Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v6 Chapter 84: The temple of decisive free gift

When the 88 guns of the T-34/88E began to show off, several fireballs and thunderballs were shot from the Imperial Guards. It was a masterpiece of the Imperial Army’s magic caster.

The chariots of the temple that had lost the protection of priests and priests one after another were blown up one after another.

"Quickly, our tanks are firing! Destroy the enemy's tanks and magic casters!" shouted a priest who had a little right to speak.



The wooden T-62 tanks also began to roar one by one, and several attacks hit the barrier of the Imperial Guards one after another. The fragments were splashing, but it was not enough to completely destroy the barrier.

One shot hit the rather mocking T-34/88E "big head", but this "big head" was only slightly deformed and did not penetrate.

Both Luna’s tank and the Empire’s tank kept targeting troops and tanks directly under the temple to fire. Luna’s main cannon and imperial magic caster can easily destroy Luna’s wooden works that were almost **** in the past; the vehicle-mounted cannon and the imperial archer’s arrow rain can inflict a lot of damage on the rebel infantry.

Soon, all the chariots in the temple were turned into wreckage, and the rebels were also full of corpses, but the magic of improving ability and courage had not expired, allowing them to attack like a berserker.

The distance is not far, after leaving more than five hundred corpses, they finally crossed the barrier. Shortly connected with the Imperial Guards. The sound of the collision of swords and the sound of the body being torn one after another.

Luna's tanks and imperial chariots started, drove out the barrier, and crushed them everywhere with roaring tracks. Let these blind believers with red eyes and no anti-tank knowledge and methods become flesh under the chariot.

Soon, the troops directly under the temple, which had lost high-level personnel and left only the grass-roots priests and monks, were unable to maintain the magic to enhance their capabilities and courage.

The insurgents who rushed seemed to have finally awakened from their dreams. As they realized that they had nothing to do with their chariots, they could not rush into the well-trained formation of the Imperial Guards, and they could not beat a single Guards soldier in three-on-one. . Every time an imperial soldier was killed, it had to pay more than ten times the price, and they finally collapsed.

As a small group of people began to take the lead in fleeing, the front line collapsed like dominoes, and everyone rushed to flee. Those who tried to supervise the war spontaneously because of their strongest faith were trampled on.

The imperial army didn't mean to let the enemy go, all kinds of attacks came from behind the escapers...

Luna: "Sure enough, is the tank still suitable for co-ops? Even if the infantry is weaker. These tanks kill the most enemies directly. Well, now the battle in the city is almost over. Wait for the church. Just finish it off, right? Ah, someone else wants to snipe me? There are too many flies, annoying goblins, should I leave the bell tower better? Just go to the church and have a look."


Sophis Cathedral-

"Tututututu..." Luna's hand has been replaced with an M3 submachine gun, with fire from the muzzle, harvesting the monks and soldiers who shouted "Mother" and "God", crying for their mothers to run towards her own direction. The followers of the four gods.

Until now, Luna has been playing with machinery. Playing with something so complicated to the world of swords and magic, even if she never sleeps, she still feels that she doesn’t have enough time. It has nothing to do with machinery and engineering. No time to learn. The weapon she enchanted can completely smash the effect of bursting, but she herself can't release the bursting magic, even if other goblins gave her the memory of learning attack magic, she felt a little boring and ironic.

When using the submachine gun, it can be faster than the magic without chanting. It is four shots per second at most without chanting, which is more than 200 rounds per minute. The M3 submachine gun can almost double this data. The technology is better. The density of a two-handed submachine gun is even greater, but it is completely unnecessary now.

"Well, is this it better to use a beam?" Luna saw that after the magic bullet swept a large group of people, the others fled in panic, even trying to drill into the cracks in the walls and windows, and then retreated into a magazine. Replace with a new magazine.

There are only bullet shells in the magazine, no bullets. Each shell is passed through Luna’s hand that is close to the magazine, discarding the enchantment range of the chanting area, and dispersing the excess enchanting power of Luna into a large number of shells to form a finished magic bullet. . It seems that you don’t need a very long magazine, but if you use a magazine, you can increase the durability of the cartridge case and make full use of the magic. Continue to maintain a certain combat effectiveness after being emptied.

The battle can be ended by giving the enemy a small one. There is no need to use gorgeous tricks to waste resources and energy. The role of machinery is not only to increase the efficiency of work, but also to make the use of resources more efficient, Luna I think so, and this point is also vividly demonstrated in the deduction of all aspects of the Summoning Tank.

Then it is triggered and released when the magic bullet is pushed into the chamber. The bullet shell will not exit the chamber. Instead, it will connect to the space under the magazine with the technology of the small space props of the Dwarf Kingdom. Infinite loop.

The reason why Luna needs to change the magazine is because the metal composition of the most suitable magazine for different types of magic is different from the rune engraved on it. If you make a mistake, it may cause an explosion in place.

That is—this is a weapon that no one can use normally except herself.

"Shoo!" Luna raised the M3 submachine gun for the second time, and a beam of less than one centimeter thick was shot from the muzzle. She threw the gun to the opposite side and pulled out a fan.

Only half of the people remained on the main street leading to the Sophis Cathedral.

There was really only half a person left, everyone was cut off, whether it was the first half or the second half, they were all half people.

But it seemed complete—the clothes were still attached.

Luna’s enchantment is [AstralSmite]. UU Reading was originally an attack on non-physical targets, but it was not incapable of attacking physical targets, but this attack was more aimed at life (including the life of the undead) In itself, everyone was cut in half, but no lifeless things were destroyed.

Luna will unrelentingly defeat all enemies and potential enemies that block her, but she doesn't want to destroy the building. Loss can be avoided and of course should be avoided.

"Yes, if I had a direct magic attack and killed so many people, I guess I would have to play more magic. It would take several times the magic power to kill so many people."

Luna pointed the muzzle at the ground and walked forward on the street paved with corpses, sometimes feeling a weak pull in the middle.

Some people whose upper body was still alive grabbed the corner of her skirt and said, "Save...Save me." Luna was short in stature, and many people broke in half without seeing who did what.

This made Luna regret it.

I regret going out wearing a long skirt today.

(to be continued)