Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 105: Illusion to deceive the world

Dirty Inkstone vetoed Hatres' words unceremoniously: "Tsk, you only reproduce the level of summoning heroes, and what I am waiting for is not to communicate with the heroes of the past. Servant is just a projection of heroic spirits, magician. Props."

   Dirty Ink's plan is to first obtain the Holy Grail named Meiyou, use this Holy Grail to realize his current wish for immortality, and then use the time gained from immortality to restore Einzbern’s Holy Grail and achieve his original wish.

   However, the current Einzbern Grand Holy Grail is messed up, making him intend to find the source of the problem and start immediately.

   "I don't plan to listen to his nonsense anymore." Faker drew his short sword.

   Although she is Faker, she admits this, but she is also a person who has served the emperor in history. Such words are an absolute insult.

   Moreover, I can't feel the aura of a battle between the two in front of me. The atmosphere that emanates from her body, based on her experience as a warrior, is the atmosphere of anointing the soles of her feet as soon as she is ready to speak.

   Her eyes flashed.

   Dirty Yan and Francesca's figures suddenly became like statues. The compulsory magic eye can manipulate the body of others, but at most it can do it in a moment.

   Faker stomped on the stone steps in front of the gate, his body exploded, kicking Francesca's chest.

   With the sound of the bones being completely shattered, the girl flew upside down like a cannonball into the woods behind.

   Then, Faker turned around and swung his sword, cutting off the dirty inkstone's head.

   However, her spirits became more tense, and she didn't feel successful.

   The girl who flew down into the forest didn't even make a knocking sound. It was just a human figure made by illusion, and the dirty inkstone turned into insects and flew away.

   Deep in the forest, a thick purple gas diffused, and the plants passing by were withered and withered. The center of this mist rose from the shadows in a spherical shape completely wrapped by a black streamer with a red edge.

   Then, the spheres spread out like petals.

   While Faker was on guard for the new enemy, Xiluoai, who was watching in the room, widened her eyes: "Then, that's—"


  ? ? ? ? ——

   Francesca: "Piss, a high-class puppet has appeared." Pointing outside.

  Crown Pith: "Why do you feel that the cloth idol is like the monster that killed Bao?"

   Francesca: "It's okay if you want to say that. What will come out? I'm really looking forward to it." I looked at Kraun Pice intently.

  Crown Pith: "Huh? I'm going to get it? Why? The master is you, right?"

   Francesca: "Isn't it very popular in this era? The tourists go to experience the picking in person, and the business model of charging more money."

  Crown Pith: "It's just that you want to be lazy, right? After all, that kind of business model might be that farmers want to be lazy."

   However, Crown Pith’s **** has already begun to move. In a dreamlike world, it is uneasy not to try everything. If there is combat power, then it is okay to try to destroy anything. But she was too embarrassed to demolish the "princess" who used the castle to entertain herself and the castle together. Now she just has a target to vent.

   Everything in front of my eyes should be imaginary, so anything is fine.

   Francesca’s perfunctory explanation is just to figure out the psychology of Kraunpith.

   With the ability of the dark shadows of dirty inkstones, it is impossible to peel off the influence of Kraunpith's consciousness. Their level has no ability to break defenses, including mental defenses.

   If it weren't for the special physique of Crowen Pisi, the "world in the painting" would pop up as soon as it was swallowed by the shadow, but it would be basically dead, and it would be possible to pull the shadow away and climb out.

Initially, the existence of Kraun Pith was not found in Sombra, which made Dirty Yan and Francesca a little confused, but Kraun Pith himself "returned" and chose to drill into Sombra. Forced the development of the ** back to the "right track."

   Francesca wants to try to restrain Kraunpith and make her obedient. She couldn't break the defense against Kraunpith, all she could do was--

   Treasures "Luoshan City does not exist, so the madness in the world will never end (, a treasure sublimated from the combination of illusion and bloodline that Pleratti originally possessed. Even the environment can transcend the magic that deceives the structure of the world itself, comparable to the inherent enchantment and the realization of fantasy, but the illusion is still an illusion, and there is no real damage.


   Einzbern Forest——

   Like the brilliance erupted by the black Saber's black holy sword, a huge black pillar rushed out of the forest!

   Large swaths of trees were destroyed by the dark pillars! No, the moment the tree touches the black, it has become like dead wood that has lasted for a long time. The land that was swept by pitch black became like ashes.

   The black pillar swept across the outer walls and courtyard of Einzbern Castle.

   It was erased in this way, it was too easy, it was not reminiscent of devastating damage, but it was more like a paper-made signboard being burned by flames.

   The black streamer originally located in the forest is undoubtedly revealed, and it has long since dispersed, revealing the figure of Kraunpisi, but the eyes of this Kraunpisi are dim and seems to have no will of her own.

   Raising his hands, the black red-patterned short stick burns a purplish red flame playing the "torch" of the Nymph in the underworld.

   Suddenly, the flame turned black, this was another time.

   "Ahaha, it's a rare relaxing world. It doesn't matter what you want, just play with the new tricks a few times. Hell [Evil Depths[]]."

  The second, third, and fourth black pillars are coming!

   As if it had just been cleaned up, the outer wall of Einzbern Castle and the courtyard in front of the castle no longer exist, only pieces of rotten markings on the ground tell what happened.

   At this moment, apart from the castle itself, there is no shelter in this battlefield, and it has a sweeping view.

It’s just a simple test shot. The last time Kraunpisi returned to the world she lived in, she received a batch of upgrade bonus skills under the rules of "Yggdrasil". Does not consume mana, but has a fixed number of uses per day. The night before the update was the right time to test fire and clear the field. Since it was an active skill combined with a few passive skills, a new name was added by the way.

   The Dark Pillar is an advanced skill of the "Cursed Knight" class [Dark Wave], and the attack can carry healing nullification or even death curse. If the player releases it, it won't be so powerful. It is precisely because Kraunpisi is a huge BOSS to achieve the attack range of the map cannon, so he dare not put it in the house.

   Faker put Hatres, who had survived on his back, on a rocky mountain where he was lucky enough to be not too hot, and then turned and ran towards the center of the enemy, where the Dark Pillar originated.

(to be continued)