were all German and American-looking chariots. Dressed up like an American goblin, and the shape of the battleship imitated the German-class pocket battleship, so--

Kraunpisi very simply put a black and white "Captain America" ​​shield pattern in the center of the black iron cross.

It can be referred to simply as the ring five-pointed star cross heraldry.

If you want to know what it is, you can search for the German Black Iron Cross and Captain America's shield together to see.

Now, this "Hell Fairy" banner that was flying in the wind was slowly lowering under the command of Yayaka to the ship.

Yayaka did not dare to neglect the flag, whose material was much worse than that of her clothes. She folded the flag gently and neatly, and handed it to Alice 2333 who was holding the flag like a treasure. No.

Then, Yayaka took over the Empire's flag from Gironde, the admiral of the Bajas Empire on the other side, which made her feel a little relaxed.

Under the gaze of countless empire bosses and a few goblins, she was preparing to raise the flag while thinking: "Will I start listening to a long speech when I raise the flag... ?"

No matter which world is the same, when a leader delivers a long speech, most people will doze off unless the faith is very firm. But obviously Yayaka has the pride of being a nobleman but has no faith. He also has no faith in the "Hell Fairy", but as an undead, she has no retreat and follows the crowd.

But she can let go of part of the human moral pleasure and make her like her life very much.

As the saying goes, sometimes tragedy is expected——

The crisis struck silently.

Yayaka and Alice No. 2333 leaned back and squatted down almost at the same time, avoiding each of the white light spears that almost passed through their heads.

"[Light Spear [HolyLance]]? Sneak attack this lady with second-level Is it too despised of me?" Yayaka, who recovered her body, despised her in her heart.

After staying with the open-ended guy for too long, she gradually began to look high. [HolyLance] is not weak for humans. In the case of a sneak attack, even the top students of the Magic Academy can't handle it. The other party didn't know Yayaka's current strength.

"For humanity!" The guy who yelled this sentence was also shot by the imperial archer.

At this moment, smoke burst out in many places, smoke bombs?


"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The roar and the roar of the naval gun almost overlapped, and then-nothing happened, or it was over.

(to be continued)