Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 107: Pisi 1 blood: Hephaestion

Although the sons of Fu Hailin will exist in plural, each is a one-off. The intensity is not high, and ordinary magic can cause no small damage. The threat to humans lies in the huge growth area and quantity.

  Fu Hailin's son can be manipulated by a magician is a very serious thing. But it is impossible for the magician to have enough magic power to feed this huge plant. He must have used the magic power of the earth veins. Obviously, although the earth veins of the winter wood have not affected ordinary people, it is still a bit bad.

   "Plants, a lot of plants... It looks like weeds compared to my body, but there are too many." Kraun Pith muttered like a dream, shaking his head.

   The flexible branches like a whip plunged into a large amount of purple mist in an attempt to catch Kraun Pith. In front of the magical branch, the ordinary body was just a piece of paper, but without being able to get close, it began to become dehydrated and crumpled.

   However, the clone of Kraunpith, who has no special abilities, is not so lucky. Although the sharp black keys strangled a large number of branches in an instant, the son of Fu Hailin regarded this as a provocation.

   Unlike the residue that was eroded by the purple mist, the cut branches continue to move! No matter how many pieces are cut into pieces, they are all moving, just like plant zombies that can move without negative energy.

   More branches overwhelmed the clone Pace.

   "It's boring, but there are really too many."

   In fact, it was only a few seconds since the son of Fu Hailin arrived.

   Klauen Pith’s enemy is not only the son of Fu Hailin, Faker is the main force of the attack. In the air, the thunder and lightning converged, even though it took a while to roll forward, the preparation of the treasure was also completed.

   "Strike with all your strength, [Hecatic Wheel]!"

   Flying straight down, crashing into Kraunpith with the impact of the meteorite.

   Even though his eyes seemed to be asleep, Crowen Pith was attracted by the thunder, tilted his head to the sky, and raised the "torch."

   thought for a moment, and simply clenched the "torch" with both hands, injected a large amount of magic power, and the flame gathered at one end instantly expanded, like a small sun, but exuding an ominous color.

   "Prison Flame [Manic Jie Huo [Lunatic Inferno]]."

   "Boom!!!" A huge ball of flames was launched into the night sky.

   Faker showed a trace of disdain. No matter how big this kind of straight fireball is, how could it be possible to hit her who is good at driving a chariot soaring in the air?

   Pull the reins quickly and skillfully to make the chariot swing by the flame ball. There is no need to be too far away, otherwise the speed of the chariot will be reduced and the liberation of the treasure will be invalid.

   However, the huge ball of flames suddenly exploded!

   No, it's like petals blooming. Such a huge ball of flames is actually hollow. He quickly closed in the air and surrounded Faker.

It’s not that Kraunpi Si can’t manipulate too many flames. After all, he used three magic spells to make the treasure obedient, but it’s meaningless to miss even during sleepwalking—this blaze ball is to constrict the enemy’s action space. Skills.

  Crown Pith stretched out her empty hand and shook it.

   The flame ball shrank suddenly, setting off a huge spark in the air.

   "Hahahaha, teleport, don't want to run, don't even want to run, all will become my snack!" Kraunpisi raised her empty hand and pointed her index finger to the starry sky.

For the skills to be activated, "Yggdrasil" players who have no money to further improve their strength after the full level of krypton gold (a full set of top krypton gold equipment with krypton gold professional equipment is not impossible even if the overall performance exceeds level 130), players will definitely shout "junk production "'S map gun——

  "[Ruin Starry Moon]."

   The stars and moon in the sky are broken.

  Of course, the broken ones are not the real stars and moons, after all, there are no stars in sight at night in this era.

   The false stars and moons are "swinging" straight down, turning into countless meteors rushing toward the ground!

   Light rain covered the earth, frightening Kraunpith.

   She discovered that she couldn't move when she activated the skill. Well, as a BOSS, it's a matter of course, but in the real world, there are no teammates to avoid injury.

   hugged his head and squatted defense, and opened the twelve-sided force field shield, like a small umbrella opened in layers facing the sky.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom in The rising dust rushed high into the sky, forming a mushroom cloud.

   When the earth reappeared and fell into silence, the only living creatures seemed to be Crown Pess, who was squatting on the bumpy ground squatting on the edge of a huge pit with a radius of tens of meters, holding his head tightly in the pit.

  Naturally, both the Einzbern Forest and the Einzbern Castle have been cleaned up.

  Fu Hailin’s son and the pair of masters and slaves who tried to escape are the same.

   Under the hillside behind the Einzbern castle ruins, outside the range of falling stars, Anna rolled to the foot of the mountain with a pink Lolita **** her back.

   "Huh, I almost died." Xi Luo Ai breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Anna's back, "Where did you find this person?"

   "The guy who seemed to be with that man was saved by the way." Anna replied.

"Hey," Shiroai patted Yvette's face, who was pretending to be dizzy. "I remember you are Yvette L. Lehman (eavesdropped on the roof of Luvia). You also came to my house to steal things?"

", no," Yvette hurriedly flicked up, imitating the island country's etiquette, kneeling on the ground, "My family is a master of magic eyes, I just heard that I can study the magic eyes of heroes. That’s why I came here. I’m not someone who thinks about the Holy Grail. If I violated any of the rules of the Magic Association, I’ll be punished.”

   Xi Luo Ai didn't have the right to catch a student of the clock tower, so she waved impatiently.

   So Yvette started running with her tail pinched, and ran a few steps--

   "Wait!" The seemingly excited cry behind him made Yvette shake, wouldn't it be exposed what else he was doing?

   Xiluoai and Anna can hardly keep up with that thing—the red-edged black belt that appeared from Yvette’s shadow.

   "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) Kraunpis was very rough, leaving two tragic wounds on her body that could not be cured by ordinary healing magic. The wounds were still surrounded by a special black that was eroded by black shadows. If Shiroai hadn't knocked her out, Perhaps life is hard to save.

   She struggled to get up, covering her right eye, which was originally covered by a star blindfold-now it was a hollow.

Her magic eye is made of gemstones. It is definitely not weak to use magic. Even if it is a large-scale killing of the son of Fu Hailin, it is not a problem. But facing this black thing, it feels useless, not to mention the magic eye is now being Standing in the center of the black belt that wriggled like a wave, held it in the hand of the fairy.

(to be continued)