Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 2: Battle of Tanks! Times have really chang

Except for the daily expenses and the research expenses of trying to improve the combat power of the fairies, the gold coins received from the tribute and donation of the Fairy Temple are basically invested in Star's research on the "world in painting".

If Kraunpith felt that she was lazy, he would have to be nagged by Star again.

It should be almost done. After confirming all the functions of the "World in Painting", you can play a lot of comprehensive traversal that will be brain-filled.

"It just so happens that the forefront of today should be changed, let's watch the sequel of "Zombie Siege"." Crowenpis recovered the magic tree that also sucked up the energy of the "Two Realms Mandala" from the ground this time. The main body activated teleportation magic and left the forest.


Central Continent, southwest of Titania State—

Compared with the homeland of Titanya, where no animal race lives like a "green desert" and is very peaceful, it becomes very lively when going out of the big forest from this direction to the forest steppe area.

For a month, the villages and towns in this area belonging to Titanya have been under attack by the undead on a large scale.

The establishment of a country has never been smooth sailing. When it is established and gains sufficient benefits, of course it will be happy. It is normal to pat your stomach and say that you are satisfied and plan to live obediently.

The problem is that the looted party can look down on you.

At the beginning, Kraunpis killed Glanz Lock of "Abyss Body", but this character is one of the core characters of "Abyss Body". In addition to his stronghold, he also has his own power.

The disintegration of these forces after the death of the ruler naturally made his death known. The death of a big figure who understood the eighth-level magic, all the research results and a large number of subordinates capable of massacring cities and annihilating the country disappeared. This is definitely not to be seen. Seeing things.

Glanz Rock’s old friend, Ben Jerry Ansis, the core figure of "The Body of the Abyss" and his companions, took the opportunity to collect those who hadn’t attacked the survivors and escaped Crowpeith. There are millions of people who have been wiped out—the remnants of Kefangara and the remaining zombies in the zombie zone.

With this huge force, he blatantly launched an attack on Titanya.

Kraunpis originally wanted to clear the field himself, but since he smashed a meteorite and destroyed the thousands of troops led by a deceased great magician, a town in his own power has also been directly enveloped by the breath of death. Become a dead city.

The meaning of "the body of the abyss" is very obvious. If you don't fight high-end combat power with you, if you send me a shot, we can also destroy your city. Have fun with me "Little Soldiers".

This makes Kraunpith quite a headache, because there is no idea where the enemy will attack. The number of fairies with enough combat power under his own can't take care of so many places.

Since none of the troops used by the opponent seemed to be brought from his own stronghold, it would be meaningless to use [LocateObject] to track and search for Star.

I have asked the slightly more experienced Iblu Yai to bring Granbell, who has the ability to control the undead, and Sunny, who has the ability to control the undead, to investigate secretly, but it seems that it will be fruitless if you don't spend more time.

Then play "Little Soldiers Fighting" in the forest and grassland on the border now—

This has become a favorite place for Kraun Pith to enjoy movies.

"Shoo!" Klauen Pisz teleported to the command post one kilometer away from the front line, randomly built under a big tree.

More than a dozen Alice who mastered the magic of communication were all stroking their heads together, sitting around Alice as the commander, talking non-stop, then reporting to her superiors, and continuing to use contact after receiving new instructions. Magic relay, doing such a job.

In the distance, even if it is one kilometer away, because the ground is flat, the smoke or light formed by magical explosions that burst out from time to time can be seen.

"Alice No. 5, what's the battle?" Crown Pith came to Alice No. 5 in the center and asked.

"Dad! It's—" Alice 5 took a few steps and bowed slightly to Crawnpice.

"The frequency of routine attacks carried out every few days and the number of enemies have increased again. According to the scout report, today's number is between 800 and 900. Among them, M18 Hellcat chariots account for half, and the others are probably M10. Wolverine and M4 Sherman, because letting their sisters fly too close may be attacked by the mid-level undead behind the enemy, so there is no confirmation of the ratio of M10 Wolverine to M4 Sherman." Alice No. 5 report.

This is the current state of the war. For some reason, the abandoned tank model that was used when researching the tank was leaked. Like Luna considered, "Abyss Body" is also happy to equip the lowest-level Summoning Skeleton. Car, let the chariot be summoned together as a summoning unit.

As a result, "Abyss Body" summoned hundreds of dead chariots every few days to crush and destroy the forest where the Titanya middle-level fairies depended for survival, and cooperate with a small number of death knights, bone dragons and other intermediate undead. attack.

Although Kraunpis’s “Two Realms Mandala” on the “Day of God’s Grace” can make them fall short of what they do, but they can’t sit and be beaten. Kraunpis ordered the three-digit sequence Eri. While trying to deal with a small number of intermediate-level undead, Sie asked Midori in the five- or six-digit sequence to take out the finished Panther, Tiger, and Tiger King chariots.

This is a natural tactic. Kraunpith found that even though Midori has become more numerous, there is still no attack magic correction. The spiritual magic has almost no effect on the undead, so it can only make them shrink in the chariot. Fight inside.

As a result, the magic war was turned into the Battle of Kursk in World War II.

"[Clairvoyance[]]—Oh, UU reading looks really spectacular." Kraun Pess launched a magic that can see farther than a telescope, and scanned the chariots on the ground as they collided with each other in the air. The Alice fairies and the bone dragon saw the scene of flying a kite and exclaimed with a smile.

Kraunpith: "What about the loss?"

Alice No. 5: "The casualties on the front line are minor, and they can all be rescued for treatment. Except that the bone dragon is a little troublesome because of magic immunity, nothing else."

Kraunpith: "That's right." In Kraunpith's field of vision, the enemy tanks were "hatred off" by the goblin's tank fire and turned into light particles and disappeared.

Although the Sherman here is not a Langsen lighter, and the German zoo tank is not an overweight tank with a mustache, the enemy tanks are all made of ordinary copper and iron, and the armor of the goblin tank is made of Krau. Enpisi's body wood is integrally shaped, and the strength is by no means the hardest metal that ordinary indigenous people can afford to leave scars.

No matter lightning strikes, fireballs, or shells that can fly at several times the speed of sound, they cannot leave scars on this generation of goblin chariots. As the wood of the magic tree of the underworld fairy body, it is also resistant to negative energy.

(to be continued)