Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 83: The saints on the web

Luna continued to observe the battlefields in other parts of the imperial capital.

In one place, two T-34BM tanks were just brainlessly advancing in search of the enemy. Under the spontaneous cover of an imperial patrol, they achieved greater results, until all the ammunition was exhausted, and finally they could only be driven and crushed. , Until it loses all combat power.

There are also unlucky ones. A T-34BM encountered a high-level priest on the spot, and directly used the third-level magic [HolyRay] to penetrate the armor to purify the skeletons inside, before the skeletons were completely turned into ashes. At a moment, they directly detonated all the ammunition, causing the entire tank to explode, killing a few monks who were close to the intention to capture the tank for their own use.

There were also sneak attacks by people hiding in the dark, or angels from the air, and the fragile suspension underside or top armor penetrated, resulting in the T-34BM that was smashed on the spot.

The T-34/88E armor is not of high quality, but it is thick enough. In the same armor area, the third-level magic can also block a few rounds. However, the time for this cargo to nest is a bit earlier than that of the T-34BM, but it is also a fixed turret. It's not useless, there are also idiots who tried to capture the tank and were killed.

There are also more spacious places where a real tank confrontation broke out directly-

One T-34/88E, two T-34BMs, and five imperial chariots, along with the five hundred imperial guards, guarded in front of the royal city, and were attacked by fifteen temple chariots and more than two thousand men.

This made the commander almost angry-did the imperial capital hide so many insurgents? !

The archbishop who was in charge of leading this team made most of the chariots stand by after a few shots of the chariots smashed through the gates of the royal city. I have to ask why this is because the gates really can’t accommodate many chariots driving side by side, and The improvised chariot soldiers (levels 5 to 7) also have limited magic power. They cannot use the chariot as a heavy hammer to hold in one's hands at all times, and can only be used as a sharp knife to temporarily break through the enemy's formation.

After leading the team and rushing in, I saw the Imperial Guards that had built a barrier capable of defending a certain degree of magic in front of the city, as well as the tanks and turrets exposed on the barrier, as well as the ones that did not exist on the city wall until just now. Archers and magic casters--

To say that this time I didn't take the initiative to crash into the enemy's trap, the ghost believed it.

Fortunately, if we can gather so many devout followers, and even smuggled the goblin's chariot equipment, then it would be good to break through this solid barrier head-on.

Seeing a rebel army that became embarrassed by a burst of bows, arrows and ballistas, the archbishop boarded the top of a chariot. The Imperial Army noticed that the man was not well-dressed, and a large number of attacks were directed at him.

However, they were all blocked by a layer of light film, and the wooden chariot under him was also attacked and favored, but failed to tear the fragile wood.

The archbishop’s voice resounded through the battlefield under the amplifying magic: "Four gods, pious saints, the glory of God has been possessed by us. Our enemies are indeed strong, but will we lose? Sell our souls to evil Will the enemy of the monster lose to us who are united! Look, that is the brilliance of the gods, and the gods are blessing us!"

Light seemed to appear in the sky, constantly changing shape, spreading, landing, and shrouded in the rebel army.

"Feel it! Feel the power of the four gods bestowed upon you!"

The people present really felt it, and the feeling of blood boiling made the chaos that had been raided by the arrow rain disappeared without a trace.

This is the buff-enhancing magic that the priests and priests in the army applied to the insurgents, just to make it look taller and add some magic spells. But in the eyes of ordinary believers who don't understand magic knowledge, this is tantamount to a miracle.

"Raise the shield! Get out of the middle, let the other tanks drive up and move forward! Also, the Angels! The Angels are on!" The Templar who was in charge of the direct command of the troops shouted, and smashed with a sword. His huge javelin.

You can't be stingy at this time. I originally planned to bombard the palace with chariots (the magical physical damage of priests and priests is generally not high), but now it seems that breaking through a few walls is the limit. And there should be a group of angel teams summoned by priests in advance, ready to attack and kill the defensive line on the wall, where is it?

Unfortunately, he has no time to think.



Suddenly, two bursts of huge roar and fire broke out in front of the Imperial Guards, and the shock wave even shattered a small section of the barrier.

Almost at the same time, the archbishop and the commander Templar shattered half of their bodies on the spot.

Yes, crushed.

There was still smoke from the two 17-pounder T-34BM guns.

The archbishop and the commander Templar are not idiots. They are all equipped with defensive buffs. Just now, the archbishop has suffered multiple attacks and they are all in peace.

If the archbishop and the commander of the Templars are to be counted as level, they are actually not even level 20. Even so, they are considered strong among humans, and they can rank between the top 500 and the top 300 of the empire. After all, heroes People in the field can't catch a lot of them.

But this level is so strong that it is not yet capable of blocking the 17-pound anti-tank gun fired by ordinary skeletons.

The reason why the artillery was fired now was that the imperial commander wanted to wipe out the enemy's head.

The sound of fighting also came from the sky. The angel team composed of dozens of angels, ten archangels, and one powerful angel was attacked by the Imperial Air Force ambushing on the wall and taking off immediately.

"Kill these pseudo-god monsters!" The first strong veteran riding a flying dragon, Yilong took the lead, wielding a broadsword with magic attached, and rushed forward to fight with Angel Quan who was planning to buff his teammate angel. .

The sword light of the tiger and the wind, the scepter exuding the sacred breath, the dragon's breath and the holy light, intertwined in the air.

If Crown Pith and Sunny were here, they would definitely open their mouths a little bit embarrassed and look at this angel who is fighting for power-once a good old man who was just a shriveled and weak old man.

The Angel of Quan and the Archangel are quite strong, stronger than the most elite Griffin Rider of human beings, especially the Angel of Quan is the fourth-order angel, which is a field that most humans cannot reach.

But it is still weaker than the dragon knight formed by the empire. The physical resistance of Quan Angel and Archangel is very good. Even humans in the hero domain cannot quickly kill the Archangel with physical attacks, let alone higher-level Quan Angels, but the breath of dragon and the air force are equipped with a small amount of magic. Chanters can greatly reduce this resistance advantage.

The Imperial Air Force waits for work, and there are multiple dragon knights. The battle in the sky seems to last a little longer because the angels are resistant to physical attacks, but there is no suspense.

The Angels could not support the ground, so the tanks on the ground began to show off without fear.

"Boom!" T-34/88E followed by firing, and the explosion caused by the grenade exploded in the rebel troops directly under the temple, setting off a wave of corpses of monks and priests............

(to be continued)