Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 115: 7 kills! Fight through the Holy Grail Wa

Since Jack the Ripper can fight almost evenly with the current Kraunpith, why did he escape before?

The reason is also related to the legend of Jack the Ripper. She is not a well-known legendary hero, but a horrified murderer. This concept makes Jack’s combat power directly related to the number of potentially fearful people within a few kilometers, so she has to Only in a densely populated urban area, it is scary to openly display an atmosphere of terror, and only then can such strength be exerted.

  If you fight in the forest, even if you summon more than three thousand demon clones, Crowenpis will break through like a sand sculpture.

   But fighting in the city means another thing——

After a while, the purple mist from Kraunpisi drifted to Meiyou's side, and Meiyou who accidentally inhaled a bite choked, staring and shaking: "This is... poison? No, no, no...... "

The life during this period of time was played in her heart like a revolving lantern. She didn’t have a deep relationship with her classmates, but she didn’t feel bad. She hadn’t gotten to the point of knowing where other people’s homes were. But, if this continues. , The battlefield is spreading, and the gas that can kill is spreading............

   "Enough, enough, don't fight anymore!" Meiyou stood up, holding her breath, and rushed forward.

If you let Meiyou start from a small battle, start with the weakest rank card, collect one by one, and then fight against the magicians who compete for rank cards, and then participate in the Holy Grail War, and even fight as the Holy Grail to protect yourself, so Step by step, Meiyou may be able to gradually become stronger, and even if it suffers setbacks in such a battle, it can calm down and look for victory.

However, Suddenly, Meiyou gained the strength to match the heroic spirits, and suddenly caused Meiyou to lose the people around him one after another. The culprit was that despite ulterior motives, she still gave her the first trace of warmth in the cold after coming into this world. People, the pain of being thrown into the air and then smashed down severely caused Meiyou to collapse.

   Stripped off the coat that had become a little mature because of her special experience, she was just a little girl who should have grown up in the care of her family.

   "Master, don't come here!" Jack shouted.

   Ke Meiyou stubbornly plunged into the battlefield, causing the curse to be unconsciously activated, preventing Jack from fighting, and the demons were strangled one by one.

   She was still running forward in the air, and Kraun Pith suddenly leaned back in fright. Although Kraunpis felt like he was making desserts, he would be frightened just as ordinary people saw the funny scenes of pies or cakes patted on their faces happened to them.

   The plants and shadows she ordered were stagnant.

   This is a good opportunity. Meiyou stepped into the air suddenly, and jumped in front of Crow Enpis. He hugged Clown Pith and hugged tightly.

   "Enough, what has happened to Crown Pith... why did it happen like this... If you want to eat me so much, just eat it, if this can end everything..."

   Unfortunately, I can’t go to the beach together during summer vacation.

  Crown Pisi also hugged Meiyou, sniffed Meiyou's neck, licked Meiyou's ears, and slobbered, making Meiyou face red and red.

   It is a pity that the kind of bridge that will restore the sanity of a friend manipulated by the enemy does not happen in **** reality.


   After one bite, Meiyou disappeared.

   Lost the supply of mana, and was transformed into a demon by Jack the Ripper, who was restricted by the spell, and was later swallowed by the shadows.

   "Ahhhhh~ I'm so full, satisfied."

  Crown Pith had already swallowed the heroic spirits and more magic power carriers that had been waiting for the Holy Grail War to break through the same night, and the feeling of satiety that had been replaced by magic spells came up.

   "Go to sleep." As he said, Kraun Pith fell on his back and sank into the dark shadow.

   After a while, the sky began to light up.


  Fuyuki Church——

   sent away the person who came to receive Yvette, Qili opened the window facing the morning sun and said, "Blessings—"

   "Blessing what?" Behind him, he did not know when he appeared under the statue of the Virgin, and a white demon like an angel spoke quietly.

The devil is standing here. As the priest of the temple church, it is time to call the powerful elders in the burial organization to crusade, but Qili calmly replied: "It can be called the worst in the world. The container that is born between people, what people expect and is born, where all the evil lies, is not to respond to wishes, but to make wishes. What will become? It is precisely because of the wishes and wishes. White and black, born in response to wishes, exist at the same time, and the answer is closer than ever, even if this answer blasphemes God. Putting in front of God, in the name of good spirits, eliminate the doubts of our priests."

   "Really, um, but that's what the master wants. I will forgive you if you fail to be safe with your master. If you say staying here makes me so uncomfortable." The white devil is white again, it is also a demon. It's really uncomfortable to stay in the church.

   "Priests, can't I use the spell to save my master?" The white demon was created by the skill summoning of Kraunpith. This is a demon who is loyal to the Lord, so he is worried about the safety of the master who is disconnected.

   "It's a pity. The contract was cut off at that moment. Even if it is exhausted, it can't be done."

   "Really." The white demon disappeared in the church. You can feel Kirei's "sincerity", and it doesn't make sense to stay here.


  ? ? ? ? ——

  Fairytale-like is located in the fairy-tale castle, which is the magical space created by "Luoshan City does not exist, so the madness in the world will never end".

   On the huge pink mattress in the bedroom, Kraun Pith curled up, resting her head on Francesca’s slender thigh sitting on the bed.

   Both of them put on thin nightgowns that faintly revealed their skin and underwear.

   Francesca was holding a cotton swab and digging out her ears for Kraunpis.

   The cotton swab here is a thin wooden stick with kapok rolled on one end, not a cotton swab made by sticking absorbent cotton to a plastic stick. Rubbing the pointed ears back and forth with this cotton swab made Kraunpisy feel very comfortable.

   "Hah~ Francesca, are you very skilled?" Kraunpis said with a yawn.

"It's the first time to do this for such sharp and long ears. How about it, are you comfortable?" Francesca smiled. All the materials needed for the ceremony have been prepared, and only the preparations for magic are left. Yes, during this preparation period, you have to take good care of Crowen Pith.

  Crown Pith: ""

   Francesca: "It's really a big meal today. It's really hard work. This is a reward."

  Crown Pith: "It's not easy for you, do you like snacks a lot, right?"

   Francesca: "Huh?" The goblin would say so, really surprised her.

(to be continued)